(id: 705979116020695060)
02 May 2020 03:16

@Deleted User true
Message permalink: 705981024278020136
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
@Deleted User true
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I doubt it
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And 2. I was recently in NJ, I drive a semi for a living and got the cops called on me for entering a building without a mask and I had a field day schooling them but when I asked them where their loyalty is between public safety or the citizens liberty they all tried to dodge it
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I’ll tell you what guys if I call a rendezvous point at my dads house just know shit has gone so squirley. Who gives their moms house as a rendezvous against the feds? Fucked up man
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The kid just has the wrong mindset...
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He wasnt ready, and he is extremely immature. I'm only 22 but he sounded fucking retarded even to me.
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My first instinct would have been go to some woods in familiar with and prepare, if they dont show up then I need to bug out until its calm.
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Remember kids, aim for the neck. It's the place they dont have armor. 🤷♂️
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Yeah but if you went to the woods without telling anyone you trust, next thing you know your snuffed out and know one will ever know
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I'm not that dumb. But to be honest no one is wildin out with me, I intend if stuff ever happened to stand on my own and livestream it.
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Good evening Anons frens
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If they already have me its over.
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Hey gents who are new here all 50 states got a chat check in there get connected
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I might as well show the world someone else going down for what they believe in so maybe I will inspire.
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Sorry been drinking. I forgot.
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I own the server so were good.
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Right, and that's where our true problem in the community of if it comes to happen truly is, alone you can be picked off
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@Anonymoose all good haha make me an admin if that's a thing
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Oh wouldn’t you love to be admin to shut it down fed boy
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To many fucking admins as it is right now.
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I have a question for you all.
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And I mean it this legitimately.
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People have been making contact with him seeing what he needs for help from what I have been told.
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What age do you all think it is appropriate to become involved in all this?
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Because from whispers I have been hearing there is some extremely young people in here. Not sure how to feel about it.
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What was the age originally to own a gun back when the country got its freedom
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Last thing we need is grandma hunting us down
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17-20 is the fighting age
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That's what I assumed.
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I'm not sure if to feel guilty or not.
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There use to be a legit law that required one you were of age to be required to carry a musket, powder, and at least 10 rounds or you could be fined
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But it's not my opinion that matters it's the servers.
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If you got like preteens and stuff they’re just in it cuz it’s edgy and sounds like COD. Like Bambi said 17-20 is prob minimum. Just depends on maturity and mindset
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Anything younger need to let them know finish school and get their first kiss before this
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@Anonymoose I'm 19, built a 80% lower at 14 to build a rifle that I hid from my anti-gun parents for 4 years... It's been a long time coming
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Regardless of what Chevy did notice how quick his family dropped him?
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Kinda sad especially for a fam of a dude who beat cancer
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My family hasn't dropped me yet. They know I own and run this.
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Dude put his mom in fucked up situation.
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@RogueRenegade yes lmao they said ✌️
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Well back in the days it was mandated by most states that every man owned a rifle and flintlock and instructed his son to use a bow and arrow. Shit in the civil war boys as young as 14, probably younger, fought
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@Anonymoose one must be able to make an informed decision. Given todays current society I would put that age between 16 on the lowest end and even then, I would be extremely hesitant about involvement with anyone under 19
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People are definitely less mature these days than back then
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@Deleted User All I can say is most dudes my age 16-20 are very pro liberty
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There are records from CW Pennsylvania military academy had their junior artillery unit on the train tracks outside Gettysburg to cover the retreat for the union, boys averaged 14
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@Bean_Blaster his grandpa is pure Boomer fudd
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@Karlow Alderam right and that's kinda what I'm getting at, although I think we could draw the line around 16 I still think it's reasonable to say teaching them this history at a younger age is important
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@Bean_Blaster I have no doubt. The problem is that at that age although you may have deeply held and unshakable beliefs, given time your views may change and that involment in this may deprive you of your opportunity to reach your full potential
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@ViperSRT3g 🐍 True. We need to teach our young sons and boys how to be a man again. In the Jewish community, a boy mitzvah is around 12 or 14, that’s when he becomes accountable for his own actions and subject to the law. It’s absolutely crucial we prepare our young in the arts of combat and manliness. Not all but most have let it slide for to long, that’s why we have cucks and pussies today
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@Karlow Alderam Wrestling is the best thing my liberal parents ever did for me, made me tough and strong.
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@Papa Dickhead been there done that, nothing happened really
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@Anonymoose I’m on the young-ish side, and I can easily remember knowing the difference between right and wrong when I was 17.
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I'm creeping in on 30 slowly
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Fucking time flies
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Yeah just got caught up
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@Zone-Tan daaaang any tips for a youngin?
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Can we post pictures of our "lockers" here?
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Post it in the armory channel
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You can find it in the sidebar
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@Bean_Blaster take a glance over there in a second cause I seriously regret it now
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@𝔑𝔢𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 I think every man or woman should know that difference before 10. We coddle and protect of children to much. We must let them face hardship and failure at a younger age. We can’t allow the state to impose their BS on our kids anymore. I’m only 23 and plan on teaching my son everything he needs to know as young as possible, bc I never will know when it’s my time to pass on.
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@Zone-Tan ugh 32 here
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@Bean_Blaster heres a tip for you and anyone young: the cops will use all force, including lethal force on anyone at any time, regardless of age. And that you can count on
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@BigRed1 lol
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@Bean_Blaster police are the bad guys and watch what you say while drunk are the two best bits of life advice I can offer
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And catastrophe avoidance
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@Bean_Blaster honestly my biggest regret looking back on ask this situation growing up was not knowing how it happened, the information chain that was so hard to find and having to play catch up as I got older
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Don't forget this either: if she says its safe, shes lying and if she says its her first time, she definitely lying😂😂
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Much past that is the fact I didn't shoot a hand gun to I was 28. Was a little angry about that when I finally did
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@Deleted User I'm already married and she is down for the big bunghole, we live on 28 acres in a trailer, it's heaven to me
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@Bean_Blaster How young are you brother? My tip for you would be to avoid drugs and alcohol and loose women. Read, train, workout, stay fit, keep an open mind in all areas so as to avoid dismissing valuable knowledge because of ones own biases, read more, take care of your parents and family, always maintain honor and stay respectable, never render evil for evil. For every dark night there is a bright sun rise over the horizon, so never stay in a slump to long, there’s people that love and depend on you, always do what’s right no matter what.
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Practice then, have plenty of reserve ammo but get plenty of practice
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@Karlow Alderam 19 going on 20
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We just bought a home on the outskirts of town, filed and approved to become an FFL07, 10 year dream, mountainish house, in town but "not" Quiet neighborhood, wifeAnon and 3 young boys here
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And I second physical fitness, I am a "loot box" at this point after 10 years of heavy trucking.. lungs are fucked..
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I'm a little on the screwed side if I draw attention at home, I have 4 military bases within an hour of my location lol
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@Bean_Blaster Only 19 and married! You’re doing the Lords work brother. I’m aiming to marry my woman ASAP once this lockdown crap blows over, which I doubt but hope that it does. I just want a family to attend my marriage without the state busting in to break it up, that would make for a poor ceremony lmao
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@BigRed1 otr?
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Local home daily now,
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Gotcha, I'm on year 3 otr and got hazmat and tanker endorsement
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Little surprised I passed that background check or my ccw background check lol
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10 years this june for me, OTR for almost 5, I'm in eastern PA, allentown area, 14 miles north or so
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7 years since I got my CDL. HAZ, tank and triples. Have been an O/O for the last two years
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@BigRed1 I’m in southeast PA, up in Mill Run, near Somerset
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I'm actually just down the road from ya Big, just inside the VA line on 81sb
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Nice! I'm always down in tabler WV big P and G warehouse exit 8
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@Zone-Tan what all do you need for a CCW? I don’t have one but want to get one, so I can “legally” carry concealed. Fckin damn overreaching state
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@Karlow Alderam we grew up in quakertown area
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For FL I only needed to go in provide my dd214 or if your not prior or current active service go attend a class party then x amount full out a forum and wait about 90 days
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