(id: 579116805696520192)
12 May 2020 02:48

I can’t grow shit but weed lol
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the sharing and discussion of things such as meal planning and horticulture.
I can’t grow shit but weed lol
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If I grew weed it would probably be trash quality lol.
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Just hoard fishcock and groats
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This has been my sole contribution to this channel
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@Deleted User You have no direct light or what?
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Plenty of plants will grow with non direct light, just might be a little slower or smaller. But others will do fine
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When I lived in an apartment, I had 5 - 5 gallon buckets that grew all kinds of veggies. My balcony only had a couple hours of direct sun at best. But the sun reflected of the building next to mine, and the plants did great.
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Tomato and pepper section
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Self-reliance is the real way to end the state
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@Lucky Texan yeah my apartment gets no direct sunlight year-round.
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@Deleted User still try some plans in pots. You'll be surprised at how much will still grow
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@Deleted User Do you have somewhere you can fit a tote?
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Oh nice, how did i miss this room... HI y'all
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any one ever grow plants indoors? not talking about MJ but food plants like potatoes, carrots etc? i live in a apparment with no garden or balcony etc and ive been thinking of getting some UV lights for my 3d printer then thought about alternative uses.
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That's the basis of hydroponics. The soil you use will be important even more so. I can't speak for growing plants inside but I have several seasons of growing plants landscaping.
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Ive started lots of plants inddors, but never kepts more then some herbs or house plants inside.
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I know if you have the room for a light set up its possible. Ive seen 10foot tomato plants grown inside plant stores here in the states. No idea how many lights where on it though
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And if space is an issue, id stay with higher end plants, and not potatoes and carrots...
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I have grown a grapevine indoors, using red and blue LED grow lights. It never produced fruit (because it didn't go dormant) and it won't live for more than a few years, but it grew about 30 feet.
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No just a tote
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If you have a tote you can put a grow light in it and at least grow lettuce or spinach
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I got my LED grow lights for like $5 each
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One of them broke right away, and I had to buy another (cheap import)
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Depends on how close the plants are. I'm looking on amazon now and they have both spotlight type bulbs (which is what I used) as well as a large square
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Grow spotlight is like $16, and the big square is $36, but I'm sure some internet search magic can find better product/prices.
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Non-import commerical ones might be up there, but $50 looks like you could grow a good bit inside
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2000 watt 4ftxft full spectrum grow light is $310, for commericial hydroponic
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+1 for lettuce. It has been stupid easy to grow
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In my climate it grows like a weed
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Specifically romaine lettuce
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Apple trees survived the late snows and frosts
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My dad mutilated my apple tree last year, it's still alive, but I hope it can finally bear fruit after 13 years
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I still can't believe he seriously lopped off every single branch that was flowering
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And that's why I took over all the food bearing plants this year
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@pathenryv2 will any coffee grounds do?
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For what
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Nice potatoes btw @Thatotherguy
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@pathenryv2 the bluberry thing
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Oh yeah any coffee grounds
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When you water them into the soil it will add acidity
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Do they have to be mixed into a liquid?
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Put it on like mulch
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In October I'm gonna make some hot sauce, and I'm actually planning on making a company for it.
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It's gonna be called Hand Kind Hot Sauce
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I'm working on a recipe right now for a sticky blueberry sauce called "Blue Glue" as a reference to the b ga o
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Is this fine
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Why did you put rock on top
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It looks kind of rough
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First thought is water at night
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And don’t overwater
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I’ve been watering in the afternoon when the sun is obstructed by the building
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That plant is fucked man.
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I'd recommend using some fertilizer
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Rate my orange tree
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10/10 nice
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it is indeed nice
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@pathenryv2 what temp would be most optimal for it? It’s a Japanese variety
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I guess I have to call it a green tree because those oranges are green...
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Idk I haven’t grown eggplant honestly
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I grew eggplant one year, it went really well, was pretty easy.
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Tips? @Rawhide
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I didn't grow in pots, and I didn't start from seed. But I do know that plants in pots can get bound up a bit
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I mulched a lot tho, just used grass clippings I mowed.
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I have used the cloth pots that keep the roots from balling up, but I used those for starting grapevines.
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Those things are magic
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This is the only food related channel I can find, I had to share this with someone
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> This is the only food related channel I can find, I had to share this with someone @Remnant is that chicken?!
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Pork? Honestly have no clue but it's something medium rare that shouldn't be medium rare
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I prefer my turkey medium rare
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so I'm looking to get a good sear in my...steak
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I want to cook it up at home, instead of using a professional facility. Any suggestions?
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Pan searing with butter and thyme is good
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Just a bit of salt and pepper on the steak
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Very nice indeed
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Anyone got any tips on growing tobacco cause once I get back on my feet I’m buying a good bit of land and living off the grid
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Tobacco could be a good source of money I reckon
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Then again, that's me talking, and I don't use tobacco so my only use for it would be selling it
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I use it because I’m so heavily addicted I’ve tried to quit but I’ve only stopped the dipping side of it but cigs it’s hard for me
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