(id: 205492937423978496)
01 Jun 2020 18:05
Message permalink: 717076326640779364
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Message permalink: 717076326640779364
As long as it ain't about my cars fucking warranty I'm good
Message permalink: 717076518513148017
"We hold these truths to be self-evident: all men are created equal, they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights...That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it."
Message permalink: 717078318356103178
Canada already had a riot and looting.
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Black block
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40mm to the face from point blank
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Anyone aware if this is true?
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Fake news
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I don’t see any Hawaiian shirt wearing chads
Message permalink: 717082499389587576
We know it’s fake. But the media and normies will believe anything they are told
Message permalink: 717083748432216065
Why would we burn it down all our spooky ghost gun parts were in there
Message permalink: 717083840304250950
I gotcha, I just wanted to make sure that it's legit fake before I comment on it
Message permalink: 717083997980852345
Has there been much indication on hat groups are actually perpetuating the looting and destruction?
Message permalink: 717084288306249758
@T0G the news is obviously fake. The person spreading it more than likely 100% believes the lie there saying or is willfully spreading false information
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Well yea ANTIFA
Message permalink: 717084431227158548
There the only “hate group” with evidence of starting anything
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We have to be sharing our counterpropaganda
Message permalink: 717085540989796413
Social media is a powerful tool
Message permalink: 717085610220716033
Gotcha yeah. It's just a big ol list of "white nationalist" shit. All saying white out of towners are showing up to loot and burn shit. I could see KKK or some asshats like that, but the race baiting is hard as fuck in that post. Cant say for sure how it is now, but watching the looting occur on camera at Minneapolis, it was definitely a mixed crowd around there
Message permalink: 717086484397555722
Anyone wearing white robes going to that protest would have to be all balls and no brains. For the record, he sould be hung from a tree by saud balls
Message permalink: 717086779504853052
KKK wouldnt show up because no one is that stupid. There was reports but not verified. If they did show up it would be unable to tell.
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I'd doubt that they'd be dumb enough to roll up in the robes
Message permalink: 717087000838275153
Considering thier position I do not doubt thier ability to be that fukin stupid
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Is anybody in here in SD
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Me and 3 other boys are going to the riot tonight in Rapid City, SD to protect our friends houses.
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Heil hydra
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errybody in the gov cryin wolf rn
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The news is really bad at getting original footage, so they scour instagram and facebook. Who knew that fb and insta were bad sources of reliable info?
Message permalink: 717093757689790575
Its been reliable so far with supplying exidence and proof.
Message permalink: 717094517106409502
This is a firesale everything’s go to go
Message permalink: 717103776787595347
quick question, how does one become verified?
Message permalink: 717105326750433361
I think y’all have to meet up with a local group or something
Message permalink: 717105571840524288
ahh gotcha, i was kicked from this group before, probably for inactivity?
Message permalink: 717105669903220857
Good question
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I think maybe admins have had thier hands full
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i went to check my groups that i have in a folder for this stuff and it wasn't there so i wanted to get reverified, but i'll figure it out thanks 🙂
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Prob from not taking a state role
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Talk to @Anonymoose
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Verified is when a face to face meeting occurs.
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Do ViDeO cAlLs CoUnT
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Well with all this insanity that shouldn't be too difficult huh
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@Anonymoose @BugsyBaldwin can verify me as I can verify him know him over 20 years
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we're getting it figured out
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Does anybody have ANY info on events in Washington DC? Everyone I talk to is seeing nothing, blackout city. We really need intel on what’s happening there. That fight will be vital. Anyone have any bois there?
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There's a good bit of fake news surrounding dc, but it's difficult to tell. Various media sources are saying the exact same thing to the letter, and claiming all the images are fake.
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inform him about us.
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"Update from friends in 1st brigade. They’re getting sent to DC, the Green Corvette came through and they’ll be boarding planes to go there soon." 2nd hand info unverified
Message permalink: 717126576751509595
Remember when we used to say "good morning" to each other instead of "what did I miss?" those were the fuckin days
Message permalink: 717131743328731236
John Burk is a fuck
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@SailorChucks I'm not sure who he is but why do you say that?
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He's an ex DS
Message permalink: 717133565569138688
He rants about how flag burning shouldn't be legal
Message permalink: 717133632560562247
Also procop anti 2A iirc
Message permalink: 717133684662075412
I dont think people should be burning shit or littering in public areas. If it a designated burn area then let em. Fine their ass for litering if they dont clean it up when done
Message permalink: 717136337408622612
> Remember when we used to say "good morning" to each other instead of "what did I miss?" those were the fuckin days @Dean Winchester You mad lad. You said the thing
Message permalink: 717139528615460887
@Dean Winchester
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@DirtyBird fuckin awesome
Message permalink: 717140123220705360
Im sure most here have already seen this, but this is for those that have not, i just wanted to make sure that everyone possible knows, i wont post here because of slowmode, but dm me if you want to see proof tieing trump to 1.) Sex trafficking 2.) Epsteins death and 3.) Pedophilia
Message permalink: 717143229388161115
@❀ÑękøThEĐrägøñ❀ ~Åłęxîș where's our resident reporter, I'm sure he can write an article of it
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Dm me and i will give you all that i have for you to send to him
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I don't know who he is, i just remember talk of a reporter in here
Message permalink: 717148969410494546
From the National institute of health about the pandemic. Nothing about a virus or contagion. Just about stress and fear which is being created and perpetuated by the powers that be.
Message permalink: 717151809327726612
@John Public is that an official declaration in the #✍original-writing . If so that's absolutely amazing bro!!!
Message permalink: 717154592885833779
Starts at the 32:00 minute mark. The declaration of the Insurrection Act is at 35:00 minutes.
Message permalink: 717155874904211563
@Landfill nothing official but I do love trying to write like it has real meaning. I never pictured the founders scribbling things like " and the people can say whatever and they get guns and no more troops in our houses ffs" lmao
Message permalink: 717156337200398416
Madison just wrote the new constitution what a historical moment. I'm excited.
Message permalink: 717156776838955119
@John Public as i said up there is a very well written and clear document. I approve, as I'm sure most Americans would
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@Dean Winchester we are finally coming together as one!!!!
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@Landfill just so we're clear I wrote that as a private citizen. Not as admin or speaking for any group I belong to. But I appreciate the props
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The big question is.... Did we all just become targets?
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@Sparky McLovin we become targets when trump announced antifa to be terrorists, we'll be lumped into that same barrel
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Time to disappear :hazmat:
Message permalink: 717158828512116738
Oh wait... We cant.... Because.... :) is that... A national 7pm curfew i see
Message permalink: 717159140627185745
Not national dc
Message permalink: 717159897510314006
Thank fuck however.... There are still curfews across the US
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Well, I think we just past spicy and found a new level
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40 cities had a curfew Sunday night
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Is this level called "Hot potato"
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@FuckinFuckREEEEEEEEEE yes that's the name
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@❀ÑękøThEĐrägøñ❀ ~Åłęxîș we have this information, it’s not needed at this time. Thank you
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They be hot potatoing the blame all the fuck over us soon
Message permalink: 717160244580581376
It's already happening. FL gov mentioned the can't say word
Message permalink: 717160573321740308
Left wants to reference us. Right wants to place the blame were it belongs on antifa
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@Dean Winchester this might be a hot take here but what if the shit that gives us bad publicity gives them vad publicity also?
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You're absolutely right. The thing I'm worried about the most is antifa being so easily labeled a t group. They could easily say that other groups are as well. Thanks to the patriot act that means no due process and indefinite detainment.
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insurrection act invoked
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