Left Coast Discord Watch

a project by Left Coast Right Watch News

Citizens Liberty Organization / 🌎 Global Channels / 📜member-chat [part 31]

Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.

(id: 718784000713555980)

11 Jun 2020 03:37

breh commies and nazis are both fair game

Message permalink: 720481813029453894

(id: 718784000713555980)

11 Jun 2020 03:37

cmon now

Message permalink: 720481827344613397

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

Is it real nazis or made up nazis the media tries to scare the low information with?

Message permalink: 720481953798815865

(id: 343028896590987265)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

CHAZ will most likely be crushed lets be honest but if the media reports on it more then we might see more like it

Message permalink: 720481967765717043

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

I'm less worried about commies tbh, they're retards but not evil.

Message permalink: 720481968869081232

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

And no it's real nazis, literal nazi german flags

Message permalink: 720482016939999303

(id: 718784000713555980)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

Commies aren’t evil?

Message permalink: 720482019737337887

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:38


Message permalink: 720482020232396831

(id: 555965901040517120)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

Gonna disagree with you there

Message permalink: 720482034799214622

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

200 million dead from democide in communist utopias would say otherwise

Message permalink: 720482109919068240

(id: 718784000713555980)

11 Jun 2020 03:38


Message permalink: 720482134673981490

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:38

That's just the 20th century

Message permalink: 720482140747202592

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

the evil "commies" are people who don't actually believe in communism but understand it is a method to bring personal power to themselves

Message permalink: 720482200272896050

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

Oh it's not real communism

Message permalink: 720482256069853258

(id: 343028896590987265)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

just wondering how long will it be till russia sends CHAZ ak's

Message permalink: 720482280556069034

(id: 555965901040517120)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

inb4 real communism has never been tried

Message permalink: 720482281059254324

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

My mistake

Message permalink: 720482285681639474

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:39

most regular person commies are just idiots who think capitalism doesn't work because the corporations keep telling them that we are capitalist

Message permalink: 720482344590377108

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

communism is incapable of working and i don't support it

Message permalink: 720482444121211001

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

but they aren't evil, they're just dumb

Message permalink: 720482475612307517

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

I need to tell the people I know who suffered under communism that it wasnt real communism

Message permalink: 720482491378565243

(id: 718784000713555980)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

Why can’t we all just agree on nazi bad commie bad

Message permalink: 720482572718833744

(id: 301334027325931520)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

I have a bounty out for who ever brings me 100 Antifa foreskins, you will recieve 1000 rounds of ammo in your choice of caliber and a companion for CBRN defense

Message permalink: 720482593862058045

(id: 439587607220060161)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

I think Chaz will last for a while. It is small enough that the US communists I bet could give enough money for it to keep going for a while

Message permalink: 720482608114565130

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:40

Because morons think commies are harmless

Message permalink: 720482639974367243

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:41

bugsy i know you're all heated right now but like lol, understand the rationality here. the people who support communism do so because the system we have right now hasn't been good to people and they mistakenly believe that we have capitalism (we don't)

Message permalink: 720482753027506208

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:41

they don't know what real free market capitalism is

Message permalink: 720482790583566396

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:41

their motivations are not evil. their plan is retarded and will lead to evil but they don't know that cus they're idiots

Message permalink: 720482902315368490

(id: 343028896590987265)

11 Jun 2020 03:42

@Cannibal1-1 do you have 32 french long

Message permalink: 720483002286604328

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:42

ps here is a vid of the nazis/kkk https://twitter.com/ItssDunke/status/1270386352161505283

Message permalink: 720483039540543551

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:42

I have had more than a few run ins with your peaceful commies. When they think they are among fellow commies they let the mass murdering side out during discussions on how to implement it as a system of governance

Message permalink: 720483067394916353

(id: 301334027325931520)

11 Jun 2020 03:42

I can source anything, given a little time

Message permalink: 720483164765683755

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:42

bugsy, in what way

Message permalink: 720483173926043689

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:43

what do they say, hm?

Message permalink: 720483206515785730

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:43

Talking about putting people in camps till they see the light and killing resistors as they are reactionaries etc

Message permalink: 720483379107070036

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:43

shit like "kill jeff bezos" and stuff? i've seen that. i don't defend it, it's retarded, but i understand where their frustration is coming from, because america right now isn't working for anyone except the elites.

Message permalink: 720483400447819858

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:44

well if anyone comes to put you in a camp i won't stop you from shooting them

Message permalink: 720483507645710386

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:44

You wont be able to if you wanted

Message permalink: 720483567703949352

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:44


Message permalink: 720483598653718549

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:44

but i doubt that is anything more than a microscopic minority of people who don't like what they think is "capitalism"

Message permalink: 720483684280434749

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:45

so i don't think you have anything to worry about

Message permalink: 720483726076674088

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:45


Message permalink: 720483855210905720

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:45

Go down to 290 danforth street and the communist party of Ontario believes that horse shit same with the revolutionary communist party of Canada

Message permalink: 720483891323994172

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

The spectrum is grey really

Message permalink: 720483971640590339

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

i don't care what your cherry-picked microcosm of canukistan thinks tbh

Message permalink: 720484024165990420

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

Except for commies they are sub humans

Message permalink: 720484060299788338

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

they're minorities and they won't get anywhere with that ideology

Message permalink: 720484112502227026

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

they'd be rightfully stamped out if they tried

Message permalink: 720484170085826620

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:46

290 was originally the greek communist association of Canada before becoming a provincial party

Message permalink: 720484200817491988

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:48

anyone who is anti-freedom is an enemy. that's not all "communists" but it is strictly speaking all nazis

Message permalink: 720484522721804358

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:48

Communist took a portion of an American city and they're starving on day two. I don't think we have anything to worry about.

Message permalink: 720484558683766886

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:49

> Was it all commies? @Potatoes O'Reilly I literally asked that so many times.

Message permalink: 720484722618138676

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:49

i don't think people should be shot for having a retarded ideology that they mistakenly think is going to help people lead better lives even though it won't.

Message permalink: 720484793283772437

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:49

Message permalink: 720484821247197256

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:49

> i don't think people should be shot for having a retarded ideology that they mistakenly think is going to help people lead better lives even though it won't. @Celly they are Americans at the end of the day

Message permalink: 720484941208485912

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:50

Well their ideology leads to mass suffering that makes what the nazis did look like daycare. Ps I fucking hate Fascism also

Message permalink: 720485023236489227

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:50

> Well their ideology leads to mass suffering that makes what the nazis did look like daycare. Ps I fucking hate Fascism also @BugsyBaldwin we're in the same boat. I'm just saying trash will take itself out in this case

Message permalink: 720485206464921611

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:51

also, "real" communism does work, as a voluntary small system that works within a free market capitalist superstructure. stuff like that already exists, there's stuff like bakeries that are owned equally by the workers and they split profits evenly. that's pure communism. and it fits in a free market because it's voluntary. the problem is when you try to force that ideology on others through a state

Message permalink: 720485251524329543

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:51

If China comes to my doorstep then I'm Gung ho

Message permalink: 720485337549373471

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:52

A war with China is something I could get behind

Message permalink: 720485513252962444

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:52

The CCP are barbarians

Message permalink: 720485595972894731

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:52

But misguided Americans that made a little litmus test for how communism fails time and time again.. Well... Idc

Message permalink: 720485650423480381

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:52

war with china is stupid, they have nukes. that's the sticky problem. nobody checked them. about the only good thing trump has ever done in office, too bad he's going to let up the pressure

Message permalink: 720485712553836757

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:53

that and the space program getting revitalized but i digress

Message permalink: 720485788336259089

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:53

Nail the cunts hard at all known nuke bases and bring out the rod of god

Message permalink: 720485905072259123

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:54

we don't have rods from god

Message permalink: 720486008650596372

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:54 edited: 2020-06-11T03:54:35.757+00:00

A tungsten rod fired from space at high velocity is devastating

Message permalink: 720486008784945202

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:54

as wasteful as our mil spending is, the cost to put shit like that in orbit is just silly.

Message permalink: 720486197092417607

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:55

This Canadian is more merica that us rn. I don't know how I feel about this

Message permalink: 720486226464866314

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:55

Why do you think they created to space force? Orbital weapons have been up there for a bit now

Message permalink: 720486317401571438

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:55

odds are we'd have to mine asteroids to bring it into orbit, we can't launch it from the surface. so more likely to be iron/nickel or something not tungsten.

Message permalink: 720486339958800386

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:55

Now they are playing catch up to justify them

Message permalink: 720486415259140189

Dean Winchester
(id: 704457668265377943)

11 Jun 2020 03:56

I guess when your country spends most of its time at war and blowing shit up we kinda lose the excitement

Message permalink: 720486551275962388

(id: 343028896590987265)

11 Jun 2020 03:56


Message permalink: 720486707144818719

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:56

bugsy i do have something of an understanding of the physics of this and the fact is getting solid tungsten rods of the size necessary to destroy targets, into orbit, along with the platform to support them and the additional hardware to de-orbit them (which is difficult despite what hollywood shows)

Message permalink: 720486711553163285

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:57

China is taking over my country so I'd love a chance to shit kick them one

Message permalink: 720486771204423752

(id: 343028896590987265)

11 Jun 2020 03:57


Message permalink: 720486805677408288

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:57

You are correct but it's not impossible

Message permalink: 720486840645320714

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:57

it's not anything close to our capabilities, let alone to do that in secret

Message permalink: 720486845867360328

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:57

i mean yeah not impossible but the cost would be insane

Message permalink: 720486898593824829

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:58

easier way is to mine asteroids and build iron/nickel rods in space and bring them to earth

Message permalink: 720486988977012839

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:58

Military tech is usually 55+ years ahead of what you see implement

Message permalink: 720487011042983966

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:58

i would say 10 years not 55

Message permalink: 720487060586102865

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:58

you're saying that the cutting edge stuff we see today they were using in vietnam

Message permalink: 720487185916231731

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 03:59

Shit the UAVs have been in use since Vietnam but wasn't really revealed to the public till the 90s/2000s

Message permalink: 720487312823418982

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:59

55 years is a stretch

Message permalink: 720487389809737748

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 03:59

10 years more reasonable

Message permalink: 720487417156730910

(id: 704929763176874004)

11 Jun 2020 04:00

You dont blow trillions on military for small gains

Message permalink: 720487523444457476

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 04:00

our gov kinda does tho tbh

Message permalink: 720487590297469019

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 04:00

and they blow trillions on lots of tanks and shit that the pentagon didn't ask for nor want

Message permalink: 720487659012620299

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 04:01

hardware that comes off the factory line and gets mothballed because it wasn't needed except some congress guy got lobbied to place an order for shit by the company that makes the shit

Message permalink: 720487871261179946

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 04:02

and then the excess gets handed to the police ofc

Message permalink: 720488000655458375

(id: 655577798152552448)

11 Jun 2020 04:04

Jesus fucking christ, if I see a local 🐷 rollin in a tank panek is going to ensue because they're literal fucking dial tones

Message permalink: 720488502222913668

(id: 648180483141795842)

11 Jun 2020 04:04

Message permalink: 720488546779267115

(id: 528047958583672883)

11 Jun 2020 04:04

Message permalink: 720488690912067594

(id: 528047958583672883)

11 Jun 2020 04:06

So the gov plan is to sit back watch and laugh

Message permalink: 720488992692502641

(id: 655577798152552448)

11 Jun 2020 04:06

Can you blame them? It's a damn good laugh lol

Message permalink: 720489178940309574

(id: 180199188687093760)

11 Jun 2020 04:06

*No fruits and veggies come*

Message permalink: 720489209655197697

(id: 180199188687093760)

11 Jun 2020 04:07

*Scurvy Ensues*

Message permalink: 720489309848993832

(id: 150214558018043905)

11 Jun 2020 04:07

is that a real post though because >vegan meat substitutes

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