(id: 457625174234103829)
29 Apr 2020 18:23

What’s up
Message permalink: 705122152558493787
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the sharing and discussion of communications systems such as radio transceivers, and related topics.
What’s up
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Oh hey simple
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Hey crye
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How ya been
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Straight vibin chief
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I hear that
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Got a steal on a peltor comtac3 set, only rub is its set up for 6 pin, what radio would y'all suggest? Or should I get a different ptt adapter
Message permalink: 705137992766849035
6 pin is the most common plug??
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Wait. 6 pin would be the ptt. Is it a TP120 or NATO downlead
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Some day I'm gonna know what that means
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NATO plugs are pretty rare stateside. Thats a TP120, which almost all PTT’s interface with
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The NATO plug is more like the old school MSA plug
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This is what I have coming
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That’s TP120
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You can either get a different PTT, or get a 6Pin>baoefeng, etc adapter
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Roger that, thanks for clearing that up for me. Heard bao was kind of poopoo, what's a good mid price range piece?
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Uh I’m not the most knowledgeable on that one. I have work radios and then run UV5R’s for short range civ comms, but I treat those are temporary/throw away comm
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They gonna hold up to getting wet in the field?
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I mean wet is relative. Can’t take them shits diving for sure. Probably not as good as something like a 152 or a kenwood
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Talking more rain and the occasional puddle submersion
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So I have an Earmor m31 headset but it doesn’t seem to have microphones compatibility. Anyone messed with this before? I usually use a standard PTT
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If I was taking a baofeng into the jungle on a chest rig, I would probably put it in a ziploc bag
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Well that’s what I have so that’s good to hear Reno
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Good 6pin radios are the 152 clones, they take all the real steel headsets. If you have real peltors and a baofeng you need an amplified PTT.
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They have all the good comm stuff
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That particular seller on ebay uses DHL to ship so they never get caught in customs
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Basically still a baofeng in terms of functionality, but uses real Harris batteries, and legit military accessories
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Here's a Facebook group dedicated to the clone market...
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So what is the practical advantage of it over a $30 UV-5R, besides not being made in China?
Message permalink: 705262390278881341
It's still made in China. The advantages are great... it's waterproof, billet aluminum shell, takes all real military accessories, doesn't need amplified PTT for peltors, is 10 watts, much better reception, better antenna options.
Message permalink: 705274812095922257
Oh, also takes real Harris batteries or an 18650 pack, so it will last for days on end with actual use
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I found this to be pretty helpful
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Sweet, guess I need to get back to practicing the tests
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Oohhh I love that.
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Anyone have a book they can recommend that teaches me everything about HAM? Preferably an eBook.
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Got a 40 min ride, gonna be in voice if anyone wants to talk
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I'd chat with ya, but I'm working.
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@Deleted User - here is a website to start:
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Murs worth fucking with?
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Stick to ham has the longest range if you change your mind you can always convert your radio to work on any band. It’s illegal but who’s gonna know
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FRS is way more common anyway
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You can also convert even the cheapest ham to that rather easily
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Yeah, exactly
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Im fairly familiar with comms on the 10 and 11 meter band. However for simplex base to movile am transmissions in my area of southeast ky it takes 500+ watts to talk more than 5 or 6 milea because of the terrain. Im mostly looking for something that can do this without so much power
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The lower the frequency the better the simplex propagation, but by nature the more power you'll need... physics is a bitch sometimes.
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But, with a few cheap baofeng radios, a Tupperware container and a decent solar panel you can make yourself a nice cheap repeater to drop on a high peak and rock out.
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What did I just listen to?
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(Not mine)
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I don’t even know
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@Phill - MURS is good to have loaded into your radio if it is VHF capable. Just think of it similarly to FRS in the UHF spectrum.
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I think I recognize one of those voices @Logic44
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Anybody in here owns UV 3R plus? Can this radio charge from the uv5r deck?
Message permalink: 705839120588472422
Howdy Anyone got common freqs for cenCal? Just started getting into radios, got a Baofeng UV-5R Been listening to fire dispatch and scanning through FRS, but not really picking up anything besides static, random beeps, and the very rare Morse code
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You're probably gonna need a trunking scanner, they are most likely on the P25 system from the sounds of it
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Oh I see Honestly didn't know the UV-5R was analog only, whoops. To be clear, I DO receive signal from EMS and Fire dispatch, it was only the FRS frequencies that seemed dead
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FRS is not what you think it is... those are the cheap walkie talkies you get from Walmart
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What you are probably getting is UHF rebroadcasts of fire and EMS, they do that around me, but the main channels are up in the 700 and 800Mhz range and digital.
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Use that website and look at your area and you'll see what frequencies you need to tune into for everything and if they are encrypted or not, which most likely they are out there.
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Sure thing, I'll take a look, thanks And yeah, I realise that FRS was the walkie-talkie freqs. I'll look through GMRS next time I can. I guess I was just hoping to just catch non-professional chatter on those freqs
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GMRS is the same thing, you're not gonna find any government agencies using those channels.
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And any of the "side channels" formally known as talk channels are typically encrypted for the very fact that they don't want us plebs hearing their chatter.
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Right, I'm not trying to find government channels on FRS or GMRS just local people who also happen to have radios Lol gotcha, alright thanks I'll keep tinkering with it. My my programming cable arrives, I'll try to program into my local repeaters. By chance, if I set my freq to listen to the repeater offset, I should be able to RX traffic through it, right?
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Ah, got ya... yeah, if you're just listening until you get a callsign then yeah if programmed right you'll be able to listen.
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You're not gonna catch much of FRS or GMRS except families on vacation and possibly some small businesses. But you're gonna get less than a mile of range out if them because they are super low power.
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That's the plan. I figured if I happened to catch someone on FRS GMRS, I would attempt to talk to em. I wont attempt to TX on 2m till I understand what I'm doing a bit better
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Ypu mean until you get your license and have a callsign.... don't make the fudds mad and make it harder for the rest of us. They just finally made remote testing possible.
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It's a super easy course, you'll learn alot, and then you can do whatever you want in the radio and even talk around the world.
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Sure thing, I'll do that
Message permalink: 705909258356654122
Finally got this base station mobile up and running this evening. Using it right now to listen to a Patriot leaning Net on a local Ham repeater, so far so good. That makes two mobiles I have set up to remain stationary at home and one in a Pelican that I can take anywhere and be on the air in minutes. Next will be one actually installed in my truck for true mobile use.
Message permalink: 705935397758173204
Nice... Harris too
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I got my first ham and chest rig today
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You're running a .22?
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@EDDSkitz - Harris gets so much hate at times but I think they make a good product. I mean, Motorola hates Harris for taking market share away in the Public Safety market so they must be doing something right.
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@Sparrow training gun hard to find 5.56 don’t wanna waste what I got. I have a few thousand.22
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Got ya, just making sure that isn't your.. battle gun, hahaha.
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Nah unless I’m battling squirrel or rabbit lolz
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I'd probably be the type of dickhead to hunt small game with a .223 Mini-14
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Is there a bookmark or other # for newbies to the comms world
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I would like to second this motion A nice faq would be fantastic
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The problem is, there's so much and so many different areas
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YouTube is a treasure trove of information
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Start with the US frequency allocation, then how antennas work.
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So i was at virginia with a few "guys" mainly a Lightfoot detachment. Our cheep chinese radios, baefungs wouldn't even communicate more than 10 feet in the area.. thoughts on why? We are no rookies to radios. I figured wattage was an issue, too much interference
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We have no issues out inna woods lol
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I want to get my ass into Ham more, I want to set up a base at home. I have a home based FFL, so figured why not have a radio too.. lol
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Wrong offset? We’re you on the same channel or the right frequency for your environment?
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Yup, we were, just didn't make much sense to us, alot of GMRS traffic... we bumped ourselves into 155mhz if I remember correctly
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Whenever I think I have a grasp of it I learn that I don't know shit lol.
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@BigRed1 - one problem with low power radios in urban environments is the floor noise, which you referred to as interference. There are stronger signals around you and if you don't have a front end filter on your receiver to block that noise out, your radio will get overwhelmed by it. Think of the filter like a want to control the flow on the frequency you wish to monitor and without it the river around you floods your radio..
Message permalink: 706090944226656417
@Reno - Start a room where people post their questions and we can develop the FAQ from that? I'll be glad to contribute. I'm a technician in the P25 Public Safety sector so I can provide insight into what makes a Trunked communication system work.
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