Lucky Texan
(id: 662470209772322816)
07 May 2020 12:58

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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
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I haven't shared it, I just saved it
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It's poorly designed if you ask me
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I have the one you have @boog3r69 but I erased "some catchy quote to draw the ey and turn the page"
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I have the actual pamphlet from the rally up here in NH. Some local boys were passing them out at the rally
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It’s like 3 pages I think
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How do we feel about supporting protest for ahmad Aubrey shooting?
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That was the unarmed man?
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That was the black man jogging down the road that got stopped by two white guys with guns. One of which was an ex cop. He tried to fight and got shot
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Link me fam
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I don't even know how to react to that one
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I’ll have to check that out later
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Based purely on that news article, dude was out running and "looked suspicious" so they pulled a gun on him, he tried to fight the gun away from them and they shot him. ie : cold blooded murder. And they didn't get arrested for it or anything. I'm not one to call racism, as I literally never have. But this is pretty damn blatant. ASSUMING the news article is factual.
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It always trips me out how the white guy has a rebel flag hat and an American shirt.
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On zello if anyones interested.
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Shitstorm brewing is MS. National guard enforcing Covid testing at nursing homes, staff who don’t comply are fired and residents who don’t are kicked out
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Because, fuck my life right?
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Holy shit
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Downloading it so I can read the rest but Jesus Christ man
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Did you know her personally?
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Does kentucky include the south east part
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Ok gentlemen, my fiance came across this on her feed this morning, basically alleging that the mayor of St. Paul made a statement this morning claiming that everyone arrested in St. Paul last night were out of state white men in gas masks, who were allegedly targeting black owned businesses and had ties to white supremacist groups. Now, time will tell but I have a brooding feeling that, while the Big Ig hasn't been mentioned specifically at this time, this may be yet another attempt by the government and mainstream media to demonize the Big Ig movement. If this ends up being the case it will be a devastating blow to the movement and extremely difficult to bounce back from. We need to keep eyes and ears on this situation and start considering ways to combat these claims should they arise.
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Just saw this on FB
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yee boi
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Anybody heard about anything happening in blairsville?
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You going to fill us in?
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Dixie gang
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Is anyone else here a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans?
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