(id: 611965955093954560)
24 May 2020 04:10
I am Russian
Message permalink: 713967252659109908
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
I am Russian
Message permalink: 713967252659109908
Where's the mail order form
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Message permalink: 713967299715137557
Message permalink: 713967358116364348
Stop calling me a commie you thot
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Message permalink: 713967400550400022
But gorl become shield maiden
Message permalink: 713967402706272317
you wench
Message permalink: 713967431491649557
Nah bruv
Message permalink: 713967433370828803
Commie letters
Message permalink: 713967440547151944
How dare thine
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what is shield maiden
Message permalink: 713967453197172766
Aren’t those the half bird folk who eat sailors
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I'll be back in a bit. So long, gay bois
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Message permalink: 713967626824450070
Of you say so shlyuka
Message permalink: 713967672412340225
Yeah pretty much.
Message permalink: 713967717085872139
Norse women who participated in raids and piracy?
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Message permalink: 713967783347486770
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Message permalink: 713967870236950538
Mexican Valkyries?
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Do we have a nsfw channel to post Valkyrie content @Potatoes O'Reilly
Message permalink: 713967972196155482
I don't think nsfw would be fitting here tbh
Message permalink: 713968096209010789
Message permalink: 713968125518938223
Like, this isn't a flag race
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Shield maidens though
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Hearing thier descriptions have peaked my interest
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Absolutely no NSFW
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I have finished my daily allotted quota for that, I have no need more more
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Take it to PMs
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Message permalink: 713970127095464087
you guys are a bunch of weirdos
Message permalink: 713970130857623563
You're now a porn dealer
Message permalink: 713970149832654860
Gib tiddy in dm
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what you do in your free time that doesn’t hurt anyone doesn’t concern me
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Message permalink: 713970353621172246
No tiddy?
Message permalink: 713970379122540585
Message permalink: 713970414195441684
Message permalink: 713970444121669702
I’m tryna work on Making an AnCap Anime intro
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I’ve got a couple character designs but have yet to choose a song
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Or decide wether or not I’m using a preexisting song or making mine own, though leaning more in favor of preexisting as I don’t know electric guitar nor do I own such a device
Message permalink: 713971031358046249
Improvise one
Message permalink: 713971448288378911
Some great devices are made in that fashion
Message permalink: 713971494400819270
Something akin to this
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No images?
Message permalink: 713971797225373696
there are channels specifically for videos and images utilize them
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Message permalink: 713971893702623303
Would the clip go in #🎵music-chat ?
Message permalink: 713972153502138398
Seems fitting
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Message permalink: 713972249287458846
I'm really sorry all of our members have had to go through everything today, we do everything we can do keep you guys out of all the drama but this was one of those events you simply had to be aware of.
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I hope you all still come here to have fun liberty minded communications and enjoy your time on this server.
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Message permalink: 713973365664383007
Yeah I hopped on and was like what the hell happened. Server is still great though
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We as the admins and mods and whatnot have your guys best interest at mind 24/7 when making decisions and do not like keeping you guys out of the loop.
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Its a really tough balance. I dont like having to tell someone that a post isnt ok. But we need to help each other and that cant be done if they close the server
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I'm glad you guys did what you did.
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What was done
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Nothing with tiddies so ur good lol
Message permalink: 713974089357852673
It is. But when someone crosses a line and their beliefs are completely contradictory to this movements as a whole, and goes behind backs, we will take immediate action no matter who the person is.
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Message permalink: 713974178029633577
This movement is more important than myself. It’s bigger than all of us. I’m not going to let someone tarnish it with their own agendas.
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Message permalink: 713974287265955840
Why are you here?
Message permalink: 713974318908047460
Hey let
Message permalink: 713974348704251984
U guys dig memes?
Message permalink: 713974355989889085
Meme dump in meme chat plz
Message permalink: 713974376491647097
Jesus, there's a meme channel
Message permalink: 713974384779591771
Message permalink: 713974405121966191
Jesus. So many@channels
Message permalink: 713974424306450493
They all serve a purpose
Message permalink: 713974467260579910
As to not clog any single particular chat
Message permalink: 713974512877830165
And your state channel can real kick recruitment into high gear.
Message permalink: 713974664795521075
what is glowposting?
Message permalink: 713974685653794866
When everyone collectively agrees that you sound like a fedboi
Message permalink: 713974850418638880
Make local friends. Share ideas. Meet in person. The world is fucked if we can't do that
Message permalink: 713974882987147265
Asked for link on Instagram after reading some threads, stayed for gardening advice and reading stuff in #💭philosophy-chat ,also posting in #🎨original-artwork etc
Message permalink: 713975070607016026
And asking for Valkyrie tiddy
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To no avail
Message permalink: 713975282255790121
Some cool shit in artwork not goona lie. And our PR chats can be awsome
Message permalink: 713975312760963083
That stands for public relations right
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Message permalink: 713975418692304937
I like the hot sauce logo that one guy made
Message permalink: 713975481644351551
Enjoy your stay man we like new guys sometimes
Message permalink: 713975493774278666
Making us pervs look like productive concerned citizens
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Message permalink: 713975702495559690
why respond with ok though
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Message permalink: 713976250162479145
Message permalink: 713976303669215312
Is that how that emoji is used
Message permalink: 713976358312869894
hell if I know
Message permalink: 713976484754227200
you chat like you’re outta the states or if English is your 2nd language
Message permalink: 713976571009957938
where ya from
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Message permalink: 713976748991053897
Live in ny now tho
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