(id: 556222219718492170)
09 Jun 2020 16:59

and as for the whole sharia thing
Message permalink: 719958805638676480
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
and as for the whole sharia thing
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Untill the moment where the percent of sharia law supporters go down, when they throw gays off of roofs some one needs to give them some lead pills
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why do we support saudi arabia then?
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Seen some stupid shit about people calling for the UN to disarm law enforcement 🙄 I agree with disarming them but if the UN puts troops on Us soil in that manner there’s gonna be hella blood shed lol
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We shouldent
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the UN has only started wars
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funny, that is
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Defund the UN!!!!!!
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Exactly, they step foot here my ass is gonna be collecting dropped only once lightly used blue helmets lol
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I bet if they put their mercs on our soil they're going to quickly learn the same lession the french learned in world war 1
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Lol which lesson
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They learned a lot
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that a bright blue uniform makes you eat a snipers bullet
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What on earth goes on in here
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I see that
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Hi Country girl! Welcome to the burning shit shiw
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@Acadian Adventurer send it the the new one in the chat
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@Acadian Adventurer why the name change, was that part of the, whatever
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oh nice we're talking about the UN now. no you retards, the UN wont invade here.
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I wasn't thinking they would
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I was just saying that they would eat rooftop lead if they tried to
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ok im just throwing it out there because in discords such as this one there is always that one who thinks a UN invasion is days away
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they'll never *try to*
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that I know
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for one, the UN is not an army. they're overdressed cops
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Oh shit I gotta change you back bro 😂😂😂@Acadian Adventurer
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they're much more suited for standing around with their gay uniforms in africa
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for two, we're a permanent member of their security council. why the fuck would you invade a permanent member of your security council?
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i'm of the opinion nobody will ever attempt a direct invasion because anyone with 9 brain cells can look at the geography of america and see how much of a nightmare it would be
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The UN!!!! Hahaha id love for some blue helmets to step foot in mattaphan. Theyd be swiss cheese in an hurry😂😂
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I am not worried about foreign powers
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our government is the only imperialist power who I see in conflict with us
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that and they don't need to. look around, we're already tearing ourselves apart
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fuck the union
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cascadia forever!
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i saw a good quote yesterday, america is 50 countries masquerading as one and it makes sense
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Long live the union. Its the criminals running it that need a new necktie@«grëžgöv»
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like fucking shit
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i just want a smaller federal government
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that would be nice
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but you know they're going to do the same shit
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I just wanna clap cheeks and eat chicken tenders
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Damn y’all active as fuck today
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@John Public Yeah, if you need me to remind you what roles I had they were: Mod, Pennsylvania, Medic, public speaker, animal handler, forest spirit, machinist, and Yo mama
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if only we had some sort of mechanism to change government.....
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yeah but people are being pussies
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@Acadian Adventurer I screen shotted but nice try
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Ok simp
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> if only we had some sort of mechanism to change government..... @John Public 2A?
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the people who took after the founding fathers knew that they had a gun to their head
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Don't lie Madison, that was a terrible try
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so they did everything they could to push the gun away
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The first and only thing that was revolutionary about America. The power is derived from the people. So we the people need to remind the powers that be just how that works
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really thats the issue. the government now sees themselves as rulers, not servants.
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I would much prefer seeing a looser aliance system
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that way nobody has power over the whole country
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Yall seen this?
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uhh... hello, based department?
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That screenshot gave me a wicked boner Heltor
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> :frogpop: @Acadian Adventurer
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Thats what I see lol
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Here's some more food for thought.
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I know it has the Bword. But this makes a very serious point.
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||~~The only cop I wanna shoot someday is myself ~~||:WorryHop: :frogpop:
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The foot soldiers never built a community with a justice system. The leaders of them did
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That's bullshit.
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@Heltor913 bro you need to stop posting so much BASED shit
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They all knew what they the end goal was supposed to look like and knew why they were fighting.
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Did the foot soldiers write up the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence
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And its not entirely wrong. But the difference is we want to form a better system. Without violence if possible
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that wasn't an endorcement
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> They all knew what they the end goal was supposed to look like and knew why they were fighting. @Heltor913 not saying they didint know the end goal
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I don't want violence
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I'm just saying it seems like those options are becoming much more limited
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No, because because most people who were fighting weren't well educated enough to write out a document that was meant to last hundreds of years.
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Though I bet if I started looking into it a couple of people who did sign were actually fighting.
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If you want to go this way we can but once I get my proof that there was multiple I'm going to flame the fuck out of you.
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Because I know for a FACT there was at least 2.
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What im saying is that only a few, usualy leaders are smart enough to make a system work like a free nation
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Bullshit, I could sink 15 rounds into an enemy insurgent and then go pick up a pen right after with my fellow countrymen and do the mental lifting to figure out what our end goal is.
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The foot sildiers do there part in battle like how the military vehicle drivera do there part to support the grunts
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A true leader is one who leads his men in battle
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he doesn't sit back
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he leads and fights
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warrior poets are a thing you know
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