(id: 421786225964482562)
24 May 2020 02:30
And just like any race car, you always want to ensure your brakes work first
Message permalink: 713942093071908975
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
And just like any race car, you always want to ensure your brakes work first
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Reverse thrusters
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If we live forever then the world would be even more far gone than it already is... As far as space brakes go, literally reverse thrusters. Zero vacuum means you need propulsion in the opposite direction to create the opposite reaction..
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In any case; relativity has a flaw
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Speed of light is always subjective. There is no true speed.
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brakes like, solar sails and retroburners
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As it is always measured relative to the source.
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a photon experiences no time or speed/acceleration as it goes point a to point b
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But how do you go about ensuring your reverse thrust if using the same source of power doesn't send you back and possibly into something
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Lots of math..
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every action has an equal and opposite reaction
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Meth or math
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Why not both
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Both are great
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burn the other way with the same force as the vector of acceleration
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If I'm traveling at light speed towards you and you at light speed towards me in space, I could with perfect validity say you are traveling toward me at twice light speed.
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But in a space with 0 fiction to stop you
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play a lot of kerbal space program first
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you dont need friction to slow down
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just force
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So I doubt the speed of light is a valid universal speed limit
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You need a resistance force the opposite reaction to stop you of equal force
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The speed of light is not a constant
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depends on how you look at it
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But if you have nothing stopping it it can continue until something stops it
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They measure it every day and its always different
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Light seems awfully slow today
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it was a joke, the speed of light differs based on how you look at it subjectively at different speeds
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No like it seriously isn't a constant
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Lei me find a the video where a guy explains it
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source on speed of light measurement inconsistency?
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If you look at a starthe only reason the light stops is when it's either too far away and consumed by the dark mass of space or the light to your planet stops which means in the distance to your planet it has stopped there but maybe
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> source on speed of light measurement inconsistency? @AbysmalWizard gonna go find the video
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Not to get political, but what's lightspeed today?
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Really fast lol
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i dont think light just stops in a vacuum
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Like trailer park fast or Ferrari fast
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There is no light speed because there is no speed
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Or trailer park Ferrari fast?
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That, too
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what would happen subjectively if all photons stopped moving
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Like say something bad about Hillary and you shot yourself in the back of the head fast
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Wow, so Florida fast
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80 everywhere
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> i dont think light just stops in a vacuum @AbysmalWizard
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Also depends if you're observing light speed or not. True story
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The act of observation changes the equation
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Physics is weird af
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> what would happen subjectively if all photons stopped moving @AbysmalWizard oh you're talking about constant
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The deeper you go, the stranger it gets
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Do you think we'll actually achieve anywhere near lightspeed before our species dies off?
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> @AbysmalWizard oh you're talking about constant @gothicancientalien Nothing is constant. It's all relative
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I think this subject starts to bend our reality if I'm being honest, to travel a distance that light to the edge of our "observable" universe is like 14 billion light-years old
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I'm talking about "the constants" which have to do with astrophysics
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Maybe not lightspeed, but ludicrous speed has a chance....
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What's to say they stay consistent though
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> Do you think we'll actually achieve anywhere near lightspeed before our species dies off? @Tessik No and we never will. We will make it irrelevant.
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> Do you think we'll actually achieve anywhere near lightspeed before our species dies off? @Tessik we don't need it. We already have warp tech
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Like trying to figure out how in the universe did conditions work so perfectly to create humans
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what do they use for c (speed of light) in equations if not a constant?
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> what do they use for c (speed of light) in equations if not a constant? @AbysmalWizard
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> what do they use for c (speed of light) in equations if not a constant? @AbysmalWizard The relative speed
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listening to it now, he is talking about questioning dogma
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> what do they use for c (speed of light) in equations if not a constant? @AbysmalWizard stop believing what the mainstream tells you and watch the video
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relative to a "stationary" observer?
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But light speed here might require x amount vs what x amount of force would create light speed under completely different conditions
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We legitimately have warp technology. Speed of light is irrelevant to space travel
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> @AbysmalWizard stop believing what the mainstream tells you and watch the video @gothicancientalien I'm asking questions, simultaneous to listening to the video you linked and considering possibilities. Not really trying to have an argument about who owns my mental domain
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Today’s been gggggrreattt
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> @gothicancientalien I'm asking questions, simultaneous to listening to the video you linked and considering possibilities. Not really trying to have an argument about who owns my mental domain @AbysmalWizard I'm not arguing i just have alex jones energy
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I think a big problem in trying to maintain that constant speed is accounting for planets pulls that you might get close to but know nothing about that could effect your overall travel or direction
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Lol Alex jones
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im under the impression that nobody alive today really understands quantum physics, we just see a lot of weird things happen in experiments that contradict what is "known" already
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God of the Gaps is what is referred to as
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Well, the math is pretty hard for quantum phyics, so that doesn't help
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> im under the impression that nobody alive today really understands quantum physics, we just see a lot of weird things happen in experiments that contradict what is "known" already @AbysmalWizard oh we do know. They aren't telling you. Don't believe them when they tell you its truly that hard to understand quantum physics
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yeah i don't know anything beyond what i'm able to access as a layman, and even that boggles my mind
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So how about those firearms in space then?
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shoot backwards, go forwards
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We going tofigure those out next right so we have star wars for real
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Schrodinger's equation isn't analytically solvable for anything more complex than the hydrogen atom
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You can actually shoot yourself I the back of the head if you're orbiting earth
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If you are at a high enough altitude to project against the gravitational pull yes
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I am laughing every time i hear the science shills go BUT HOW CAN THIS BE like dude literally anything can be. The scientists aren't very good
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and shoot in a perfectly straight path following your already established trajectory
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I mean look at the space debris going around earth that hit the Russia satellite years back
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Take ahuayasca and you'll understand all you need to know
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China almost "accidentally" hit nyc with their falling space junk
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@AbysmalWizard assuming your aim is any good lol, I'd be safe against myself
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Seriously though. Just take ahuayasca. THAT is true scientific education
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Orbital intersections are actually a bit hard to do. Try doing docking on Kerbal Space Program.
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10 minutes in he talks about the speed of light dropping
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I mean i can hit the target, but I'd likely miss myself if going around the earth
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