I messaged the local libertarian party about setting up a protest awhile back. They gave me the email of the operations manager but I never heard anything back
My problem really isn't stores asking we wear them or they won't serve us. Thats theyre choice and mine to shop there or not. It has been, since day 1 of this, being forced to do something.
Of course! It’s their store and they have that right. But now they have to say that wether it’s their beliefs or not. I find myself touching my face 10x more when I have a mask on. Worried I’ll have a better chance of getting it that way
Luckily I have a friend that had one to lend. Crazy world we live in now. If they didn’t know before they know now. A little bit of fear and everyone’s ready to throw their freedoms away
More proof that FB and the MSM are purposefully suppressing information about these rallies. I can't find anything about today or the one you're talking about. And aside from a few minutes of "look at these horrible people who want everyone to die" coverage the local news hasn't talked about it. Makes my blood boil
I think this is another rally? This is the one for the governors house
With Facebook working hand in hand to suppress these rally’s going so far as to hide and disband group planned events on FB I try to jump on these and spread them as fast as I can.
So, I was asked to be part of a qrf this Sunday 5/10. I have not meet f2f with the group providing the security or the other members of the qrf so I am reluctant to ask for more support here. However, given this is still a nominally free country and the meet is near several open buisnesses providing "cover" for our presence, I am putting it out there. The adams square babptist church in Worcester has a pastor who will be conducting services in defiance of the stay at home order. Again, we would be acting as a qrf in case the police attemot to arrest the pastor/ parishioners before the service. The pastor has said he is fine with being arrested after the service so no attempt will be made to prevent that. However he has engaged the group to provide him some protection and allow the service. I have some more information if anyone is interested, but have kept my involvement low-key as again, I have meet none of the participants f2f. PM me if interested
I believe the service is at 9am. As for attendance, I hadn't asked. I have only received an outline of details at this point mostly due to mutual respect for opsec.
And like I said in the post, I'm still reluctant to get anyone else here involved due to this being my first meet with this group. We all have free will of course, I just have my concerns re safety and levelheadedness of the members
Ok @Massachusetts you guys have an event this Sunday. A pastor is opening his church doors to his congregation and plans on speaking. A local group will be there to stand guard. They will be in full compliance with the law from what I’m told. And only shoot back if shot at first.
If you plan to go, KNOW THE RISKS. This is Massachusetts, deep in enemy territory where gun laws abound. So please be careful as we do not want anyone arrested.
It’s on you to go. No one is forcing you so proceed at your own risk. I got word that that NE minute man militia is coordinating with a group outside of ours, anyone from this group would be there for support.
If you are interested PM me and i will get you in touch with your contact.
If you are coming from out of state or don’t have weapons I’ve been told something will be issued to you in case if emergency. We don’t wanna fire first and we don’t want to escalate the situation so it seems most gear will be left in a car or close by
@John Public awesome well I’ll be looking for more info! If a situation arises and a weapon needs to be issued (ass stated above) I was a 13F in the Army so i’d be able to handle my own
@Mountain Man 🏔 I'm currently in Maine but I put the word out a few days ago to some contacts down there one of which is a member of a christian motorcycle ministry and they all told me that they're going.
It went off today with no problems. No one got arrested. I think about 30 guys showed up idk how many for the congregation but last time they did this they had around 50
> @Mountain Man 🏔 I'm currently in Maine but I put the word out a few days ago to some contacts down there one of which is a member of a christian motorcycle ministry and they all told me that they're going.
@ChuckD9x19 thank you. everything went smoothly from what my contact has told me. This isnt the first time theyve held service and it wont be the last
Nice. Id like to get together with some like minded individuals who would meet up for varied *and legal* purposes monthly. I do mean legal too but I mean that definition seems to be at the whim of the governor lol. I have made a few contacts from NH but the idea and logistics of that kind of ride is daunting.
12 May 2020 11:53
So if you interested pm me and we can try to set up a f2f to shoot the shit exchange pleasantries or plan the downfall of civilisation😂 Even if its just a few of us 2 is better than 1 is better than none😂😂
@Spaceman @Patton @Pat.Henry
So. Doing a wellbeing check as the police would say.
Massachusetts is full of people but we all joined to meet up with those who shared certain beliefs. Ive tried to get something going and in the interest of community, I'm giving it one more go.
I am going to set a date and time for anyone interested in meeting.
Its time to take this shit seriously gentlemen. PM me if you are serious.
19 May 2020 09:30
Good Morning. I will be arranging a date and time for serious individuals to get together and meet f2f. If you are serious about this movement, PM me for details
All right fellow massholes. Looking like we got a date of June 11th for a meet and greet. Still waiting for a reply from a few others here and some from my circle outside here. Btw feel free to invite any fellow free thinkers you know to the meet but please notify me that you won't be alone so its not a suprise. I'm looking fir ideas on a location and open to suggestions. This should just be a "soft" meeting so I'm thinking grabbing some food and getting to know one another. More fun activities can be planned for future meets. PM me with ideas and we'll get it settled
I apologize for being scarce gentleman. My girlfriend and I have been busy moving and getting the house settled in. I’d love to meet up and see some faces
BTW, im still working on a good location for the meet on the 11th. Since its the first time for f2f of our group I'm thinking low-key. So no need for full kit and all. Just want us to meet and establish that we are real people and also it serves as a proof of dedication. If you can't make a friendly f2f then it raises questions about what you are willing to do if shtf. That said this isn't a make or break, we all have lives but if you commit to it and don't show, then youve got some splainin to do lmao😂
Firefighters being assaulted mass riots, looting, and arson police and fire overwhelmed with call volume national guard is requested to protect firefighters when they arrive