The Director
(id: 468575001633751040)
22 May 2020 02:45

Yeah you can
Message permalink: 713221092881465386
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Yeah you can
Message permalink: 713221092881465386
When the town meth head walks down the street, naked and with the pipe in his mouth.
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Not the kind of money you can make in an oilfield town with it.
Message permalink: 713221274528251945
Meth is a poor person's drug, and it'll fuck you up fast. I've had family die from it, and neighbors get busted for having meth labs in their houses with kids. Say what you will about the war on drugs, but don't make that shit around kids, the air and house gets contaminated and hurts them
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Bro, there’s meth dealers all around America
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Fucking Barry the Basehead
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War on drugs should just be done with. Legalize everything. Cant do hard shit if your responsible for kids.
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If you havent seen this you need too.
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Hell legalizing it would probably make it less likely that it's made around kids
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Instead of spending money on killing users use it on education and shit
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We all know the DEA is just a means of seizing drugs so the politicians can get high asf.
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It shows you what injecting marijuana does to you guys.
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Damn bob
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I was aboutta join voice
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Fuck me than I guess right
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People on adderall and vyvanse who are addicted are pretty indistinguishable from people on meth but at least the pills to contaminate the fuckin air
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Let me piss real quick and imma be on voice
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We all know that Federal Cops are just speds
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Well adderall is almost chemically identical to common meth
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Yeah it is the same. It just doesn't hit as fast
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I've done both lol
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I can say they are not different
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They are.
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And ask my brother.
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I would know.
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C9H13N C10H15N Like damn, almost exactly the same
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Not when you do enough adderall
Message permalink: 713222676134494309
Yeah you would. You fucking sped
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Trust me. It's completely different.
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Not really
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granted changing so much as one atom can completely change a compound but
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Adderall is a refined state of mind, dope is just chaos and madness. Paranoia depending on your mental state.
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Who needs compounds? Just get some cold medicine.
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one's an amphetamine and the other is a methamphetamine
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Take 200 mg of instant release adderall to the some and compare it to hitting the pipe
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Same feeling
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I can, I have done both.
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Don't do that actually
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Everyone join voice
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We party in 7 minutes
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in a min
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I used to eat about 150mg to start my day and then drank a bang on top of it to wash em down.
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Remember kids, school doesn’t pay but drugs fucking do
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I'd love to, but I'm working
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Yeah for the feds
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@The Director get in now.
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Yeah, your point?
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He’s not a red coat
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I think
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I nearly fuckin died when i was 15 from eating over 1000mg of vyvanse. It was big dumb. I was in the hospital for like a week.
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I'm not a red coat in the slightest
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But a Fed, I might be
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The shit oklahoma did with pot kinda makes me laugh. *Legalizes medical pot* *People start getting cards* *Adds 7% excise tax on top of the 4.5% state sales tax* *Black market immediately reopens*
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and county tax... and city tax...
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IL legalised pot and tried to charge $100/g
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Message permalink: 713223806105157703
They had to lower it
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Message permalink: 713227807131435059
love the pic man haha
Message permalink: 713231723990876192
That's amazing
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Well my college called and told me that fall classes will all be held online with very few lab exceptions
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Whispers of Spring 2021 semester doing the same
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Message permalink: 713235889073029141
that's shit
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F in the chat wasnt paying attention on a PvP world and someone just kept using bind on me
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That's been posted 100x stop
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Also the consensus is that it's fake?
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Somehwere I saw a guy said it looked legit...someone that would know
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Idfk. Does it matter
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But who knows
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Its incredibly embarrassing if that is real
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lol who cares
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It may be real.
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It may be fake
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It may be paper...🤔
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Likely words...😳
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looks like photoshop
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like what person has that quality of phone nowadays??
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Wouldn't the heading have A|T|F|E on it, not just the 3 letters?
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Let me find a real letter where peeps have inquired about legality
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This looks more like something they would pass around the office
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Message permalink: 713245470180507698
This is in regards to a pistol brace. Has the entire name on the heading.
Message permalink: 713245546386817105
Off Maxim's website
Message permalink: 713245612979650611
So I learned the average coyote is like 20 pounds. The Eastern Coyote apparently are bigger and that's why I've seen them hunting deer. I thought they were all around 50 pounds.
Message permalink: 713252690381111386
Nah, the average coyote is about the size of a medium size dog, 50 lbs would be a big one.
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