Deleted User
(id: 456226577798135808)
24 Oct 2020 01:10
Message permalink: 769367205732286494
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
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You arent making two systems? @Volitil
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2 mid tier systems would probably work best tbh
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and it would be the cheapest
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Yes that is what all streams i know do @Deleted User
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duel pc streaming is a bitch enough, and Jaden is moving soon so I dont think he wants that hassle
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he will already have to rebuild his setup, he might as well do it in the best way possible
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@gbar yeah I got a link cable for it it just shipped separately 😦
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honestly, both cpu brands are good, what matters most is the memory and gpu
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From what I understand. AMD cpus are just good all around. And are a bit cheaper too at that.
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so i shouls so 2 pcs?
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Good I got a cable when I was streaming had 0 issues for the whole 90 mins
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i thought most people just had one really nice pc
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If you want to deal with the capture card setup go right ahead
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I personally would prefer the single pc setup but if you have the will to do so the double pc is fine
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Kyle what amd CPU do you have? I have a 2700x
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Stream with one pc, two is too much
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two mid tier pcs is cheaper likely
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@Default My computer is 4 years old I have an i5 6500 lol
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I have an i9 and it works great.
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I got my PC built last year
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The intels work great but we dont want to go bankrupt here, the Ryzens are simply better value at this point
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16 gigs of ram, 2700x, GTX 1070
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just make sure to get more than 16gbs of ram @Volitil
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Although I got the 1070 some time before I had a new ri built
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I have 32GB GTX 1080 i7 6700K love mine!
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Got it for Christmas I believe
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@SImpLe ?
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16 gigs is the absolute minimum
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Thats a great idea @Deleted User
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8gb of ram, rx 480, and i5 6500. Owning the libs on a 2016 budget build epic style
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Whyd you put a nose on it lol
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Nose know better its the new thumbs up
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ah I thought you were naming me
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I forget what volatage my power supply is.
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@Kyle Frank (BaeFrank) 2016 the best year ever
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Never @Deleted User you have an amazing photo!
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I think you will want a 1000 watt power supply
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@Volitil go onto to find some premade builds and to see what parts are compatible.
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i hate this shit. im retarded
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Yeah it can be a bit overwhelming
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@Volitil just find a premade build guide.
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Maybe this one?
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I had to get mine built for me because I was fucking it up.
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(Despite watching a video on how to do it)
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yeah its hard to make pcs
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why not hire a guy
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First time I tried it, I fried my mobo
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bruh lol
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just hire a guy to build a pc for u
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that's what tmartn did
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it's more expensive but at least you don't have to worry about messing stuff up because an expert is building your pc
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I would just hire a dude to build my pc because that shit looks intense
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@Volitil Can we know what your budget is if you don't mind?
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why is it so hard to colonize land in minecraft
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I'm trying to build a medieval city in minecraft
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because that's when it was awesome
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I have been trying to get woozuh and JimboZoomer to make an mc server. It would be so fun. MC is also a great game to watch so it would be good for the ecelebs to stream.
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The Groyper Empire in mc lol
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I watch AF while building my medieval city
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great combo
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because it's slow paced and I can actually pay attention
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it's not like I'm playing COD MW and watching AF because COD is obviously fast paced
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idk 1500?
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the build I linked is just over 1500 but its good
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holy shit
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I could pay off community college with that money
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Wow bro that's crazy
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1,500 is a fortune, impossible for me to comprehend
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or should i get two mid tiers
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streaming and gaming
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leme check the prices
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Just build one, I think having 2 is overkill
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2 pcs would also be 2k likely
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isnt a 3080 overkill
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my 1660 works perfectly fine. the porblem isnt with games. its some tech issue that keeps freezin/crashing the stream
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well then it is probably overkill
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I'd still get a 30 series card
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3070 is good value to performance
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leme find another build
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@Volitil what are your current specs?
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gtx 1660
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16 gb
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damn thats good, maybe you could just upgrade your ram
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and reinstall windows
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