(id: 124378878192910336)
13 Feb 2021 01:35
fast undie dancing on aflive rn
Message permalink: 809960840248819712
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
fast undie dancing on aflive rn
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he said he's not going to talk about it
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He enjoyed the privilege of being a Groyper General, one of the highest-ranking Groypers in the movement, but failed to lead as a result of being too risk-averse.
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yo the site looks nice
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he just got done talking about it go rewatch his stream
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af works on chrome now for me
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yeah they're testing it out
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and you can inspect the code now too lol
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i can chromecast it to my tv now
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so I've been messing around with it
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Trump was onto something with the Diet Coke button but Communist Joe took it away
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lol good one
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china joe has got to go!
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yo it works on mobile now tooo
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:jadenlfg: :jadenlfg: :jadenlfg:
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Lmfao yeah this
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Lmao Kyle
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That’s a follow from me
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dopamine points
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I found Emj before I found Af
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Emj is the only person that I trust in as much as Nick
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epic social media high
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AF on a Friday night is one of the best things in the world.
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Hey Jaden
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how'd you sleep
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hey Jaden
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long snooze
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Gm Jaden
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like 8 hours, normal length
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i woke up at the time when he went to sleep this morning lmao
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woah, its late bud
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is the lobby open for anyone
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stream ended for me, lobby was up a moment ago
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good morning jaden!
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just refresh
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its back for me
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it is back
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its back
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starting to download my editing softwares, might come back to twitter
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can it not handle the traffic rn? Should we just join other watch parties instead
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dude holy shit it finally works for me, o7 Nick
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whats goin down in vc?
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nothing really
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I can finally watch it in a seperate window
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you said ^
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so I just joined vc lol
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oh lol
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im white
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I was just wondering bc the traffic was too much the first time and theyre using a new platform
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>now that its members sense that their trump gravy train
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*jake lloyd wants to know your location*
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trump gravy train makes its first stop in texas
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runs out of gravy within five hours
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suspect still at large
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"we dont know where it went, we left it unattended over night and when we came back there wasnt a single drop left"
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must have been antifa
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America First!
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so no o7 button eh
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good evening
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woah what's up with the tie? thought it was casual Friday
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Good evening!
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you're right
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im scared wheres the o7 button
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im so betrayed, this dude has a tie on
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fuck Nick, unforgivable, no neckties on fridays
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fuck im so stressed out
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its furious friday
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And they say Pat is the traitor? lmao okay
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pat didn't wear a tie on his show today, he wants to be nick so bad
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not casual tonight
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"I'm not feeling very casual tonight"
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