The Director
(id: 468575001633751040)
03 Jun 2020 19:16

Message permalink: 717818898132500612
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Message permalink: 717818898132500612
This is some bullshit
Message permalink: 717818996073955488
What did you say their reasoning was "sending directed threats" or some bullshit?
Message permalink: 717819083420205066
Message permalink: 717819173690146906
I never said anything 😂
Message permalink: 717819228924805202
Of course! It's the liberty movement itself! They think it's about un-aliving LEOs or something like that
Message permalink: 717819511998513194
Discord is trying to label us as domestics
Message permalink: 717819659302207769
We never said anything... in minecraft
Message permalink: 717819704185716767
I got the same damn email
Message permalink: 717820019156844679
What the fuck.
Message permalink: 717820278301786203
ask them for what you said, so you know what they consider bannable
Message permalink: 717820280751259699
My theory is the antifa fed bois alliances in keyboard warrior on flagging admins acts
Message permalink: 717820340587462706
I just put in a repeal request
Message permalink: 717820354818473995
No the hit were random
Message permalink: 717820394903568465
Throwing on a slow mode. Guys clear it up so we csn work on this.
Message permalink: 717820449362542662
Only one that makes sense is anonymoose
Message permalink: 717820470778527814
Thank you, gentlemen.
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Message permalink: 717820544837484654
This will pass ladies and gentlemen. CLO has withstood before, we will withstand now. We are CLO, We aren’t some baby back antifa bitch, we don’t tuck tail and hide when shit gets tough.
Message permalink: 717821288927854603
They may take my freedom, but they shall never take my trains wait. It's the other way around
Message permalink: 717821844962672650
Hey everyone it seems that the server has been compromised
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They got another one of our boys he wasnt on this server he on the ledbetter server tho
Message permalink: 717823501779861515
They can compromise this 🍆
Message permalink: 717823690506764433
Majority of the admins were kicked out, and also a huge chunk of members
Message permalink: 717823845632835684
That doesn't tell us much
Message permalink: 717823956513718274
It happened in other servers too
Message permalink: 717824027657240646
We're strong. This won't be the end of us. We have redundancies, and most of all we have an idea. A righteous idea that only gets stronger the harder they stomp down on us.
Message permalink: 717824052055638056
Thats all i know at this time. Figure a way to more securely connect with others
Message permalink: 717824244737769543
Now more than ever is the time to make connections with people in your states.
Message permalink: 717824256326500402
Meet up, get to know each other, and promote liberty
Message permalink: 717824341290516502
Truer words have never been spoken
Message permalink: 717824550091358338
is it okay if i put an alt in here just in case this account gets the deletus?
Message permalink: 717824765833904231
So is it from one common person being in all servers or?
Message permalink: 717824842275225690
Dont know
Message permalink: 717825084475310141
Mass reports would do it
Message permalink: 717825342135337133
ive seen other people get beamed by just 4-5 people reporting them
Message permalink: 717825431847305256
So long as we continue to keep everything above board we won't be going anywhere. In the meantime let this serve as a reminder of our original purpose. Connect and network with people in your area. Those who live and work near you are always going to easier to reach than the internet may be
Message permalink: 717826790420381696
Message permalink: 717827168641744907
Connect with your states guys. Get out and meet people ASAP and build connections just in case the server goes down. You cannot kill an idea only people. The idea will live forever
Message permalink: 717827472359686157
should the admins make a backup telegram?
Message permalink: 717831322629832744
i feel like it's about to be a *mass* purge, and I'm in like 10 other servers for various things...
Message permalink: 717831401998647329
no. go make rl friends
Message permalink: 717831405937229884
i have rl friends. still doesn't mean that networking isn't important.
Message permalink: 717831485243129956
then get freinds you can talk to over radio
Message permalink: 717831568374235166
have those too - again, networking is still important.
Message permalink: 717831689534963774
Get in with your local state guys
Message permalink: 717833733691932673
We’re still currently working out why this happened and what we are going to do
Message permalink: 717833785739182231
This B I G G G A I
Message permalink: 717834186097950752
Indeed it is
Message permalink: 717834816447316018
Boys this do me a big sad
Message permalink: 717835246644756533
Send pics of steam powered boats in dm
Message permalink: 717835299325214871
they put on the NKVD uniforms and had committed the great purge
Message permalink: 717837530845675657
i mean this group has a damn blacklist of *words*, this just makes no sense to me what caused it.
Message permalink: 717838297757515777
Message permalink: 717838359816306719
Message permalink: 717838416842063872
i mean don't even mention what the inuit tribes would live out of.
Message permalink: 717838431929106432
jurnos are watching
Message permalink: 717838505887137932
clean image, they tzke everything and spin it.
Message permalink: 717838587206303949
And the way that we police it. And the agenda that the organization has. Make this all really sus
Message permalink: 717838600049262605
Not much if anything that they could have spun.
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Message permalink: 717842494947065856
Message permalink: 717843569985191967
Also I hate mewe. So clunky and weird
Message permalink: 717843617418313758
Anybody have any info on this guy. Appears to be one of ours by the shirt. There was an Australian news reporter covering the Minneapolis situation on day one. This fellow was seen early in the video giving medical aid to a stabbing victim. He can be seen wearing a ballistic helmet. LeO rolled in and fired an OC canister at point blank range to his face. Hit so hard he lost his brain bucket. Im wondering if anybody has his 20 and can check on him. Or get me in touch with him.
Message permalink: 717845446789300255
Message permalink: 717845688381210724
Juat got info from police chief here, theres a protest here starting sunday, theres about 2-300 frombhere going, and about 2-300 more beimg BUSED in from where ever. Chief said he absolutely would not let anyone walk around the city and protest, he is gonna try to corral and secure everyome in the city park. I live in princeton wv. Anyone around that will be home on sunday with no plans on standby just incase?
Message permalink: 717848444013904006
~~Post in WV chat~~, not surprised they're bussing people in though
Message permalink: 717851912405385327
I did. Just wanted to throw it out here as well
Message permalink: 717852400693805116
#🎨original-artwork It is time for the Wednesday Writing.
Message permalink: 717856706847309906
If I set my pfp to Obama, y'all think that I'll be more or less likely to get zucced?
Message permalink: 717859858485084161
Obama amazing
Message permalink: 717860098487353434
Message permalink: 717863197348200569
Message permalink: 717864096023838730 Trying ban the purchase of enhanced body armor - “(36) The term ‘enhanced body armor’ means body armor, including a helmet or shield, the ballistic resistance of which meets or exceeds the ballistic performance of Type III armor, determined using such standard as the National Institute of Justice has in effect at the time at which a person purchases, owns, or possesses such armor.”
Message permalink: 717874823929528390
Mad Dog Calling out the president
Message permalink: 717875524210393193
Saw that
Message permalink: 717876124553707590
What's everyone's thoughts
Message permalink: 717876520034500617
Pretty sure they’ve been turning us against each other since, say, 1861
Message permalink: 717878267998371910
Message permalink: 717879320370217090
People have been turned against each other since before the US was even founded. There were still colonists that were against the colonies separating from the Britain.
Message permalink: 717883263213109311
Loyalists, if you will. Even back then we saw a multitude of factions with differing ideals on when enough was enough, just as we're seeing today. Amazing how history repeats itself, huh?
Message permalink: 717887071230099477
Anyone know if this is legit or?
Message permalink: 717888833768915045
I doubt Trump will call his entire voter base terrorists
Message permalink: 717896454789660672
Yeah, I doubt some rando knows if trump was going to try
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Message permalink: 717896803894427659
half the boys dislike trump
Message permalink: 717896871749746688
he might say dumb shit but he knows how to dodge actual trouble
Message permalink: 717897011499761684
Is this group on its last leg?
Message permalink: 717897168744087724
Nah I don’t think so, seems pretty active when I’m on
Message permalink: 717897250105458718
People were getting zucked left and right today
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if they were going to do shit they would have banned already
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the server that is.
Message permalink: 717897485775011890
Some of the admins lost their accounts by the looks of it
Message permalink: 717897526690316291
yeah they did. some one ratted on them or brigade reported
Message permalink: 717897616397959171
Oh shit
Message permalink: 717897713819320321
idk what they could have said the get banned manually
Message permalink: 717897731443654726
It looked like everything was on the up and up
Message permalink: 717897841569169418
Well people are scared of the popularity.
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