(id: 704495162763771975)
19 Jun 2020 19:48

Is Chernobyl still on fire
Message permalink: 723625269499396098
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Is Chernobyl still on fire
Message permalink: 723625269499396098
yep it will be bad for awhile we will have a few good years then back to stupid stuff
Message permalink: 723625328307601493
Also everything will cool down after the election. Might have a riot or two after trump wins again but that’ll pass and we can go back to normal
Message permalink: 723625331944062976
whats happening now is mundane in terms of violence, but... in non-violent terms it is vast, its global, its well funded, its amplified artificially by social media, and they have a 30+ year head start on everyone
Message permalink: 723625402102317076
Yeah. Mountain Man is right. This community has grown so much that we are actively involved on at least 6 platforms. And with the addition of a patroen site and another FB page, the world may burn, but we ain't going anywhere
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But this is the "New Normal"
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I wonder if luck favors us, could we become lik a new era minute men
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Excuse me gentlemen But I cannot and will not rely on luck for such an important thing as reminding the tyrants that history has been most unkind to them of late.
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Thanks to dedicated and willing guardians of liberty
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Such as we have begun to develop and bring together here
Message permalink: 723630875413053531
> Yeah. Mountain Man is right. This community has grown so much that we are actively involved on at least 6 platforms. And with the addition of a patroen site and another FB page, the world may burn, but we ain't going anywhere @John Public where else are we i don't wanna lose touch when this gets shut down
Message permalink: 723631289705431070
idk im setting up back up things with people if i havent already
Message permalink: 723631873665794100
@Landfill check the server suggestion channel for links to the two that I set up yesterdayish
Message permalink: 723631994436583534
Patreon is a fee based thing. We make the content and then people pay to see it. But, the platform does allow free trials of things like podcasts so that we can at least get them going. Then it's a matter of some equipment to connect tje two tin cans together so the hosts can communicate with each other lmao
Message permalink: 723632665865224302
I've got 200 meters of neon pink paracord if that would help attatch the cans together
Message permalink: 723633278082613271
Ok sure. Why not. I like pink
Message permalink: 723634630745391275
Oh, I should mention that if anyone would like to participate in this little sideshow, you can contact me or Mr. Kurtz. We will be taking turns using the dirty brown couch out back to determine if you can handle a large and vigorous probe of your ideas and other places
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Kinky, I like it
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Message permalink: 723636127197691985
Hey my uncle has that same couch!
Message permalink: 723636566387589120
That fucker sold it to me on craigslist. He said it was only slightly used
Message permalink: 723636901138923602
I mean people never really sat on it for more than 30 minutes if the video length says anything
Message permalink: 723637241645105173
You’ll need a lot of alcohol wipes for that couch
Message permalink: 723640964979228813
You're gonna need more than alchohol wipes, more like a misting of bleach and then a dousing of ammonia
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A flamer.
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The *heavy* flamer.
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Your mom has that couch.
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Wilmington NC
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Anyone check a scanner yet?
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Enjoy that video
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Anyword of chris ledbetter?
Message permalink: 723653375098486914
He’s locked the fuck up
Message permalink: 723654132895973386
Saw 3 copied and pasted hit piece articles today look out for another false flag this weekend or on 7/4 that will be blamed on us
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Us? CLO?
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The Liberty Movement as a whole likely
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So just to get a clue about the patreon site....it says donate x amount per creation......apparently I'm old and out of date, but wtf does that mean?
Message permalink: 723659301377540196
they make something and get X money per creation
Message permalink: 723659626591027200
So if it's an article or a podcast it's x amount per item to read or listen to it, is that about right?
Message permalink: 723659961158074368
Basically its a subscription service for web stuff. Podcasts, videos, live streams amd all sorts of shit I dont know how to do. So im gonna be using the sites free trail option to get people to start listening
Message permalink: 723661071323365427
Then when some talent ahows up, I can go back to my dank hold and finish writing the complete history of the world just before it ends
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I got approval from Flannel Daddy
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Hehe, big proud
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@Liberty Daddy-N/K/ whats going on in NC?
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@dirtysanchez waiting to find out from a local
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Message permalink: 723667093245132810
isn't patreon down with the woke censorship patrol
Message permalink: 723667457457520741
i know there are a bunch of prepper tubers that use it that haven't been censored yet
Message permalink: 723667671958159513
Zoomer is here for now.
Message permalink: 723668603240710144
I got a letter from the IRS today... Nervously opened it. Is it my stimulus check? Do they want to steal more of my money now that my taxes just came in?
Message permalink: 723670235705507942
It said thanks for logging in to their online services
Message permalink: 723670357092991188
That's all
Message permalink: 723670373887115274
***Fuck you IRS. Fuck your couch.***
Message permalink: 723670485765980211
Ceo of useless letters
Message permalink: 723670566653132800
sounds like a waste of money to send a letter like that lmao
Message permalink: 723670664958967808
Mailing pieces of my hard earned tax money back to me like a serial killer mailing peices of a body back
Message permalink: 723670968869978174
Haha you open letter, now you owe us $1200
Message permalink: 723671011949805672
Fuck parents.
Message permalink: 723671170154758157
Glad I don't live with mine anymore
Message permalink: 723671259107557385
@Red [neck] tech what were the articles about?
Message permalink: 723671839498436619
How the fuck do you think I feel Confused?
Message permalink: 723672207016067094
Completely dark. All my progress down the damn drain.
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The PR stuff I started: yeet
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Intel: yeet
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Being medic boi: yeet
Message permalink: 723672543155978271
S2 died with zoomer
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Message permalink: 723673150277287943
S2 is way bigger and I barely ever talked there.
Message permalink: 723673213808410765
just got what info I needed and took off
Message permalink: 723673241285165077
But you're still pushing forward with your entire life ahead of you. Yeah it sucks, and it's a big setback, but no one ever made it without hitting resistance. We're all super proud of you man, and we know you're strong enough that you won't let it stop you here.
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Hol up is @Bravo321 Zoomer?
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Message permalink: 723674128451895317
> Perhapsm @Bravo321 i was only joshing with you the s2 team here is on point
Message permalink: 723674238128619532
@Bravo321 you needa rise from the ashes as a majestic phenix and take the world by the balls and make it your bitch
Message permalink: 723674599379959911
I'm probably gonna take my music career and try to hit the big leagues with it.
Message permalink: 723674956033949697
I bet you can adjust for now. Rifles and plates are off the table for a few years, but medical? The world needs good medics regardless of conflict. There's plenty of awesome programs out there. Hell most tech schools will take high school students for free and offer pre med / emt training.
Message permalink: 723674957380452403
Already trying to get EMR.
Message permalink: 723675111768457256
@Bravo321 not sure what happened? If you don't want to elaborate you don't have to, were you a medic at one point
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Self-taught, and I've been just soaking up all the knowledge I could from buddies who were.
Message permalink: 723675422986076290
Then you could deff go to emt school bro, get your EMT, get some solid experience in 911 and go medic
Message permalink: 723675576417910824
I'm trying to get EMR at least.
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Then I suppose when I enlist in Navy, SARC is my pathwaym
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Again, probably going to try and get an album and out and be a hotshot.
Message permalink: 723676069969920001
@Bravo321 be a rock star snorting bang off hookers asses
Message permalink: 723676410471907398
Also EMR's can't do much of anything treatment wise, really cpr and vitals, very basic hemorrhage control
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I've been on stage with my favorite artist in front of damn near 5,000 or 6,000 people. And it felt like home.
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I know but that's literally all I'm able to get.
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@Bravo321 that's what's up
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Like that's my element.
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I wasn't nervous eithee.
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Not the emr only thing, that's money you can't do more then that
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It's all stepping stones. Whatever you do, I hope you end up with something fulfilling
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The thing that worries me is what if I'm never fulfilled?
Message permalink: 723677196669157420
What if I'm always restless?
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What music do you play @Bravo321
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