(id: 684976474159317009)
07 May 2020 19:13

I pmed you
Message permalink: 708033877523824670
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
I pmed you
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@minorthreat Any updates from the nursing home? Gather as much information as possible please. You can DM me if you'd like.
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They have announced they will be doing the same thing here. A heads up on what to expect would be appreciated.
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Nothing new to report, as of now @Lucky Texan
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We are doing our best to keep everyone informed
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Thanks man. Good luck over there
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@Lucky Texan we greatly appreciate it
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We do appreciate Texan’s help bigly.
Message permalink: 713066479507079168 We going to have to start putting details on Churches?
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I’m already investigating in that.
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Messaged the pastor.
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I’m moving to Utica MS middle of June.
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That place sucks balls. Ain’t shit out there @DonkeyDDan546
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Well I’m in New Hampshire currently and this place sucks ass.
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@crunchynutz any tips or info on the area?
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Yeah. Don’t piss off the locals. Stubby is a great guy and can help if you need anything car related. He owns depot automotive. But it’s small town Mississippi. Ain’t much to tell. People talk. You’ll probably get random visitors and food when you move in. Small town folks are super nosy and gossipy. Also, watch your mouth and use ma’am and sir. They will shun you if you don’t 😂
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Can vouch
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Yeah. Fox lives further south from there. I’m like 45min east of there.
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I’m in the city. People are rude here 😂
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Also, there’s nothing to do there. You’re gonna be relatively close to Clinton and Vicksburg. That’s the nearest cities with amenities. Raymond, Edwards, Bolton, and learned (pronounced learn ed) all have absolutely not shit
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Oh, and another thought. Don’t mind the dude with the really fast and loud cars. That’s just Chad. He kinda does his own thing
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Sounds good to me. I grew up in the middle of a few small town in west central Missouri. I own two trucks and both are loud. I actually enjoy being away from anything and everything. How’s the outlook on being covered in tattoos and open carrying?
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Open carrying is pretty widely accepted everywhere here. The tattoos are iffy because of old folks. But generally no one cares.
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