Abe Clark
(id: 705513698999140464)
29 May 2020 11:50

Thank you Crye
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Thank you Crye
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Good morning
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Morning last night shit got real
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Today is going to be scary
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Excellent PR work
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Gonna delete the LE Rioter memes
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Is there gonna be another round of protests?
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Don’t want to spread unconfirmed shit
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Are the riots dying down or will there be another wave of protests
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> Don’t want to spread unconfirmed shit @Abe Clark roger my bad tony
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All good brother
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Remember, we gotta be on our best behavior. We have a visitor lol
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It’s a shit show. @Pat.Henry I would not feel comfortable sending men in there
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It’s going to explode at any time
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And not in a good way
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@canuck-boi I do honestly think that the “boog bois are just there to hurt POC” rhetoric is *very* purposeful propaganda and misinformation to hurt our cause, and theirs
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Man war is a shit show. Is that always gonna be an excuse?
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This stoped being out right the first time they looted stores
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Nope. They started looting stores. That isn’t our message
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Then join the people looting and burning the police station
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Yeah no
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There is never going to be a conflict that’s cleanly done. Even if we went in with a careful plan, when the police got distracted, people will loot. It will *never* not happen
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What if the patriots thought this much about the Boston Massacre? They saw Americans died and boom they were pissed
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I’m not telling you not to g
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I’m telling you we aren’t purposefully sending people there
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There has never been a conflict without looting. Shits not real
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We have a man there providing medical assistance
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If you want to go, go
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@Pat.Henry i mean there was like a little bit more to it lmao
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I’m not asking why we’re not sending units
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I’m asking why the bois that live nearby aren’t at these riots?
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No plan survives first contact with the enemy unfortunately this was an enevitability of the ice house truly was built
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They were damn sure protesting the lockdown and masks
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It’s a powder keg. They don’t want to get involved in something that doesn’t support our movement
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This is a shitload of bad PR if someone there is associated with this
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These guys just looted and burned down a whole police precinct!! That’s more “fuck the government” then any of us can dream of
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Up until 10:30 last night they only cared about looting stores
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I don’t agree with looting small businesses but a target?? You’re really mad about that? That’s a pen mark on their balance sheet
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Listen, I’m not saying they’re right or wrong here. I’m simply saying that we don’t have to type of reach to ensure we have a large presence there. I understand your concerns and I feel them too
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Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot we can do at the moment
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And i do apologize for that, if I was closer, I would there every night after work
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I understand that as well. Just hate sitting here waiting for the “perfect cause”
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Rioters did capture a city last night
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Me too. Way to far up in New England
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They’re doing some good shit up there. Of course we got bad apples doing their own thing for personal gain. But theirs some Americans out there fighting for something more and doing a pretty damn good job
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Tonight will not be nearly as bad as last night I think.
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Well see. Will also depend on police response. Expect to see other cities reach extensive protests as wel
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I want to say where going to see more than 10 protest/riots tonight
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I hope to see them grow. I’m hoping some bigger cities on the East Cost start moving. I’ll be there as fast as I can
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NYC tried last night
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None will be near as crazy as last night
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I would love to, I heard mention of NC and SC over scanners last night but unfortunately nothing significant
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Did not go well for them.
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Boston hasn’t flinched. Everyone too afraid of the blue line here
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@Pat.Henry if philly Starts I’ll meet you there
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North East police forces are generally better led and has more experience in dealing with large crowds/crowd control
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I mean, Experience with certain types of crowds. Both us and antifa types have learned by watching Hong Kong, etc
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Sounds good @Crye Salesman
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I agree. Hong Kong has been doing amazing things. We all need to study their tactics
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I'm hearing rumors that the cop who instigated the riot by bussing up autozone is a ptoud boy from a dance party group does anyone have confirmation of that. If it's true that's gonna real hurt our image
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Imagine if the protesters captured a university like hong kong
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Universit Ave
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Can’t be a cop and a b-boi lmao
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@Landfill that would be really bad if he has any affiliation. But with how much we hate the police I find that hard to believe. That’s not saying the public won’t believe it though
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The battle for the University back in the day was something else
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@Landfill we are not affiliated with the dance party group
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He can claim to be who ever he wants bro, whether we think he "one of us" is immaterial at this point.
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We are our own separate organization
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Police failed to dedicate enough manpower to control the crowds last night. It was like watching a bear being taken down by a swarm of flies. They pushed the crowd where ever they went at first. As time went on their efforts became less energetic, coordinated, and they ran out it less lethal. Crowd wore them down.
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Also we are talking to the reporter that wrote that article
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Dance party just a lump everyone in kinda thing
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And showing him who we really are
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We are from it no doubt. But that group hasn’t done anything productive
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I mean it would be good on us to say “we don’t allow LE in our groups, this claim is an attempt by LE to use us as a false flag”
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Yes but we need to get that message out to the general public
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And we are actually on a mission to make some real change. That isn’t going to happen if we are labeled as a part of that group.
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I'm just saying it's more then it's under the ice house and if this dude claims to be in it, that's a bad look for the movement as a whole
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Is Ohio still happing
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That group has be labeled with certain stigma that just isn’t irreversible
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I agree with you
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But that is why we are trying so damn hard to show that we are better than that
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I know man yesterday changed alot of things in alot of ways
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A lot goes on behind the scenes here. I know that admins and mods are actively doing what we can to reach out to certain people to help our cause
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And we honestly owe it to you guys. This community has really banned together and followed rules. Been positive. Tried to get rid of the labels. For the most part.
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@GRANITE I'm not questioning your guys work, i can see you guys are about it, just passing on what I'm hearing to you all.
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Getting our message out only works if it reaches enough people to counter those using their propaganda against our cause
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I hear ya man. I’m not specifically talking towards you. Just putting it out there for whoever may be seeing this
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Yup and that’s what we are doing on a daily basis.
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If you guys haven’t seen. We gained over 100 members each day since the protests started
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That’s pretty damn awesome
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I'm one of the newbies
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Welcome man!
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Go head over to the roles channel
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Well new here. And thanks!
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Click on your state. And check in the states channel
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