(id: 275644106401644544)
27 Jan 2021 04:20
i dont feel bad for any minorities at my school
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
i dont feel bad for any minorities at my school
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they get treated really well
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because nobdy cares
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everyone is very nice
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My school's full of ayrabs
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damn! ur a legend. But i will have to take back your incel card, please leave it in my office before you take off.
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brown eyes come from cring
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There's literally people from my school that joined fucking Isis not even joking
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bro what
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tbh though if I ever ran for office at my school and competed against a mexican liberal the mexican liberal would probably win by a landslide
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u canadian or bri'ish?
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but yeah I have to sadly keep my head down
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keep your head UP, kang
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my liberal teacher called a student a racist for wearing a trump mask
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I'll get jumped by like 8 black people if I reveal my politics because some of them don't play around
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and his parents went to the school and made her cry
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made the teacher cry?
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lol based
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get fucked libtarded bitch
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i can only imagine what redpills they were prescribing her
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was she fat?
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nah shes skinny
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shes super nice
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my parents banned me from buying Trump merch
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no that bitch retarded
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are they libs?
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my parents brought home trump slippers from the trump hotel in vegas
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since they went there
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and they bought me a maga hat
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I asked for a MAGA hat with my own money and they declined
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that's what happens when your parents are mexican
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oh yeah shes like
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egalitarian retarded
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My parents blame Trump for the GOP losing the senate
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so theyre sub-libtards
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but shes nice and i talk in very simple terms
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that dont set her on fire
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whenever we talk politics
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women speak simply the same way they vote
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@Favre how based is she?
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racism=bad, trump=racist, dont vote bad
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is she AF based or normie con based?
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not very based
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neither shes a lib
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but we talked covid
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wait if she's a lib why is she wearing a TRUMP mask?
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and i told her i hope republicans go nuts
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the day before the capitol breach
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? the girl was wearing the mask
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yeah I'm asking about her not the teacher
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she told a kid
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wearing a trump mask
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that he was a racist
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thats what I thought
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ik how based is the kid wearing the TRUMP mask?
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actually not really i just remembered
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oh nvm
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dont blame him, english is BigMac's second language
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he said republicans cant be against blm and stuff
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and its hurting us
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Spanish will always be my 2nd language
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and i told him how they hate white people
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and we have to play the same game they play
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and he agreed
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lets go
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is he cringe on any issues?
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when they go low, we tread
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tech censorship? immigration?
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idk hes in my brothers grade
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his grade loves me tho
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because of my politics
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9/10th grade?
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his in 10th
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90% of the kids in his grade
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are redpilled from me
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dude wtf I want to go to the midwest
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because of the shit he tells them from me
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yall like midwest emo?
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like this shit
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