(id: 272571427138437120)
30 Apr 2020 21:09

Message permalink: 705526261778481213
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
Message permalink: 705526261778481213
I try not to be on the list But I probably am
Message permalink: 705526284855410770
I am most definitely on the list, even without facebook memes, lol
Message permalink: 705526354170478622
You’re in a discord name big igloo chief
Message permalink: 705526378929586288
You’re on the list lmao
Message permalink: 705526407073366048
I hope I'm on at least one, otherwise I'm not doing it right
Message permalink: 705526463335497757
And now I'm here
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@Crye Salesman I mean when a server is made specifically for it there's going to be a few glowworms in the mix watching
Message permalink: 705526567333265491
Message permalink: 705526638888222772
Yeah no shit, that hardware package you were advertising @Reno wouldn't surprise me.
Message permalink: 705526670555086898
@Reno nah, your good. Not like been here long😂
Message permalink: 705526691505897592
I know damn well I'm on some sort of watch list 😂 I have to wait 3-6 days to purchase ANY kind of firearm 😂 even with my CCW
Message permalink: 705526736741466173
Yeah, same. I gotta wait 5 days
Message permalink: 705526802226872382
In California I have to wait a lifetime to buy a gun
Message permalink: 705526828613369999
My 6.5 they called the store and told them "no he has to wait a week"
Message permalink: 705526879259459595
Wait, you guys buy at stores? Also they have those stores? Thought it was illegal to own more than a slingshot
Message permalink: 705526901116239914
Pretty sure the goal is to keep discord from bonking us with the banhammer like facebook did for having too many blacklisted words in one place. While ai's are starting to get good enough, they're not reliable. Traditional monitoring of word banks is more effective, which is why the government and private industry rely on it more heavily.
Message permalink: 705526907361296514
And then I get a weapon of disappointment
Message permalink: 705526927922036738
@SmugResponse yup, also hey smug!
Message permalink: 705526931730202666
Bass pro is dying fast because all the guns keep getting thrown out
Message permalink: 705527030145351740
In nj I had a 2 month initial wait for the permit but it's not bad after that. Literally like buying a rifle any other state
Message permalink: 705527049246474260
@Deleted User sometimes...
Message permalink: 705527061548236800
Dicks sporting goods cucked itself entirely
Message permalink: 705527089679302697
sup fam
Message permalink: 705527123472810136
And they only have shotguns or nothing sometimes
Message permalink: 705527154791809104
oh hey crye
Message permalink: 705527183908798544
i mean so does home depot if you use your
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Message permalink: 705527321477775380
My imaginary gun keeps me and my family safe
Message permalink: 705527398187139123
I make finger guns at anyone trying to attack me and I say "Shoot!"
Message permalink: 705527580836757515
someone's in the house *makes rubber band gun* "they won't be after this..."
Message permalink: 705527772616851466
No you gotta register those rubber band guns first
Message permalink: 705527846847774752
Too much of a hassle
Message permalink: 705527890460278815
I just use my ninja stars off of
Message permalink: 705527956985872424
Ninja stars... Got it
Message permalink: 705528016435937342
Next you're going to say i have to pay taxes... pffft @Samsam the driver
Message permalink: 705528027475607613
Going to be inviting me alt
Message permalink: 705528062372085773
What is money
Message permalink: 705528070085410827
Fr tho Best bet here Pellet guns :CoolGuy:
Message permalink: 705528218140278784
dude just make some angry beer dude
Message permalink: 705528324843241482
dude dude
Message permalink: 705528358582353930
Make some angry beer dude I wish I could dude
Message permalink: 705528399203926307
Just invest in pellet guns You can pretend they're real
Message permalink: 705528844077105162
California is amazing I want to live here forever
Message permalink: 705528896623345745
~~I want to die~~
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Message permalink: 705529023501172787
You're all being to toxic. Just ask nicely and im sure the thief/murder will simply leave. Worked for my cousins brother roommates uncle
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Message permalink: 705529141294006273
Ah yes
Message permalink: 705529180095250495
My wife's boyfriend will protect us
Message permalink: 705529215587713066
@Samsam the driver he would but hes on duty at the local cop shop. Won't be home till after his shift
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Message permalink: 705529462002942043
I'll just do this then
Message permalink: 705529547990499392
Message permalink: 705529581091684362
Seems legit
Message permalink: 705529725510221954
Should work
Message permalink: 705529752055709696
The thief needs to check his vibes
Message permalink: 705529807357739039
Sup boys
Message permalink: 705530283633410141
@Deleted User My dream is if a thief enters my home I want to face him with me Remington 870 and shout "CUP CHECK" at the top of my lungs
Message permalink: 705530360855003137
"That's my purse!! I don't know you" then airate his frontal lobe
Message permalink: 705530736534487142
Goddamnit Bobby
Message permalink: 705530844458123284
That boy ain't right. But damnit all if he cant shoot I tell you wwwwhhhAt
Message permalink: 705530987865702454
Dad can I put a gun rack on my bike
Message permalink: 705531094904340620
My best interpretation of a taxan
Message permalink: 705531105109082153
Ive been waiting your whole life to hear that son
Message permalink: 705531172209426492
He was more upset about not being able to talk politics in here.
Message permalink: 705531558601424897
Oof, I was still scrolled way up lol
Message permalink: 705531622866288651
Sorry for swearing
Message permalink: 705532460930170982
Canadian sorry lol
Message permalink: 705532481821999265
I see those eyeballs... Not a fed I swear, looking for tips on how it was organized, i want to do it here, lol
Message permalink: 705534193651941396
Usually the soup boys are more subtle lol
Message permalink: 705534204456206427
Yeah bro it was me
Message permalink: 705534372618698832
I deleted that
Message permalink: 705534518941188228
You’re going to have to earn some trust now bud
Message permalink: 705534596019650621
Ok, lol, won't do it again 😂
Message permalink: 705534600700493976
You can post it again without flat out asking if that was any of us
Message permalink: 705534802039668786
Copy, didn't think it through
Message permalink: 705534877206052986
Lol. "Hello fellow freedom lovers. Please explain your plans in great detail."
Message permalink: 705535025843667016
Ok, well same question... Any tips on organizing one?
Message permalink: 705535130826965015
A protest?
Message permalink: 705535296359366696
@Redacted Ranch go ahead and post the article again
Message permalink: 705535353183797313
Armed protest at the Capitol... I helped in getting one going in my state and it was taken over by Karens and eventually made a "don't bring guns", dress in business casual protest. After helping promote it I was told I wasn't welcome in-kit and would be asked to leave if I showed up.
Message permalink: 705535843770826774
Message permalink: 705535859662913546
Her vest isn't rated for what they're carrying lol
Message permalink: 705537275487977543
Speaking of vest, anyone heard about the new soft rifle armor? Expensive as hell, but cool idea.
Message permalink: 705537598613094472
Are you referring to safelite?
Message permalink: 705537944173412443
Or life or whatever
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Message permalink: 705538003984056374
Aww, apparently it's still plates, but they're flexible. I'm disappointed.
Message permalink: 705538099069059143
It’s dragonskin 2.0. Hard pass
Message permalink: 705538161497079858
If I gotta use plates anyway, I'm not gonna blow $1800 just for flexible ones.
Message permalink: 705538298675986444
@Crye Salesman why? Just curious.
Message permalink: 705538471640563762
It’s been tried, there’s a bunch of problems. And just because something is soft doesn’t mean it’ll be comfortable at all
Message permalink: 705538586228949075
In my head I was picturing a IIIA vest that stops rifle rounds. I was mistaken.
Message permalink: 705538780144205847
IIIa is far from rifle rated
Message permalink: 705538996544995350
@Cannibal1-1 I know I meant a vest that feels like IIIA, but rated III or IV.
Message permalink: 705539189990752406
So, soft armor rated for rifle rounds?
Message permalink: 705539328339607573
@Cannibal1-1 yeah, that's what safeline made, sorta.
Message permalink: 705539450486259753
But it's soft plates, not the whole vest.
Message permalink: 705539515456028683
I'd rather have hard plates that will absorb the impact better than transmitting it into your meat suit
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