(id: 556222219718492170)
01 Jun 2020 07:34
@AtlasRyuken can we get solid confirm on cops in bushes?
Message permalink: 716917661807935530
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
@AtlasRyuken can we get solid confirm on cops in bushes?
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They are 100% posted there
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I got shot at lmao
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Solid confirm. Saw them 3x onnstream
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Looks like they're just guarding the courthouse
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Regrouping at justice center
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"No from the looks of things i dont see any broken glass" Police overreact
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got reports of PD doing drivebys with LTL
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any conf?
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💯 can confirm
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gotcha, thanks
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Yep they are
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Drive by rubbers.
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Drive by flash
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Dont get boxed in, I havent seen them arresting, but have seen them mercilessly shoot at people who get stuck
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No arrests on stream
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They are just playing gta
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they likely won't do arrests until they do a push
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Probably having fun shooting civs
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yeah, that fits with portland cops
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They tried dispersing crowd by saying there is a medical emergency, pigs
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Bunch of liars
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Rioters are in the mall again
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Attacking press
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got confirmed reports of cops firing on press
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rubbers and gas
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Can confirm rioters in gear pretending to be press.
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1 man. Big shield says "press"
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"Facebook is killing my stream" coms may go down.
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Rudementary riot gear?
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I'm currently in southern or heading north tomorrow in a semi, id there any issues on I 5 to worry about encountering?
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I was able to get in fine yesterday
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I5 exits to dtpdx closed rn
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I have a delivery in Portland tomorrow 1500
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I am worried
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You'll be fine, PDX was tame during the day
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Just peaceful protests
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Need bugout or backup. Ocpc can mobilize.
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Just drop me a line
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Big ups
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Ocpc recruiting post. All hands on deck.
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can I get clarification on acronym?
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I remember hearing stories of the portland riot coppers really put in work when they took the gloves off in the past
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portland riot cops are known to put down protests violently
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Oregon Christian Picnic club.
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thanks for clarification
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Can confirm. Have been suppressed by riot police
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Is open minded group of Oregon freedom fighters.
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cool, good to know
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Big booms dtpdx cannit confirm source
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Damn sounds like shit is nuts, sad I'm not there
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Couldn't hear it, must be down near 1st
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I'm on 11th
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I'm between 42nd and 43rd
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Oh dang
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Dm me if you want in
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will consider, thanks
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News reporting rioters vs police just playing cat and mouse DT
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Police seeming to have trouble clearing streets
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Talked to a couple people who are freaked out because the protests started in laurelhurst
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And dont know where to go
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Spread the word: river runs north and south. Water front is fastest way home.
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are all bridges closed off?
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Do they have police/coast guard boats out?
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No clue, the big group didnt get anywhere near waterfront
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Cannot confirm
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1st arrest
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Got gassed and shot at today, feelsbadman
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White girl. Handcuffs. Easy peasy. Shes in the car now
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did cops do a push?
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Sounds like it, looks like everyone is in real small groups now
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4th and Morrison is where arrest is occurring
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Was only an individual.
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gotcha, guess they got stranded
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"We're going home stop shooting at us"
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Tons of vandalizing and looting tonight for sure, at least when the crowd was large they were calling people out that were trying to break windows and forced them to stop
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Police line and protestor line forming at around 4the and Morrison
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Protestors standing their ground
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Screaming at cops faces
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Rofl that white girl got arrested for jaywalking
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Police are super nervous, telling news reporters to leave
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Message permalink: 716926546580996097
might be planning on a push then
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potentially will use as much ltls as they can use
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Streams down
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Yep they are clearing out all media
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Telling all media to obey curfew rules
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trying to black out the area I'm guessing
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Sounds like censorship
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