(id: 293250958241169410)
24 May 2020 02:03

and envious
Message permalink: 713935109236981882
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
and envious
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Incentives. Because if we tax the hell out of the rich they will take their business elsewhere, if we tax the product import they will stop importing because of cost vs people actually buying product at extreme cost
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simple redistribution of wealth from the top 1% who lobbied government for more taxation and regulation to siphon it from the rest. Then decentralization. If you want communism, go for it with like minded individuals. Don't force it on the rest. Whatever you want, seek it. I'm more a fan of night watch anarcho-capitalism.
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It's a very rough circle of cost and the only reason I'm aware is I drive a semi for a living so I watch the cost of a product first hand go up or down in final shelf cost due to the cost of production
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No system can be perfect.
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if my math is right
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We would have to remove ourselves from the equation for perfection. We're the most flawed element of them all
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bezos could personally give every american 250,000 and still have almost 2 billion
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There's a very very easy answer but it's a very dark solution many overlook
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Anarchy? ๐๐๐
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> bezos could personally give every american 250,000 and still have almost 2 billion @AbysmalWizard I don't think those numbers are right, that would cost about 75 trillion dollars
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If you have seen End Game, or (even though I don't agree with him) Bill Gates, along with if you decide to go off the extreme deep end to the Georgia Guide Stones to the NWO. There does need to be a decrease in the population of the world
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@Tessik more
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you're right, i'm way off
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but he could give every american 25$ and still have a couple billion left to spare
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thats probably what it was lmao i was off by a factor of many tens
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i was trying to do all the conversions in my head and royally missed target
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Wrong. We have plenty of resources. Statism cannot sustain the human race. And the earth will not last forever. It is something to leave.
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The way to redistribute wealth is to take away the endless supply of human bodies they could go through as companies
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I agree we need SMI2LE
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Space Migration
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Intelligence Increase
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Life Extension
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We have to work towards colonizing other worlds
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Space mining when
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Increase the value of workers
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export the workers to new worlds
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Instead of just making each worker disposable
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> We have to work towards colonizing other worlds is this even possible
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very slowly with current tech
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Depending where or tech is actually at
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> is this even possible @rider450 It's absolutely possible. Better question is, is it feasible?
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need generational seed ships to get to different stars
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isnt that the same question
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and all our terraforming ideas are untested
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we might make some world ending mistakes at first
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make mars even worse somehow
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The ability is there, but at an absurd cost.
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but we learn by trying
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Elon may have been right, we should nuke Mars just for the sake of science
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im more on the ted kaczynski than star trek side of things
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What about the the system that would develop and repeat the cycle of who's in charge of what and the system repeats itself
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that's one of the techs i was referencing lol nuke the poles
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Got to remember humans are naturally destructive creatures
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3000 people on an alien world working together to survive against all the odds and elements
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Humans are also incredibly creative
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who can tell what system they would create?
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The Moon is a Harsh Mistress
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Robert A. Heinlien
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the people of the moon (used as a resource pool for earth) gain their independence with the help of a supercomputer and a battle against the homeworld lol
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Personalities would clash, trust issues would arise, and so on. It's a survival trait we have to assume the worst case possible for example a rustling in a bush could be the wind or a tiger if you're in the right area so you presume a tiger for your survival in the worst case
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Pinned a message.
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Humans while amazing are self destructive due to our survival traits that make use assume the worst outcome first
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Moose I love you
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That made my day
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> need generational seed ships to get to different stars @AbysmalWizard Using conventional propulsion, yes. Better way is bending space-time
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expand space behind, contract space in front
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bingo bango, you got a warp drive
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Which we can do now, albeit in a very small scale
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have any links?
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100 years ago we had just began to master powered flight give us another 100 years and those vast distances may not be so vast
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I wasn't aware we could do it in experiments yet
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Not off hand. We've successfully done teleportation.
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Yep we have teleported an inanimate object before
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Granted, so far only of subatomic patricles. Still
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Quantum internet when
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I've seen teleportation of electrons or some such subatomic particle, not with an inanimate object like, say, a chair
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Need the vacuum of space to limit resistance
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We have the ability to bend soace time. Just a matter of perfecting it.
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And bending it more. Orders of magnitude more.
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isn't it a matter of increasing/decreasing gravitational "fields"?
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Why are we talking about teleportation ๐
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But isn't that the equivalent of saying, "we have the ability to live forever, we just need to figure out how."? O.o
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Through radio waves they figured that time travel is possible just not the way its portrayed by pop culture
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I think nuclear matter-antimatter energy would do the trick. But that's a dangerous proposition lol
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I'd gladly volunteer to test it.
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Sounds like a 1-way trip to death
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Holy shit
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So hopefully scientists don't destroy the solar system with it lmao
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New way to YEET government officials
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antimatter can actually be contained reasonably will with VERY strong electromagnetic fields
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Teleport them to a random volcano
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Just need to figure a way around propelling ourself at high speeds in a vacuum with 0 resistance that doesn't run on modern day fuel
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DC can be the first colony on the sun
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Yes but I'm talking combining nuclear matter with nuclear antimatter.
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@Zone-Tan and garuntees that your craft will not collide with dust at FTL speeds and disintegrate across several solar systems
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Which would require the tech of our possibly next big tech leap
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Much more kinetic energy. What we dropped on Hiroshima is a small sparkler in comparison lol
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ala star trek warp cores
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For an idea imagine if in a controlled environment we could split an atom and at the same time control where the energy output goes
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And the next leap in human neurological evolution. Unless we want to all die
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Brain Machine Interface
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Too prone to failure.
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If we could put splitting an atom into an "engine room" that could then exhaust that energy into forward momentum which in a vacuum of space the only thing needed next is BRAKES
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Biological engineering
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