Papa Dickhead
(id: 457388257815035906)
03 Jun 2020 21:20

I haven’t broke down since the powerstroke tho
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
I haven’t broke down since the powerstroke tho
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Point still stand brotha man
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And you destroyed your transmission, what’s the diff?
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Because I used it right 😂
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And to be fair my dad broke it.
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He put the wear on it and the one time he drove it in years it broke
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Technically I didn’t break down btw, just ran out of fuel
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Literally found on road dead
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Never had any engine problems out of my trucks
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Mee needer brudder
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Funny, I sold my 7.3 with 280K on it and it ran just fine. Had to rebuild the trans at 200K, but meh...
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Been enjoying my 6.7... Wish it got the same fuel mileage as the 7.3 did. 😦
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I genuinely believe if we plugged up the older 6.6s, 7.3s, and 5.9s to the modern technology sans emissions specific equipment, those okder motors would be making way more power and be getting at least 25mpg
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I think the craziest pqrt is newer motors are making more and more power but are just as much less reliable and dependable
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My last 7.tree made 640hp and 1100tq at the back tires and got 20-23 on the interstate on 37s... only ate 3 transmissions in the 2 years I had it. I miss that pig!
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Did you not have anything in the trans? Typically you put about the same money in the trans as the motor. My 5.9 has like 8k or 9k in it i think
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First one was a stage 2 suncoast the next two were stage 5+ ATS. The suncoast lasted maybe two months before it turned the second gear clutch pack to goo.
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E4ODs suck for that much torque.
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Ive never had good luck with ATS. The manifold on my 5.9 is on its third ATS fix/replacement and it keeps crackinf
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First one broke, then they welded it back, it brike again, sent another one, and it cracked again.
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I was local to their shop at the time so it saved me almost 1k in shipping to just go pick it up 30 minutes away.
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Gotcha. My trans is a 47re built by goerend, which doesnt build trans anymore. He still fixes any people have, but doesnt build any new ones himself.
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Its only be rebuilt twice, the first time line pressures were too high, and the second was a few years ago after about 50 sled pulls, 1-3 years of mostly sitting, and then one year of me daily driving it to school.
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Anyone in Nash?
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I am currently but I live an hour away
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Chatt for me
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If y'all ever get the chance to stop by dead zero shooting range over here its a bad ass place. They do 3 gun comp every weekend
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And a 1000 yard range
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Im trying to get my local team to move to steel challenge because SASP is so basic and gets boring.
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Ive not shot with teams before, but teams definitely seems more intense
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Its pretty fun. I shot for 4 years in high school and my team kept state champions. Its a fun sport but its very simple and rigid. SC actually forces some real and diverse learning curves
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Okay i don't know how much of this is bullshit but they arrested a drunk chattabilly waving an AK around last night in the protest route.
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They also said they had credible evidence that Martin was going to do a mass shoot
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Anyone in the jackson area?
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@boogalorianboi 2+ hrs out
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Dang, just moved here and I'm looking for a decent range nearby
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There’s a few pretty decent indoor ranges in Memphis. Top Gun has a decent bbq restaurant and good prices, Shoot point blank is a pretty good range. I usually just go shoot on some family friends land in Medina for long guns though.
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I got family in Milan/MacKenzie. I shot my state comps at the Huntingdon sports park or whatever its claled
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I'll look into those, memphis might be worth it for the bbq lol
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Nashville here
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Im an hour from nashville
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New video shows the absolute disgrace CPD is. They also warrantless searched his vehicle under the patriot act.
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Mr.Young was given like 10 seconds to "comply" with the stop before they took him to the ground.
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I'd love to be able to say there is a chance that Trevan will win. But let's be real here; CPD is as crooked as they come, and get away with damn near everything. Guess those motherfuckers want a repeat of August, 1946.
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The battle of athens all over again?
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Damn straight!
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Anyone in Tipton county wanna meet up?
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This got shared in the mymilitia discord
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Uhoh, here we go again
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Like i get why people dont like the statues in gov buildings but at least move them to a damn battlefield or something. No need to trash it. Also does blanks in a .223 count as a noise maker?
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U kidding @BiG IoRn Doginclothes , they destroying the ones in battlefields and cemeteries too
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Jesus h. Christ. Ya know what lets go set the Smithsonian on fire cause it reminds me of bad people
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They want to erase history entirely
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Pretty much
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Now thier tearing down Christopher Columbus statues
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Nothing is safe anymore
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Thats how you destroy a culture. Destroy the landmarks and history, change what is taught and within a generation or two they dont exist anymore
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If anyone wants contact Rev.E and RevRifleman at They are highly active in trying to Organise Tennessee. God bless the great state of tennessee. I used to live out near nash. Yall hold it down out there!
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@Rosiland Kansas and Oregon are nowhere near each other, u got one of them Sony teleporters
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No we live in Kansas but plan on moving back to Oregon soon Also he has a group of people there who can give intel on things going down
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They've been pretty chill in chatt lately, but they are definitely here. Im keeping an eye on Chickamauga battlefield waiting for them to do something to it
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Nice. Oregon is pretty. Work brought us south. But we are hoping to move north again one day.
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@BiG IoRn Doginclothes Soon as they make moves that way, let me know. Might have a little surprise ready for them.
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Roger doger
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@countrygirl Ya I brought him here 😂 he was living in Oregon and I got back in touch with him 2 years ago and we got together I asked him to move here. I sometimes wish I would of went there instead but it's been great on the 22nd we celebrate our 1 year wedding anniversary
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So did Nashville do anything?
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Doesn’t look like it. I was planning on driving near where the “protest” was. I’d like to see for myself if these idiots are out
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Chatts got marchs going on everyday but they're largely peaceful if annoying. The cops got the roads blocked off and it seems like they're just walking screaming and giving themselves heat stroke. Couple of live fb feeds available
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OK, just drove through the area. There’s a very heavy police presence but the protesters are starting to outnumber the cops. Also, I didn’t see any pallets of bricks
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Sorry, meant to say outnumber the cops 2-3 to 1.
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Anyone looking to go to the range this weekend?
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I work at Royal Range come on in
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Hell yea. I just had a Larue lower sent through y’all.
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We’ve probably met and didn’t even know
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I wasnt there to transact it but maybe so
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I just mean I go in there pretty regularly.
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