stumpy donut
(id: 636719424367493131)
27 Apr 2020 23:28
Requesting Colorado channel
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Please read the pinned message and use the other channels for discussion.
Requesting Colorado channel
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Question for the guys who literally just joined Did you land in the general channel or welcome?
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Something Heltor is trying to set up, so everyone sees the rules first
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Okay so apparently I fucked that up.
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Homebrew did you land in General or the Welcome page?
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Bro can’t you just rename general as welcome and welcome as general
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Ik it sounds stupid but will it work
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Yes but I dont think I can make peoples see rules and such when they land.
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The rules are pretty basic and required in the telegram and other discord. If someone violates it that’s on them
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I'm glad to see people using the state channels.
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Check out the other discord and telegram I posted in the comms. Recommend everyone get interconnected.
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I just got telegram how do I join
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Hold up
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Awful central Il here
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Welcome everyone!
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Yo admin can you add an IL text channel
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Howdy y’all autists
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Is this where I can snort Colombian sugar in my mankini
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Only if your AR-15 is equiped.
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No judgment here
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You bring enough for the whole class?
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I brought enough mankinis for it to be the new version of the ASU
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Took my ar10 pistol for its inaugural run Saturday
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Everyone please remember we have a Coms, Armory, and Intel channels allsetup! !
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Share information and share ideas, engage with the community! It's how we grow stronger together!
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Welcome everyone!
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Where is Comms located? I might know a thing or two.
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Lol "3_inches_is_average just slid into the server."
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Please check in at your state channel! If one is not available for your state please let me know and I will make one!
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You should see coms in the channels tab!
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> Where is Comms located? I might know a thing or two. @[VA] JediComms Because you've seen a thing or two?
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@Jedicoms it should be Boojiebastards on the coms under text channel.
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Are we replacing the old discord or something?
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@OverdueGore I know lol perfect
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@TerriusBerrius this is not my intention I'm simply establishing a place for people to communicate as and share ideas.
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Make a Utah group please
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Solid solid man
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No coms for Wyoming but then again most guys in my state are ready for the boog
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I gotcha
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Wyoming state channel has been made.
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Could you make a new Jersey channel
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Thanks king
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Absolutely. Working on New Jersey channel.
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Missouri would be great too. Thanks for making the discord. This will be awesome
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You should also make an SOS channel
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An almost red flag alert type channel to just @ everyone
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On slow mode, that way if some fuckery happens we can at least know what’s going on
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Yeah exactly. We’ve got that setup in another group I’m part of, it doesn’t hurt to have.
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New jersey is done
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All at the bottom of channel list boys
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Just @ me when you need another.
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Missouri is done
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Thank you @INNATRUCK
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> @[VA] JediComms Because you've seen a thing or two? @OverdueGore That too, my friend.
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> @Jedicoms it should be Boojiebastards on the coms under text channel. @Anonymoose I found it, thanks for the assist as well.
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Would it maybe be better to do regional channels instead of state ones, not break everyone up so much?
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