(id: 272855779432726531)
11 Jun 2020 09:31

The carcano gets a bad rap
Message permalink: 720570999916986440
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
The carcano gets a bad rap
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That’s a damn good shot tho
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Tbh if the official narrative is to be believed, it was likely a bad shot given the carcano’s MOA
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That or Jacqueline was being mind controlled by the lizards
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I’ve seen plenty of isis sniper videos and not once does the skull explode like that even with 54r
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Look up clips of the driver
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If you wanna go down a rabbit hole
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Now I gotta
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Little do they know
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Oh boy little do they know
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Tbh I actually believe the shot was taken by lee Harvey Oswald, but I also believe the cia has him assassinated to cover up the motive
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But who knows
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Jack ruby def killed him to silence loose ends
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Jack ruby owned a club
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Mafia shit
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The speculations that could be made are literally countless
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Had connections to feds
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There’s so many we could have heard the truth but didn’t believe it
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You don’t kill a president to stop anti-mob bills, if anything that makes him a martyr and increases your chances of those bills passing.
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Which they did, btw
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Maybe they killed him bc of his brother
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There’s also talk about him releasing top secret files to Russia because of ufos too
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That’s what I was saying
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You don’t kill a president to stop anti-mob bills. That’s like shoving your arm in a blender cuz you chipped a nail
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For sure
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A higher being than the president ordered the hit
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Some higher echelons of government or power
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Russia kept seeing weird shit in the skies and asking if it was us and we kept seeing them asking if it was them so to clear the air and figure out what’s going on he was gonna share with them what planes we had
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Or a parallel/lower org looking to increase power
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^ that too
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Maybe it was KGB related who knows
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@Vøødøø aliens, if real, have never visited earth
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What if it was legitimately lee Harvey doing it on his own
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Nah man
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Then I’d be genuinely surprised
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Conspiracy theories
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The government created the term conspiracy theories
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@𝔑𝔢𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 that is a bold and unprovable statement
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Aliens have visited earth tf
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What if the shadow people we see are aliens / higher dimensional beings
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@Serontus > @𝔑𝔢𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 that is a bold and unprovable statement @John Public
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I am an alien sent from Zod to say hi
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Take me to the leader
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@John Public if I had said “aliens aren’t real” that would be a bold and unbelievable statement. But until legitimate proof ( not including circumstantial evidence put together by very biased people) emerges then you have no argument stand on
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Hes in the shitter
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Honestly bro
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I am Earth's leader, I wqs in the shitter
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If aliens visit
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Let me be first contact
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There was a guy who told everyone 9/11 was gonna happen then was talking about the nwo and aliens and an alphabet agency went to his house and killed him
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I got the whole plan
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I’ll get naked
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You just wanna be the first to fuck an alien
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Now getting naked does one of two things
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One shows your not dangerous two it shows you’re a bio organism
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He had a radio show and went into depth about who was gonna be behind it. I’ll look for the videos
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SAM the fucking mothership
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@𝔑𝔢𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 it's a paradox. It can be neither proven nor disproved
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No one has an explanation for WTC 7
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Absolutely no one does
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@John Public The burden of proof rests upon those who are trying to prove, not disapprove
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@Serontus it was built out of toothpicks
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Ahhh okay
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Thanks government
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Fuck I can’t find it. Google has nothing but it was on /x/ with all the stories and links
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Also that paradox isn’t a paradox, it has an answer
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Coronavirus was started by big poop to make people buy more toilet paper
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I forget the official name of that particular paradox
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@𝔑𝔢𝔭𝔥𝔯𝔦𝔰 im not saying they are real I'm saying we have no idea one way or the other
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^ yet
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Bambis razor lmao
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Corona was started by big bat soup to make bat soup seem "forbidden" so that we all want it
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Occums Razor
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The simplest ezplanation is *milky toes*
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Either we haven’t ever been visited by aliens, or they are so far advanced that they have up until now eluded every possible measure of detection. If that were the case, and they had eluded detection, they are much too far advanced to give a shit about us
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Corona was a dry run to see what the government could do if they wanted to shut down the country. See how people would react to martial law and then plan better for next time
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The simplest explanation is your mother
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I feel the need to say that the universe is infinite yet still expanding and nasa discovered a wormhole that makes time go backward and has different properties than our dimension
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What the fuck
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Did the chat fuck up for anyone else?
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Well. Looks like bitch nugget lived through the storm
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All he does is make mother jokes
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And the sheer amount of people who would have to keep quiet in order to cover up alien visitation is so enormous that it’s ridiculous to even think they would be able to keep a lid on it.
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And simp for a mod spot
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Yeah he’s never getting mod
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So help me Jésus
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why be a mod when you can be one of the common folk
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