Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 17:30
> I had to quit drinking dudes, shit makes me sicker than hell
@SailorChucks pls don’t drink dudes
Roma Victor (id: 188104565659402240)
31 May 2020 17:31
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 17:31
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 17:33
Remnant (id: 555965901040517120)
31 May 2020 17:33
Aka why having a firearm is better than a cold steel katana
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 17:33
@Anonymoose didn’t that dude die
Roma Victor (id: 188104565659402240)
31 May 2020 17:33
Last report was he was in the hospital in critical condition
flyingwolf (id: 343028896590987265)
31 May 2020 17:33
he didnt have the power of god and anime on his side
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 17:34
Im waiting for leftist when they say no one needs a "30 round high capacity assaults clip"
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:35
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 17:35
like dude gets jumped by a dozen or more looters
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:35
that crowd has been reaaaal fuckin quiet the past few days...
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 17:35
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 17:36
Maybe we should just stop talking about that incident as if we know exactly what happened
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:38
“There’s something happening here, what it is ain’t exactly clear”
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:39
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:39
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:39
It’s a song lyric dad don’t yell at me
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:39
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:40
yeah i know and now that one line is stuck in my head, whats the name of the song
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:40
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:40
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:40
Whsts that sound everybody knows whats going down
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:40
thats one of my favorite songs how the fuck did i forget that
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:41
TacticalBeard (id: 188364925398286336)
31 May 2020 17:41
TacticalBeard (id: 188364925398286336)
31 May 2020 17:41
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:41
Ones mans terrorist is another mans freedom fighter
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:41
Yeah say that. Trying to make someone happy im guessing
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:42
@HalfACigarette not antifa. Theyre just losers and violent asshats
TacticalBeard (id: 188364925398286336)
31 May 2020 17:42
The article is also trying to blame B**G aswell even tho none of us rioted
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:42
honestly at this point i want him to involve the federal military
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:42
like, fuck it. just toss some marines in there let it get real spicy i want to see what happens next
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:42
That’s tru, ANTIFA been using BLM as a shield for too long
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 17:43
They finna say all the same stuff about us
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:43
@Bender I gotta get out to UT and see what the hell is up with y'all WANTING this. I only ever want to be left the fuck alone.
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:43
there's 2 suns and no women WHAT ARE WE SUPPOSED TO DO
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:43
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:44
Now we wait and see if we can survive the times
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:44
@Bender is your tag a futurama reference?
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:44
i want to be left alone but more than that, i love watching the government fucking around and finding out
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:45
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:45
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:46
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 17:46
I have a futurama tattoo with an obsure quote fron the neutral planet on it
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:46
i have no strong feelings one way or the other
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:46
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:47
despite everything humanity has been through since that video was uploaded: war, famine, drought, riots, civil unrests, a pandemic... it still remains neutral in the votes
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:47
the internets law: the ratings on the neutral response video will never have any strong feelings one way or the other
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:51
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:51
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:52
flyingwolf (id: 343028896590987265)
31 May 2020 17:54
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:55
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:55
every time i click this tab
Dean Winchester (id: 704457668265377943)
31 May 2020 17:55 this is fuckin Powerful stuff
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:55
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 17:57
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:58
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 17:59
Crye Salesman (id: 368359599889186818)
31 May 2020 18:00
I mean that was a real thing, also in Charlottesville, VA. deadass KKK hoods and swatsitkas. Gun people where silent about it, but antifa rode against them
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:00
....I don’t know if I can stay home if Nazis and shit start running around
[IL] JFeezy (id: 705524095210618963)
31 May 2020 18:05
Fuck em both. Having kids I think if I saw the 2 clashing I'm going to view both of those groups as a threat.
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:05
Holy shit the Mandalorian joined the protests
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:06
This is the way
Bender (id: 188041857773731841)
31 May 2020 18:06
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:07
Dean Winchester (id: 704457668265377943)
31 May 2020 18:07 baaabby killdozer doo doo doo doo
canuck-boi (id: 704503279610232922)
31 May 2020 18:07
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:09
jeeptowel (id: 715041504820854796)
31 May 2020 18:12
@HalfACigarette As an infantry vet can confirm! We held the Coast Guard in higher regard than MPs
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:13
As someone who drank with infantry, yeah I bet.
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:14
He had a whole fishbowl on the dance floor drinking out of it like a cup
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 18:19
@Bender @HalfACigarette
Actually ita
"Live free or don't"
From the Capitol building
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 18:19
Good lines tho genta im impressed
John Public (id: 707071651086336071)
31 May 2020 18:21
@canuck-boi Holy crap! Did emperor tredeau allow canadians the use of the internet today? 😂😂
Suiicides (id: 330826045609607169)
31 May 2020 18:31
Suiicides (id: 330826045609607169)
31 May 2020 18:31
This was in Portland Or. is it real? Idk. But it shows movement behind the scenes
Catman (id: 439587607220060161)
31 May 2020 18:32
Well that violates the NAP so no go for me.
Suiicides (id: 330826045609607169)
31 May 2020 18:34
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:35
We made the news website in San
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:36
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:36
Apparently I confused the he'll out of people with the patches on my
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:37
Catman (id: 439587607220060161)
31 May 2020 18:43
@Suiicides research the non-aggression pact. It's a basic framework of interacting with other.
Suiicides (id: 330826045609607169)
31 May 2020 18:43
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 18:44
that person in the comments absolutly seething calling your racist
ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚾᛁᚱ (id: 693562932021166220)
31 May 2020 18:45
i had people taking pictures of me all night and i havent seen a single one. kinda bummed about it lol
ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚾᛁᚱ (id: 693562932021166220)
31 May 2020 18:45
anyone hear anything on the guy with the machete
HalfACigarette (id: 274216130892136448)
31 May 2020 18:45
We need an official statement to give people who accuse any of us of racism or white supremacy
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 18:45
didnt see any ninjas so maybe he was actually a ninja
ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚾᛁᚱ (id: 693562932021166220)
31 May 2020 18:46
no i mean the guy that got the shit beat out of him and was in critical condition
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:47
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 18:47
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 18:48
I hope they catch the looters who killed him.
ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚾᛁᚱ (id: 693562932021166220)
31 May 2020 18:48
TZoning (id: 234139492632494080)
31 May 2020 18:48
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:48
Not sure of the time but was confirmed
ᚷᚱᛁᛗᚾᛁᚱ (id: 693562932021166220)
31 May 2020 18:49
i know he was real fucked up but hadnt heard about him being dead
Sparky McLovin (id: 402536444239020032)
31 May 2020 18:54
@TZoning. Holy shit! That's funny as hell! I didn't notice comments before
Citizens Liberty Organization / 🌎 Global Channels /
📜member-chat [part 23]
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