(id: 556222219718492170)
04 Jun 2020 02:29

but I'm pretty sure the tones come from a DCS system
Message permalink: 717927985302470667
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
but I'm pretty sure the tones come from a DCS system
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@AtlasRyuken got confim on pdx cops switching to encrypted tac comms
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they're still really bad with their conduct so they were leaking some fragmented intel
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might be able to gleam something
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keep me posted
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will do
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but if they've switch to tac comms
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I think they're planning something tonight
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confirmed sonic weapons
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justice center is unguarded for some reason
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undercover car
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big oof
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@«grëžgöv» this looks like one of the OSP vics
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GAS GAS GAS Large riot on West 11th Street in Eugene swat observed shooting rubber bullets and tear gas at peaceful protestors, police escalated the situation to violence will try to keep posted
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Copy, thanks for the update
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Biiig protest in Salem right now
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Seems peaceful
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How’s it going today in Portland
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nothin happening really afaik
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nothing outside of large protests down town and the PD using a bunch of OC and CS
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Just saw a article large crowd marching down i84
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OC and CS? Portland still going huh?!
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Yeah just looks like peaceful stuff
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Blocking traffic
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I’m bout to put trump stickers all over my truck
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And park it downtown
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Why don't you instead put trump stickers over the antifa stickers
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I could use a new truck
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As long as your insurance covers terrorist attacks since they are now domestic terrorists
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anyone hear anything about seattle?
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I mean there's that free area
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Someone told me there was a similar situation in downtown Portland
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Can anyone confirm that?
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Is there? I haven’t heard anything like that
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Yeah they said Antifa had roadblocks and stuff setup and they "claimed" an area
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i havent heard anything of that sort either
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If they've set one up in Portland I'd absolutely run them some supplies, they could really kick things off by doing this
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I should make something clear. f*** them commies. If I didn't think this had a chance of destabilizing the govt I'd absolutely bring them some 556 rifles and 300 blackout ammo and hit record the first time they have to shoot.
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in seattle the whole free zone got taken over by a local gang warlord lol
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he and his boys just walked in with their guns out and said "This is mine now."
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this is after their food storage got raided by some homeless people
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if I was a betting man, and you did that, I would bet on the same thing happening but the gansters have better supplies
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though portland cops do get off on beating people so I don't know if it would happen
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Just saw this on FB.
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didn't they try to make an AZ last week?
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Yep, Portland PD remembered that they used to be the per capita police murder capital of the U.S. And beat them until they stopped
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portland PD is a firm beliver in beatings to improve morale
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I don't see much stuff going well soon
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