Left Coast Discord Watch

a project by Left Coast Right Watch News

Citizens Liberty Organization / šŸŒŽ Global Channels / šŸ“œmember-chat [part 10]

Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.

(id: 479741380281761802)

11 May 2020 05:21

80k even plus Canada would be nothing

Message permalink: 709274048294813701

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:21


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(id: 479741380281761802)

11 May 2020 05:22

Also they would never want to help with an invasion on another NATO country

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(id: 217730870587424769)

11 May 2020 05:22

on the existing deployment

Message permalink: 709274154318430239

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:22

Fuck.... Moving to the vineyard

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:22

You forget about the 100,000 crack Chinese troops in Mexico

Message permalink: 709274193526521896

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:22

You mean Chinese crack troops

Message permalink: 709274278469828669

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:24

Chinese special forces usually win the international competitions between the top spec ops units in the world, some years Canada wins, some years Chinese police special forces win

Message permalink: 709274639456796782

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:24

China isnt Iraq or Afghanistan

Message permalink: 709274700467011626

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:25

Those are and have been interesting to learn up on

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:25

And 80,000 is what I could more or less confirm

Message permalink: 709274879135842304

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:25


Message permalink: 709274920831418428

(id: 479741380281761802)

11 May 2020 05:25

From who again?

Message permalink: 709274960795009024

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:26 edited: 2020-05-11T05:27:27.068+00:00

Would be hard to hide. Canada does have a whole lotta nothing and if they purpose built everything.....

Message permalink: 709275262537433179

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:27

Lots of dense forests and lots of shit in the Rockies

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:28

They control most of our oil fields and mines

Message permalink: 709275597901266974

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:28 edited: 2020-05-11T05:28:18.152+00:00

And the Chinese don't care about troops comfort. That opens all sorts of possible base locations

Message permalink: 709275618176663593

(id: 479741380281761802)

11 May 2020 05:29

Where is this info coming from

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:30

It's been an unacknowledged fact China owns us since the days of Steven Harper's conservative government

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(id: 479741380281761802)

11 May 2020 05:31

Iā€™m talking ab your 80000 troops number

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:33

And it's been discussed in our media that china has been staffing the oil fields under their control with PLA personnel for years now. 80,000 is an estimation from observations and research and numbers employed at the oil fields etc.

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:33

And mines etc

Message permalink: 709276921875398679

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:34

@BugsyBaldwin I couldnā€™t find anything in the link you posted in relation to the picture you posted about operation laser and stationing of troops. Iā€™m not saying itā€™s not true just couldnā€™t find anything in the link. Just looked like Canada is cucking to China.

Message permalink: 709277143837966407

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:34

Article 12. 5. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed: (a) to require a Contracting Party to furnish or allow access to any information if the Contracting Party determines that the disclosure of that information is contrary to its essential security interests; (b) to prevent a Contracting Party from taking any actions that it considers necessary for the protection of its essential security interests: (i)Ā relating to the traffic in arms, ammunition and implements of war and to such traffic and transactions in other goods, materials, services and technology undertaken directly or indirectly for the purpose of supplying a military or other security establishment, (ii) in time of war or other emergency in international relations, or (iii) relating to the implementation of national policies or international agreements respecting the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive That's an interesting tid bit

Message permalink: 709277221537448016

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:34

@Reno itā€™s all good bro, I was unaware so my apologies.

Message permalink: 709277242164772886

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:35

@John Public that was the part I was hung up on.

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:35

They also have placed people within our municipal, provincial, and federal government and its bureaucracies

Message permalink: 709277454090633298

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:35

Seems like an open ticket to me

Message permalink: 709277504086474772

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:35

Bros I wish I knew legalese, it plainly says one think but could mean another

Message permalink: 709277532872114198

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:37 edited: 2020-05-11T05:37:41.218+00:00

My legalese is shit but It seems nothing prevents China from bringing weapons or troops.

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:37


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John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:38

Seems to even allow nukes.....

Message permalink: 709278123287379980

[CA] SoyBoi
(id: 338553359843721218)

11 May 2020 05:38

I just thought, plate warranties and soft armor are jokes Like how am I gonna return it if they didn't stop the bullet šŸ™ƒ

Message permalink: 709278197514240052

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:38

As long as they justify it as security.

Message permalink: 709278204585836554

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:39

And ive never meet a communist that lied. You?

Message permalink: 709278380561924117

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:39

What are we getting ready for fuggin War with the chinks? The American gov also has contingencies in place, the traitors in power will be able to survive and continue on whether we are invaded or not.

Message permalink: 709278603010900008

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:41

@John Public Commies are liars only when they need to use the deception to achieve their ends. Usually when in power the are bold as fck

Message permalink: 709278911674187776

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:42

There is in the works a series of anti Chicom protests to be staged at CCP controlled assets. The goal is to force the ChiComs hand and make them use force to break up the protests and forcing the chicom troops to expose themselves and to force the federal government to openly choose between china or the Canadian people which then will give Trump the legal grounds to intervene in Canada on behalf of the citizens being held hostage by china and its puppet government

Message permalink: 709279136400801793

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:42

@Karlow Alderam true. But this is the kind of backdoor shit that people need to know about.

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:42

The new north America free trade agreement has clauses in it for that purpose

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John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:44

Oh great. Let's get in a damn war or "police action" in fucking Canada. Kiss all civil liberties and Liberty in General goodbye at that little shitshows opener

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:44

It's Canada's only chance to survive

Message permalink: 709279854541013064

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:45

Ive said it before and I'll say it again: God damnit Canada

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:45

We cant fight China alone

Message permalink: 709279978079911937

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:45 edited: 2020-05-11T05:45:59.995+00:00

Bury the fuckers under snow. Or challenge them to a hockey match.

Message permalink: 709280051895468093

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:45

And china is a boil on the ass of the world and it needs to be lanced

Message permalink: 709280121453936670

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:46

A boil with nearly 2 billion basically enslaved people.

Message permalink: 709280303813885963

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:47

This isnt just about Canada either American Hegemony is about to be supplanted the China and we cant have those barbarians as the big boy on the block

Message permalink: 709280475394342932

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:47

All brainwashed enough to except nuclear war as "collateral damage"

Message permalink: 709280489311174658

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:48 edited: 2020-05-11T05:49:08.637+00:00

I just want to live my life, farm and raise my kids. I cant do that if were at fucking war with the Chinese

Message permalink: 709280872171307049

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:49

That's why the ceased the one child policy in China and have massive underground cities there. 3000 years ago the Chinese people believe that they were given a mandate from the heavens to rule all that is under the heavens. We are dealing manifest destiny on steroids

Message permalink: 709280913867014165

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:50

Thats it, firing up the chopper....

Message permalink: 709281149687431198

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:50

My Grandpa fought them in Korea for 3 years and he always said that we will have to finish the job one day because they are barbarians

Message permalink: 709281151516409917

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:50

My grandpa was also a sniper and he had a big bag of teeth from the Norks and ChiComs he killed

Message permalink: 709281363668500562

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:51

> My grandpa was also a sniper and he had a big bag of teeth from the Norks and ChiComs he killed @BugsyBaldwin thats not disturbing in the least.

Message permalink: 709281591884513360

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:52

It was common amongst Canadian troops to take teeth and scalps and fingers and ears and noses during war

Message permalink: 709281747225018462

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:53

We may be polite but when we are finally pissed off we will suck out you eye balls and skull fuck you to death

Message permalink: 709281971477413929

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:53

> Ive said it before and I'll say it again: > God damnit Canada

Message permalink: 709282031967928441

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:54 edited: 2020-05-11T05:55:37.434+00:00

@BugsyBaldwin I believe youā€™re 100% correct, they are barbarians. They worship the state, they have no higher beliefs in Christ. What the communists unleashed upon Europe and mainly Russia and Ukraine, is similar to the mass killings the Chicoms also did to their own people. If they imvade our land and we arenā€™t ready, they wonā€™t show any mercy, theyā€™d rape and murder indiscriminately. Iā€™m sorry but Iā€™d tear the whole damn world down preventing an atrocity like that from falling upon my wife, kids and family.

Message permalink: 709282163597770762

(id: 321211096952209411)

11 May 2020 05:54

China has massive unground cities?

Message permalink: 709282202503872532

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:54

Yeah we tend to skip right to the skull fucking

Message permalink: 709282206182539316

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:54

Our problem now is we have been sold out and are in a untenable position which will leave the United States is a position it doesn't want to be in.

Message permalink: 709282328039522354

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:55

North Korea has them, Russia, China, United States, etc. Most of the major and minor players have COG

Message permalink: 709282536051703870

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:55

*Google's how to speak Mandarin* **googles Fuck you commie Bastards in Mandarin**

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:55


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John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:57

*googles best way to hide 80k bodies*

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:57

I have been outside of the Chinese Embassy in Canada and shouted similar slurs at the ChiComs before. They know English and they dont like being called sub human commie scumfucks

Message permalink: 709282969042288700

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 05:57

We have been sold out, I donā€™t think trump has ever been legit. Show me one truly good and selfless politician, I donā€™t think there are any, they are all traitors.

Message permalink: 709283024029614112

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:57

If you are looking for a perfect person you will never find them

Message permalink: 709283142883606619

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:58

Seems we need a few thousand bulldozers. Killdozers. Few thousand killdozers

Message permalink: 709283163347877929

Acadian Adventurer
(id: 280732608223248385)

11 May 2020 05:58

Marvin Heemyers 1st Armored Killdozer division

Message permalink: 709283291697774612

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:58

@Karlow Alderam JFK might have been the last to come close. Did not end well

Message permalink: 709283349222653977

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 05:58

I look at actions and one of the few leaders openly poking China back in the eye is trump

Message permalink: 709283381799682098

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 05:59

@BugsyBaldwin we need some Taiwan type shit

Message permalink: 709283528881209374

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:00

Not to mention it will come out the the COVID-19 was from our lab in Winnipeg and was stolen by agents of the PLA and brought to Wuhan

Message permalink: 709283663430549544

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 06:00

@John Public oh yeah, he didnā€™t go along with the false flags the CIA wanted to stage on US soil and he put us back on the silver standard and away from the debt fiat banking. Internationalists donā€™t like that shit and he got his brains blown the fck out

Message permalink: 709283872751353877

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:00

Covid is a fucking cough. I'm sorry but the sheep let themselves be lead by the nose into hysteria

Message permalink: 709283877209899050

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:01

Its was originally an aids vaccine that was incomplete which is why it shares structural similarities to aids/hiv

Message permalink: 709283913885024296

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:01

Not saying it an apocalyptic plague but I actually know people who have died from it

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:02

And they weren't 70 and already sick either

Message permalink: 709284168072167454

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:02

Its being hyped up definitely but it's still real

Message permalink: 709284273374625823

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:03

Im not doubting it lethal. But people die of viruses every day. No panic. No mask order. No house arrest. This has been used by government to see how far they can go before shots are fired

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:03

We are dealing with 4 dimensional chess

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(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:03

You are correct

Message permalink: 709284479197249556

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:03

I suck at 2d chess so....šŸ˜‚

Message permalink: 709284543097471067

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:04 edited: 2020-05-11T06:04:48.941+00:00

But i play. Keeps the brain on that strategery levelšŸ˜‚

Message permalink: 709284695896096798

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 06:04

I donā€™t think anyone is denying the virus is real, but that itā€™s overhyped and was intentionally created. Hegelian dialectic, they create the problem and conveniently offer the solution. Theyā€™ve managed to shut down the economy, 1/3 people of out of work, the National and total debt has risen by about 3 trillion in just a month.

Message permalink: 709284866486960158

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:05

I spent a large portion of my teens and 20s studying strategy, logistics, geopolitics, small unit tactics. Studied history extensively

Message permalink: 709284969306128404

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:06

And All I ever wanted was to be left the Fuck alone. Now I gotta fuckin deal with world wide conspiracy shit...... I need more damn ammo

Message permalink: 709285164181880843

[CA] SoyBoi
(id: 338553359843721218)

11 May 2020 06:06

Yall, hollow point 556 or fmj both 55g

Message permalink: 709285172373094422

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:06

Yep and some of the ones playing along with the shutdowns are on our side also. Never play your hand to early or reveal your actual intentions till it's to late to stop them

Message permalink: 709285254581452880

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:06

What's the job the ammo is for

Message permalink: 709285360001220649

[CA] SoyBoi
(id: 338553359843721218)

11 May 2020 06:06


Message permalink: 709285403248820254

(id: 706649542463848549)

11 May 2020 06:07

Saw some video on YouTube ā€œa projected forecast of the virus says deaths are climbingā€ 1 why is the media reporting a fucking **model** of the virus 2 why is this breaking news? Itā€™s fear mongering bullshit

Message permalink: 709285424799154216

(id: 706649542463848549)

11 May 2020 06:07

Btw that was ABCs title for their YouTube news thing

Message permalink: 709285510928924732

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 May 2020 06:07

Hunting you will want hollow points. Fighting you may want more penetration to get through cover

Message permalink: 709285577308242021

John Public
(id: 707071651086336071)

11 May 2020 06:07

@BugsyBaldwin and thats why I meet f2f. I like all this, its great, but I only trust people I know. Everyone else is suspect

Message permalink: 709285619058343997

(id: 706649542463848549)

11 May 2020 06:08

@BugsyBaldwin youā€™ve never gone hunting have you

Message permalink: 709285699194716200

Karlow Alderam
(id: 705209295993700392)

11 May 2020 06:08

Iā€™m wrong my bad. National debt was 23.4 trillion in early April now it is 25.15 trillion. Thatā€™s still the biggest hike Iā€™ve ever seen. I swear for a year straight the debt stayed within the 22 trillion range. Now these bastards are just printing money that doesnā€™t exist yet.

Message permalink: 709285750067167312

(id: 576640967927660555)

11 May 2020 06:08

How else do you forecast without models? Weathermen do it every day on the news

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