(id: 219990860127928320)
28 Apr 2020 01:07
Message permalink: 704498985204842609
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Please read the pinned message and use the other channels for discussion.
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Fuck you
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Welcome guys.
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Sup brother. Appreciate the invite
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Feel free to browse channels, please check into your local state if you would like too.
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Yes sir of course.
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Discord new to me so gonna take some time to acquaint.
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Start by hitting the three lines in the top left hand screen
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Just glad to see the movement is taking advantage of alternative vessels
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Scroll through some channels and enjoy.
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Ty brother
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Physco please keep stuff like that limited to the memes channel please. Were trying to keep general chat from being clogged.
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Whats up, heathens?
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Sup brother. Welcome to the server.
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@canuck-boi *One of us One of us*
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Hey guys, glad you joined us.
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Feel free to scroll through the channels and explore the server.
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Meowdy, y'all
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I like pizza
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None of that Hawaiian shit tho
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As a Canadian I apologize for unleashing it upon an unsuspecting world.
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Some people live long enough to see themself become the villain lol
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Welcome bud
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Pineapple goes on pizza. You're just upset because your taste buds aren't distinct enough.
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Feel free to explore the channels, if you want we have state channels set up if you would like to check in and link up with your locals
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Yes sir. Already dropped in for Idaho
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Awesome man, enjoy yourself and if you have any questions or issues feel free to message me anytime.
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Sounds good. I'm assuming the Armory is for showing off toys?
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Waddup bitches
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What's up man
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Kato daddy, 🤣🤣
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Welcome to the server, feel free to check in at your local state and network a bit. Also multiple channels set up for information distribution and general conversation.
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Sup @Kato
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Your page is great
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Ah thanks boo.
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Hey new guys check in with your state, every states got it’s own channel!
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*when I hold an AK in my hands....*
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Do we have az channel yet
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> *when I hold an AK in my hands....* @INNATRUCK #do doves cry
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*I get feels I don't understand, man*
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*feels like pop pop And chop chop*
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We need a boog music playlist channel
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That's actually not a terrible idea. I'll take it up with upper management
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How do I shut this app up. I'm getting notifications from every single state and category.
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You can mute notifications
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Found it thanks. So I have to mute each one I don't want to be blasted with haha
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Select the channel > notifications.
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Thanks bud. Just sorted it. And the notification over ride for the ones I want to go though. Appreciate the help. Never used this thing before haha
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Just figuring it out myself.
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Welcome, all.
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Find your respective state, all 50 have a channel except for Hawaii and check in
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Me no like new tech. Me not comfortable with new. Me gonna need time to adjust to this
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