(id: 188041857773731841)
28 May 2020 19:54

alright can you all stop posting balls im at work
Message permalink: 715654285685293066
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
alright can you all stop posting balls im at work
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Is that a bullpup
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who pinged
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Guys, no more balls. This is a SFW chat
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Yeah fuck off with the testies I wanna see the tendies
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Guys you're feeding the Testicle recognition software, fools
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It's a calico
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> Is that a bullpup @Thecoolnerd98 Calico
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Dm me or @[LA] DavidKoresh if you want to join a private server where we ACTUALLY FUCKING VET
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oh balls
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Send tendies
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Do you keep your poop knife in the piss drawer? Inquiring minds wanna know
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I also want tendies
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Benjamin Teeter you have been doxxed if you are in the server
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@gothicancientalien define vet
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Seconding the tendies convo
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Chiccy tendies or you're a FED
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Jordan Greene
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Jordan Greene
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Poop knife goes in piss drawer next to crusty socks
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Everyone stop typing rn
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Third the trendies
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Jordan Greene
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Quit with the balls
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A vet is an animal doctor
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First warning
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Stop the bullshit
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Slow mode initiated
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Yes dad
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>doesn't like balls ok fed sympathizer
Message permalink: 715654769808769104
That article was ok till they used antifa and adl as sources.
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So are we leaving this group now and if so how are we gonna get something else going without putting the same leak back in
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STOP or we just mute the chat.
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Nah dont leave the group.
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> So are we leaving this group now and if so how are we gonna get something else going without putting the same leak back in @johnathan32z it’s impossible
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You should just do what every gun channel I'm in does
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Dont post illegal shit and were good.
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We are not leaving, this server was always open source. Nothing illegal happens, and we're going to stay.
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Yeah. No more tac sponges
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Using discord for anything opsec related is absolutely pants on head
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This server is clean, should be safe.
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Everyone hide your full semi autos
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What was leaked, at work
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they want to slander us to make us look bad but we can tolerate it
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article says jimmydean338 squealed....
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No way.
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What article
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jimmy dean was down there at the protest right?>
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@BigRed1 just that the ledbetter disc exist.
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>nothing illegal happens Do I have to report the $3 cash tip Mrs. Jones gave .e for helping carry her groceries in, or can I commit tax fraud on that?
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That is false information @HutsNuts
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It's possible they snatched and grabbed him and took his phone. He had an interview with them today at 0900
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Hey everyone I just joined because I heard there were free ball pics. Am I in the right place?
Message permalink: 715655300958388336
To the reporter I have something serious for you to see, I’d like for everyone to let this be shown. We are not far right, we are not far left. We are your neighbors. Your veterans. Your firefighters. We are sick of the overreaching, over stepping government. We are sick of the police militarization, it’s blatant disregard for its communities. We don’t condone these riots, we promote the protests against MPD for the murder they have committed.
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Pin that shit @The Director
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Honestly the reporter fucking nailed it
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Pinned a message.
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@Anonymoose. Can you put the article link in again the shit storm of comments washed it to far up stream to find.
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So dose anyone have a link to this article ?
Message permalink: 715655701283733544
Local group is planning PR for the Seattle protest this Saturday, any advice @The Director ?
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Whats this aboit a mole?
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That link disappeared faster than Rosie O'Donald sitting on a dildo
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Lol CiViL wAr
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is there a link to the article? edit: sorry the chat was moving so fast i didnt even get to the bottom
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Not it
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That's the article
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I wanna see the guy in the Hawaiian style shirt
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Everyone please clear this chat for now. Thank you
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You got it
Message permalink: 715657135031189601
Okay, I skimmed through the article, and it's not necessarily all bad. There's actually a fair bit of quotes through it, though yes, compromised... It doesn't paint us as that bad, though they could have done better. It would appear though, that Antifa leaders don't like us and think we're using Minneapolis as a way to bring movement up.
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“I think for a lot of boogaloo-ers, their primary interest is resisting the state, what they believe to be state tyranny,” said Alex Friedfeld, an investigative researcher at the ADL Center on Extremism in Chicago. “They have this hostility towards law enforcement…. They oppose these [pandemic] directives. They’re upset about no-knock raids, police brutality. The George Floyd case — this is an example of police brutality, this willingness of the state to execute those who disobey — so it’s not surprising that they showed up to protest.”
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Antifascist Twitter accounts on Wednesday issued a steady stream of stern warnings against making common cause with boogaloo. “It’s a right-wing thing; it’s a neo-fascist thing,” said Daryle Lamont Jenkins, a veteran antifascist organizer based in New Jersey, in a Twitter video. “And they’re trying to use what’s happening in Minneapolis as a jump-off. Do not let them. They are not our friends.”
Message permalink: 715657621407006821
I would like to reiterate, we aren’t there to start anything. We’re here to promote the protests against the MPD for what they have done. We don’t give a flying fuck what color, background anything someone is. Police Brutality is Police Brutality and will not be tolerated.
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Fuck the politics behind it.
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We are watching, motherfuckers.
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Are we purging newbies?
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there getting there facts from antifa there fucking idiots. there really scared of us if they got to do a smear campaign for us
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Pinned a message.
Message permalink: 715658119551647884
The white lefties scared of non lefties being freinds with black folk. Got to keep the monopoly. Article was ok but so much far left opinion pieces from fake authorities in subects trying to set a nartitive.
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One question, how is going against a tyrannical govt considered fascist? Lmao
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Doesn't look like Jimmy is the issue. Looks like someone did a screenshot.
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Several dents in your head will lead you to that conclusion
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If anyone knows of a Dillon Goad, dissasociate yourself from them.
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Hunting down jordan greens discords
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But how did they know where it came from?
Message permalink: 715658757614338059
Just another of instance of dont do illegal shit. 🤷‍♂️
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Would not show server name unless that was also provided in screenshot.
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So after reading the article, your leak was already established here.. jimmydean didn't squeal
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