The Director
(id: 468575001633751040)
24 May 2020 06:01

What would work would be South Korean SOF that speak Cantonese
Message permalink: 713994990434385933
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
What would work would be South Korean SOF that speak Cantonese
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Hmmm think we can get Elon musk to financially back this revolution?
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I’ll text him and find out
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Its better to die upon one's feet with iron in hand than to live upon one's knees with iron around one's wrists. td
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I’m gonna go watch those live-streams y’all behave yourselves please
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Maybe send Tesla trucks to them as aid
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And make em tank proof
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Which livestreams
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With a roof mounted 50 or TOW missiles
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HK daily apple
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Hong Kong Protests babyyyy
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Share this shit to your homies so everyone knows it’s still happening
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Could star hopper carry nuclear payload
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Definitely. It just depends on the size of the payload
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Look up red mercury
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Suit case nukes are neat but a smaller device with more potential is even more scary
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Didn’t the US make like portable nuke launchers akin the Fallout Farman
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Supposedly there are a few floating around the States from what I have heard in the hands of IRGC agents and supposedly left over ones from the Russians MAD
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Yeah back in the 50s and 60s
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The W54 warheads off of the Fatman were something else: they also got repurposed as demolition charges.
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Err Davy Crockett
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Damn you fallout franchise
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They were to be used to hammer Russian armor if it crossed the Iron Curtain
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The men that were part of those units were on potential suicide missions
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Hammer, or vaporize? Even a 1kt blast is a lot more than a HEAT round, that's for sure
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They even had nuke mortars in the works but I dont remember if they ever got out of testing
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They wanted to off set the Russians numerical superiority in armour
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Vaporize the first wave to buy time for your troops to counter attack and even the odds also
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I know the smallest we officially had in inventory was an 8" Howitzer shell, probably could have gotten smaller I'm sure
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I hate to alarm you
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Nuclear missiles have gone missing
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There’s unexplored ordinance in North Carolina? I believe
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Nah. Just saying
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There's around 30 missing US nukes and who knows how many Russian nukes.
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I’d guess hundreds
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They’re on black markets.
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To the dark web!
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I don’t know how we haven’t like, all died yet
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Supposedly there is a few still drifting around the States as a Deep state insurance policy
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Because detonating a nuke could cause the end of the world, that's probably why
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Hmm.. wouldn’t doubt it
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Yeah but
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If you have that nuke
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Yeah, sounds likely
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You’d be first to die more than likely
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I say we throw them at the sun and see what happens
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I mean, theoretically, it wouldn't be hard to make a Little Boy clone from scratch. Nuclear dumps loose waste all the time too.
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When they tested the first atomic bomb they thought it could possibly ignite our atmosphere on fire and kill all life on the surface
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So they took all essential personnel under ground and set it off anyway
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I remember reading about one of the scientists crunching the numbers to be sure
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Isn’t there bikini atoll
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People still live there
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And there’s radioactive equipment in the water
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I believe so
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Speaking about nukes
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Bruh imagine if it actually did tho
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Cannonicaly, SpongeBob is set under bikini altoll. I don't think people live there anymore, but it's still hella Radioactive
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Would be so fucked
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Isn’t there supposedly talks of another US nuclear test
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Yeah, don't know when or where, but possibly this year
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I wonder, subterranean of course?
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Yeah I remember reading something about that
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Like set the atmos on fire killing everyone
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How tf would they last underground
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Youd be surprised what's under ground
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Look up Cheyenne mountain?
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They wouldn't, but then it wouldn't be their problem anymore @Thatotherguy
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Something Cheyenne
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One of these guys know what I’m talking about
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Cheyenne Mountain Complex housing NORAD
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Yeah but they would only last so long underground, also incest could be a problem after a while
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That's a bit more advanced than what they had in the 40s though, it's basically the only place on Earth that can survive a direct nuke strike
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Its not the only place
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I wonder why theirs sperm banks and such
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They would take a lot down there if not stored already
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Cheyenne is the one they let you know about
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Yeah for sure
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Those would run out after a couple thousand generations prolly, if the life support systems last that long
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I'm sure there's more, yeah
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Am I the only one suspicious of the Elon musk star links
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And the neuralink
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Lately Elon is acting like he's on our side, but who knows
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Theoretically the Earth wouldn't take thousands of years to bounce back from full scale nuclear war.
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Play our side get us all cozied up with him
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We on path to full cyberpunk either way
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Under the premise of all atmosphere burning up and all life dying up on surface it would take more than a couple thousand
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I’m hoping for zombies, personally.
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And the continuity of government tech has become so advanced especially since the cold war
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Would have to start over from microbes and shit
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It’s so sad man. Watching HK live and they’re screaming their names and that they are not suicidal
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People out here thinking a single nuke would end all life
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