(id: 448607547083980815)
02 May 2020 23:03

Why Gallup locked down?
Message permalink: 706279628813238305
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Why Gallup locked down?
Message permalink: 706279628813238305 So people may have shot down a police helicopter.
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Everyone to VC. Updates from Chevy coming in
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Message permalink: 706413939432620033 Dropped 30k off the death toll
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Portland has moved to further shutdown
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god I fucking hate people who say "vote blue no matter who" and shit just so that they can beat the orange for people who can actually do their jobs you fuckwits.
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Do it anyway. In a group. A coordinated group, with a qrf nearby. And don't plan it on a Facebook page.
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Jesus, every day it's getting closer
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@W E A R E E L M O fucker got his ass sued by the AG of MS for that shit too. I work in Jackson, and dude is a class A retard
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Any Gallup NM news? Whole city closed off by police and gaurd? We got any intel?
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Nothing from inside that I've seen
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Paid admin leave for executing a kid with a toy in his own yard.
Message permalink: 707087425192722492 I have a few things to take from this article. The first being that the FBI acted for the intent to use an explosive if raided. Obviously don't build bombs because they are extremely dangerous and you're more likely to get yourself or anyone with you killed. Second, people report you for acting like a goon acting dangerous to others. Lastly the article mentions a QRF to try and get this guy. Now I am not certain if the media was alerted to the Chevy situation but I doubt they were since that is a much juicier story. Which means "an instant messaging platform readying a QRF" is very likely this server. I don't mind getting called a bootlicker advocating for peaceful demonstration because this chat is doubtlessly being monitored. Don't bother trying to purge and find them because you won't but stick to our ideals of the NAP and educating people why the government should be smaller.
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I hate only sharing bad news, here is the result of choosing to be peaceful. It appears those arrested in Texas were arrested illegally and may be released if found innocent.
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Hey that's cool
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Salem Or has a beauty salon on the news with a crowd on front of it, they are rallying and cutting hair
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There was a live stream of it @NwSamsquatch Hunter here you go they were cutting hair and people where open carry while inside
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god I hate being associated with the "lgbts" they make me feel ashamed for existing.
Message permalink: 707397979488649268 more and more reasons to hate kotaku and the sjw ass media.
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Message permalink: 707556531243188246
Not sure if its been shared. This is complete bullshit. She's still fighting back and judge said all could be dismissed if she "apologized" which she refused. She's also being fined an additional 1k for everyday her business is open while she is currently serving her 7 days right now. So in total it'll be 14k and counting if she serves the whole 7 days. This is all insane... but we can release violent people for "public safety"? Right.....
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Everyone want's to knock the cops all the time. But I know several that feel this same way. And I know there are many more out there.
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I’d say 60% of cops are alright.
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The number is getting greater because the older generation is retiring
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A lot of guys I served with are cops now
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Fuck all that noise tho fr fr
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DrudgeReport put out several articles about the massive police presence in arresting the businesses in Texas with almost no mention of the armed protesters. Hopefully other media will continue to show the over reaching state.
Message permalink: 707683910401654814 annnd at this rate Hawaiian shirts will be hate speech
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Since when is it an exclusively far right movement?
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I'd love to see evidence of anti-black
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If there is a African American in the movement they would just say they been brian washed
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Any anti government movement in the last 30 years regardless of factuality has been labeled white supremacist
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It’s how they can paint anyone the bad guy
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Its all they know what to do
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What the actual fuck is this shit
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A bunch of desk jockeys on a power trip is what it is. Its getting crazier and crazier man.
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I'm half native, my wife is full, my cousin is black my nephew is Chinese and my daughters best friend is a black boy. Yep definitely an alt right racist lmao (though technically I hold some fairly right wing views but I'd say I'm still more of a libertarian)
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Tim Pool is good journalism.
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Message permalink: 707991245473185852
Chases someone on foot from a truck because of a vague suspicion of wrong doing because he's too stupid to catch serial burglars and he knows it Attempts to citizen arrest said random person with a shotgun (typical cop stuff) from truck in full view of the neighborhood Negligent discharge discharges Almost has gun wreslted away from his shaking hands because he wasn't prepared to actually shoot him Now the most hated cop and son in the country
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not gonna go well for him
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Be careful.
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@Reno your comments earlier are so spot on. Its lazy journalism and an easy way for " authorities" to keep us from gaining any traction with the public. The level of conditioning the majority of the public has been subjected to is the hardest thing we have to face in order to be taken seriously, or even to have our voices heard. Id love to see something like a list of all the times people are labeled as "white supremacist" or "racist" or similar labels when they are the exact opposite. Like how many blacks have been called white supremacist and every time the nazi label is put on a Jew or homosexual, just to show how ridiculous those making that sort of claim are
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@reno yeah sorry, I'm a little out of sorts today. Just meant how those labels are thrown out regardless of the facts and how the people making the accusations are using them as buzz words without any intellectual foundation
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Balls on that
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> @Boomer don't think that's going to work out very well
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Message permalink: 708121365290680470
Here's some propaganda about us.
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Yet they've still shot less people than the police.
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Why are so many people determined to make this about race?
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We need serious PR to combat the Racism label
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Gimme some ideas for PR boosting clothing. I'll sell it non-profit.
Message permalink: 708357450889429052
@Deleted User how about "the b--g, its for everyone, ask me how" "In the b--g we are all equally worthless"😂😂 or another real one "I b--g for all those who love liberty, black white or LGBTQ"
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i like the last one
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the second one sounds like we are fight club
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First rule of fight Club: fuck the government😂😂
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Fuck Tyler durden
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we rep Duncan Lemp
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"How can Duncan Lemp help you be a better person?" "Duncan Lemp knew the way, don't be afraid to follow"
Message permalink: 708377284704206888 is this really about a virus or the election?
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Message permalink: 708527602863702037
For fucks sake, at least spell the shit right 🤦🏼♂️
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Impossible Foods, Beyond Meat see spike in demand as coronavirus wreaks havoc on meat supply - MarketWatch
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Bill Gates-backed Impossible Burger CEO Patrick Brown on fighting meat
Message permalink: 708716108831784990
How Bill Gates-backed vegan Beyond Meat is winning over meat-eaters
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I was just pointing out Gates is poised to make a ton of money from beef shortages. He stands to make a lot from Vaccinations too.
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ID2020 | Alliance & Governance
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This goes with the ID2020 I feel as well
Message permalink: 708722691623878667
Quantum-dot tattoos hold vaccination record | Department of Bioengineering | Rice University
Message permalink: 708722750281351299
At the bottom of the ID2020 page it shows founding funders. Rothschilds and Microsoft are both there.
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From March 27th. Can’t believe I haven’t heard about this before
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Message permalink: 708848762235256842
ummmm no
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