Gang gang
(id: 501877829693341696)
30 Apr 2020 02:25

Message permalink: 705243284158546010
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the discussion of optics and publicity and related topics, as well as the development of group flags, patches, flyers etc.
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Thank you
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@Deleted User but she’s not on rn
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I’ll get her in tomorrow.
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yessir ty for the add
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I'm back. Turns out those pills take an hour to kick I so....😂😂
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That’s fine we don’t need to get stuff done right away we are moving towards it and that’s fire
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ive got a gaming community i set up with some peeps if yall would like and inv.i just ask to keep this and that seperate,thank you in advance
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Whatd I miss? Something alerted on my phone. Me no techy so good fellows
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Add me @Deleted User
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I have a PR server
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Ight gimme a sec to figure that out. *old man noises*
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> i have exp in said field @Kato and i were discussing that yesterday i think @Spud Wait what?
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A podcast
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@magpie_(3inch) @TommyBoi you guys wanna set up a server to brain storm
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@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ has a server for it
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I know a good site to use for flags and am familiar with using microsoft formats to make pamphlets and fliers
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@KaiBran please do y’all can work on that type of thing together but y’all still need an artist type if you haven’t found one yet
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3 inches concept drawing is good sketch
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Like easy doodles are good for drafts so thatll be helpful
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Whew, long day today boys. Trying to catch up, like what I've seen so far though
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How does ya boi look. I figure the b word isn't an issue because it's a jpeg
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It looks good
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@Reno I agree, a to do list would be great. Any way we can add a column on there for "x" is handling it? So for example a line item could be set up website for podcast hosting, and goonicus maximus says "I can handle that", next to the website line item would be the name goonicus maximus. That way if someone new walks in and is like "hey I can help coding the site" or whatever they know who to get ahold of
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We got a spreadsheet out but if y’all wanna make an official one that’s sweet
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This was an old one
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The podcast section has grown
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The podcast@kato .sorry for delayed response just getting back on
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@Reno right, the drugs issue is just as politicized as the immigration issue. I just added it from the old flyer. Duly noted
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Yeah I'm all for legalizing drugs but it's a hot item. And I'm a recovering addict so I still wont do them even if they get legalized I just feel it shouldn't be anyone else's business
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Leave that for later debate
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Gotta be able to make change first,
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I do feel my own political views creeping in sometimes. But this is bigger than that, so thanks for bringing me back down to earth
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@dreadnokboi agreed
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@magpie_(3inch) I have trouble with that too sometimes
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Im sure most of us do
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@girth brooks,
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Pinned a message.
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Pinned a message.
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FYI we got a couple boys working on updating the pamphlet so may want to wait to pin the newer version. Should be ready soonish
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Can do.
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When it comes out just let me know.
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If you could, try to keep it simmilar to what you have. Its pretty solid IMO.
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But I know fuck all about Public Relations so thats all yall.
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I just help run the platform. 🤷♂️
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I'm far from a PR expert myself brother, just trying to help where I can. The draft is very similar to what's already here
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anyone who see this PR we moved the brain storming for most of are already made ideas to a different server but please input ideas anything related to PR so far we have;
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And flyers
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Symbols as in a flag to generate less negative outlooks from those who are not with us
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Who’s good with photoshop? I ask for two reasons. One, I’ve looked for weeks and can’t find one, and two, I think it would be a good idea for a flyer. Can anyone take an image if someone wearing a Guy Fawkes mask and out a powered wig on it? In a way, merge two people who were against oppressive governments.
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Did I miss the move for PR? "No phones at work" is killing my discord upkeep and my investing lol
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No you didnt miss everything sorry most stuff got moved to a different channel hang on
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you should get an invite to it
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@[MS] Foxtrot795 this is fire actually
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Yea we kinda wanted to brainstorm in a different area then the different ideas were flooding into it made it harder to focus 😂
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All caught up.
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@Chidori I missed that part I guess. Where did it go?
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Here's the updated pamphlet, and it's a pdf now
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Fucking love it.
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Thanks king
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One thing to add or it might be a sub point, but how even those of us that havent served feel about the way the men and women are treated when they return. Billions can be earmarked for bullshit, but the care of those that have fought for us fall between the cracks...
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Other than that, fn beautiful!
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Good point Tommy. I'll add it to the edit list
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Could you add how the surveillance has failed to stop any major incident since it was created?
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Can do, although I'm not really well informed on that subject
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@magpie_(3inch) Parkland shooting. The FBI recieved multiple tips from friends, family, school officials, everyone, and didn’t even look into it, even though they had multiple tools at their disposal to do so.
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FBI were aware of half a dozen potential mass shooters but in case waco wasn't enough of a indication FBI doesn't want us to have guns and you can't ban guns without dead bodies also when they were warned about cruz they were to busy trying to impeach the president at the time to be bothered I'm pissed at Trump however he was duly elected and the FBI showing their disdain for the will of the people however misguided that will was is unacceptable.
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The pamphlet looks good, however it might be a good idea to also have like shorter leaflets of info in conjunction to the pamphlet because a lot of people the attention span of a squirrel
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Pamplet looks on message now what about a manifesto? Something to explain our demands in more detail?
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A manifesto should be written by someone of high regard in the movement
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@Copbot1001 agreed
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@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ how do we make it happen?
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By reaching out.
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Holy shit I'm in a server with Pat
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What does everyone think about going on the offensive with information and smear campaigns. I’m talking about finding the people who support these unconstitutional measures and visiting them, making them publicly known, and exposing them. It’s what they threaten to do to us. Would this type of activity be too far or is it what we need to do in order to scare off those who oppose liberty?
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@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ I could definitely get on board with that
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@Copbot1001 I would personally say we steer away from that for now. I think right now is about building character and growing the community
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As of now we are going to try and garner support.
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Maybe I’ve been reading too much NYT comments, but I’m down to start knowing on doors and running some shakedowns for these bootlickers.
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Kudos to the Ag support idea though
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Pulling security on a raw milk convoy would be awesome its like that purge parodie video where people were just running lemonade stands and building decks without permits lol
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How dare you engage in free commerce
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Gotta start somewhere
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I really like the Purge parody. It could include underground TP sales and people going into parks at night without masks
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I think that in addition to pamphlets or flyers, we should have a script for anyone to use if a reporter asks for a comment during protests or whatever
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@AR good idea
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So what do we do when someone violates our morals
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*shoot em*
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