(id: 159985870458322944)
28 May 2020 05:25

Message permalink: 715435644360327178
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
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Message permalink: 715435660206538752
oh good fucking god fuck off mee6
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take the leader of a militia that might be gaining steam in a certain area
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now give the FBI deepfake technology and a big budget
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he's done
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there's nothing that could be done, they could manufacture anything
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Well there is things that can be done
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every single time something like duncan lemp happens
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just manufacture something with deepfakes and release it
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boom, victim credibility gone
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if you think the government should ever be allowed to use deepfakes, you are pro state deception
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and that is anti-liberty, guy
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> Adobe's new AI tool can spot when a face has been Photoshopped.
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>thinking photoshopping is the same as deepfakes
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Something like that could tell when something is fake
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dude, deepfakes *are* AI
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It’s not, but if they can do that they can do something to find if a face has been manufactured by an AI
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digital forensics tools are fucking wild
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and the entire population, who will be subject to said propaganda, will not have access to digital forensics tools
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and especially *not* ones that can counter something developed by the FBI/CIA or whathaveyou
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Well yeah of course not, but hopefully if the gov does do something like that someone.. with access to those tools could expose them for it
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how well has "exposing the government" ever gone
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Ask Snowden
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and people stopped giving a shit after 2 weeks and said "if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"
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It worked though it’s public knowledge that they spy on us
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Yea basically
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yeah and nobody fucking cares
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The media doesn't care if things are fake, they'll toe the line and the at best redact after the story is off the front page
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Ye ^
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and by that time it's way too late
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***so the government shouldnt be allowed to use deepfakes***
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Even if they did use deep fakes it would boil down too “if you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear”
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Yeah they shouldn’t I just thought it’d be a good way to get pesos off the street
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why are you arguing *for* state deception?
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I’m not I just thought it’d be a good idea considering the fact pedos should get the rope
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and at first, it'll be pedos
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next, it'll be anyone the government doesn't like
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and wants to get rid of
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Yeah yeah, I didn’t think it thought
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The government already gets rid of alotttt of people
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and this would allow them to do it even more
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Ye, socially too
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“Here’s a deep fake of XXX at a KKK rally” social status ruined
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"hey look, X is on this here security camera footage meeting up with a minor"
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boom, prison
Message permalink: 715437818712817755
Security camera footage is already in fucjin 140 P they could fake that shit pretty easily lol
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The researchers I’ve been speaking with from work have basically came to the conclusion that as long as you wash your hands often when in public and ***dont touch your face*** , you’ll be ok
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So really DO NOT touch your face unless you’ve recently washed them
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Otherwise you’ll probably be alright
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And don’t lick door knobs
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@MrCaviar and don’t breathe in someone’s sneeze when you’re in the immediate vicinity of others
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I’ve been told the only risk you have in sneezes is if you manage to breathe in someone else’s sneeze almost directly
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Lol or just social distance
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It’s weird to see researchers saying stuff’s overblown like this
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It’s totally overblown
Message permalink: 715439613375938580
Just act like everyone MIGHt have the flu and wash your fucking hands carry around those keychain hand sanitizer things
Message permalink: 715439752815575071
I see people driving around with their mask on in the car
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Yeah it happens a lot in Cali right now
Message permalink: 715439858411241482
Some :galaxybrain: shit going on that I’ve seen
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to be fair it's kind of a pain in the dick to remove and replace an N95 every single time you're getting in and out of your car on an errand run
Message permalink: 715440082055725056
Yeah but like *bruh*
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but i have seen people out here wearing masks when they're alone at their boat lol
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If the well funded researchers I’ve been working with are right, you don’t need the mask, just to stay away
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Cashiers and shit? I understand a mask is reasonable
Message permalink: 715440344182816808
this is true but unfortunately "personal space" is not everyones strong suit
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The mask policy is good for places like NY or other dense ass areas, but I definitely don’t need it when I’m in comal county lol
Message permalink: 715440442983972914
i manage a small office for a storage yard, i get a lot of customers. despite two big, bold lettered, underline, arrows-drawn-to-the-words signs i have posted up ***RIGHT NEXT TO THE FUCKING DOOR HANDLE*** retarded boomers still walk in, no mask, not touching the big hand sanitizer thing i have set up and want to shake my hand
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@Bender you do not understand I *need* to stand 1 foot behind you in the grocery line because I *need* you to hurry up and move I am missing my *fucking OPRAH*
Message permalink: 715440618738024499
like i swear to god
Message permalink: 715440709561352202
Shots fired on a Minneapolis live stream just now, lots of shots
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im 1 office-sanitization away from using a 6 foot pole to beat boomers with
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Oh shit
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i had one guy walk in, of course no mask, then when i pointed at mine he put his shirt over his face for 3 seconds then let it go like DUDE
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i fucking hate boomers
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The fucking chat on that live stream
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Imagine not fully seizing the opportunity to wear mask
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Message permalink: 715441259770019871
not two fucking months ago i was seeing people pissing and shitting about "ThEyRe MaKiNG uS sTAnd 6 feEt aPArT sO fACiaL rEcoGniTioN wOrKS bEtTer"
Message permalink: 715441390527447092
Someone in the chat said “read siege”
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now those SAME FUCKING PEOPLE are refusing to wear something that STOPS FACIAL RECOGNITION FROM WORKING
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Fucking Zoomers can’t wait till they find out about Fahrenheit 451
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Lmao it was a reading requirement for high school and I didn’t want to read it
Message permalink: 715441724591308860
I cliffnoted the fuck out of it
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i used to read like a madman and then they forced me to read and now the only thing i want to read is army field manuals
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The book sucks imo
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Well so does the movie with the black guy
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whys he gotta be black
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Cuz they made like 2-3 movies I think
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