(id: 239601910527557632)
28 Apr 2020 04:51
Message permalink: 704555437277708309
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Please read the pinned message and use the other channels for discussion.
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It is?
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Just seems like a lot of info and different topic channels right off jump, but still in the same wheelhouse
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It's been a busy night getting it set up
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I've been helping the head honcho since like 7 or 8
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I'm a fan of this.
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That’s what up man
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It has been sheer fucking chaos to be honest. Glad I had someone backing me up and helping me get everything in order.
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Well y’all seem like you got it figured pretty good
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I'm glad that you guys have found everything to be up to par and we hope to continue doing so. My goal is to have 500 or so active members by the time the week is over so we can work on forming our own community.
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Some feedback, if you're willing to take it: might be worth setting up an announcements channel. Should be able to lock out everyone except admins from posting.
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Recruitment is just hard right now with everything going on.
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Yeah, we were kinda talking about that earlier
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The issue I'm having is trying to do all of this from a phone. I'm used to setting up servers and doing tech stuff on a PC that I dont have anymore so it makes it extremely difficult.
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I'm still toying with everything and figuring out how to do what I want on the app version.
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Joined the server.
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Welcome man!
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Thanks king
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Feel free to browse around and check everything out, we have all the states channels set up for coordination in the future.
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I would encourage you to check in if you so choose.
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Also great profile pic.
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@Anonymoose your over 200 now, I doubt you’ll have any problems hittin 500 by the weeks end
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As long as we can keep the momentum. We really need members help in getting the word out that we are here and willing to help people.
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We wont organize them because of security sake but we can give them the basic communications, tools, and guidance they need to organize themselves locally. And any other info that may come along with that.
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Great point. Not certain everyone understands that none of this will be coordinated by any type of command structure when it kicks off. Feel like people are expecting to be told what to do.
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This dude has to die.
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@Anonymoose Digging the group already. I’m borderline retarded on discord but working on figuring it out
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@cj_notjfk Appreciate it bud, I promise it gets easier you just have to kind of work with it for a bit.
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Welcome man!
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Explore the server and feel free to message me about any questions or concerns you guys may have!
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Lots of good information packed throughout the channels.
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I'll do my best to figure it out. Haven't had a reason to use discord until all this stuff
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Understood sir, need any help just @ me
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Welcome bud.
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Looked at the channels, is there one for propaganda? Or is memes supposed to cover that entire category?
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Erm. Memes are just for the memes.
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I guess I'm missing what your trying to get at.
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Like a PR type thing?
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@Anonymoose Public relations, advertising, opinion swaying, yeah.
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I haven't really quite gotten there yet.
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I suppose that's what the meme section would be for.
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@Anonymoose it's just the meme section is just that, memes. No serious discussions on the precise topics I described.
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I understand, I'm going to be honest I just got this going and I am doing the basics right now.
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Give me a bit and I'll try to get something going.
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There are borthers in other boog cords working on PR right now. @Anonymoose it might be worth it to set the channel up now so if they come up with some stuff in the next few hours we have a place
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These are from a militia in VA I think. Good stuff to start though
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Understood man, in just nuked guys. Been up since 6 a.m. and I'm about toasted.
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Let me get that up for yall.
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@Anonymoose no it's not a problem like that, just want to make sure that that niche hasn't been overlooked. It's something I've seen lacking on fb except that pamphlet, so I was curious if a dedicated group was in the works.
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Bruh just snort another freedom bump
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Dont have the money for that kind of shit lmao. Corona is a bitch.
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On a serious note though, this is a helluva job for one day
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Thanks man I really do appreciate it.
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My girlfriend thought I was like ignoring her and I was trying to explain to her what I have been doing all day lmao.
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Yeah man , even getting this many people with the same mind set talking is awesome
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The PR channel is setup.
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@[MI] JVBaker
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@Anonymoose sweet, I appreciate the efforts. Linked my local boogers here
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@[MI] JVBaker Much appreciated man that really does mean a ton!
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If there is any more suggestions I'm always open to here them but I can promise they will happen.
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I have faith in this here, what you set up. Maybe a marketplace channel
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@Anonymoose might be worth setting up a suggestion channel so you can get some shuteye
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@Anonymoose Page is fucking badass and especially for one days work.
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How’s it going, glad we’re moving from zuccbook
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Possibly. Idk, I still have nicotine and caffeine in the fridge. But man my body doesnt handle all nighter as well as it used too lmao.
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@Slur38 Welcome man!
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Feel free to check out some of the channels and check in with your local state.
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@PandaMedic (友好的熊猫) Appreciate that bud
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Welcome man!
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Welcome guys!
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oie lads
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ty for inv kato
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Feel free to explore the discord channels and such. We do have all state channels set up so feel free to check in with them if you so choose.
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If you have any questions or concerns just @ me or any admin and we will be glad to help if possible.
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Ty for invitd
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Welcome guys!
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Feel free to browse the server channels and say hi to your local state channel.
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If you have any questions just let me know.
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Welcome guys.
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Enjoy the server
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