[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/
(id: 687142537353232434)
03 May 2020 06:49

The biggest and best thing we can do is community helping.
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the discussion of optics and publicity and related topics, as well as the development of group flags, patches, flyers etc.
The biggest and best thing we can do is community helping.
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Like if there's a chance of looting or whatever, we could have a large group act as security at the grocery store so the old people and families can still get what they need. I'd be so down for that
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Me as well.
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So what’s y’all opinion on showing up for ICE raids? I’ve noticed when they hit they’ll sweep a whole community and notice is normally given out by people that see them going down. That would help show that we’re not “right extremists”. I know that’s how a lot of America looks at us right now.
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That’s a good one
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I mean
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It’s definitely an idea
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No doubt
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Words were strung together here
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I think that's worth it
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Lots of you probably don't live in these areas
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I agree with strong borders however BP agents have harassed American citizens
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they ask for papers, where you're going, where you're been ask for your license and registration they stop by bus stops, train stations and airports
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And pleading the 5th at the checkpoints can lead to legal trouble
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I like this idea
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Its just another government agency with a valid mission but way too much power, overreach and abuse
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Yeah. Personally, I'm for strong borders and against illegal immigration; that being said, the current immigration process is a shitshow that desperately needs to be reworked. And I'm 1000% against the guilty til proven innocent tactics used by BP and ICE. Like hook said, they don't care about Constitutional rights and I take personal offense at that
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Immigration is a very hot topic
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^mad facts
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we could show up with signs like
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Keep the Border Patrol at the Border not at home
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Well I spoke to my gf yesterday about this , because she’s never heard of it. Showed her the new pamphlet and all of that, we talked for a couple hours and at the end I asked what she thought and she said it feels like this, especially the pamphlet, appeals greatly to the moderates or each side, or the “purple” if you will
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I think if you can find them, why kick them out? Make them a citizen and make them pay taxes and contribute to society. If they want to be here let them be Americans. If I lived down there I would do anything I could to get my family to the US. Legal or not. They’re just looking for a better life so make them an American. Most of us wouldn’t be here today without immigration
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My issue is the same as always, I don’t think the government should have the authority to stop citizens, ask for paperwork, setup checkpoints. So I don’t care about immigration, because the *only* way to enforce immigration law is with a police state.
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Used to run with with a Militia that had what was called a CERT (Civilian Emergency Response Team) we would help out with disaster relief and missing persons searches, escorting victims of abuse to appointments and the grocery store etc, and escort the ladies who would do the "take back the night" and engage in intelligence gathering and surveillance on local criminals and gang members
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Fell apart after a few year die to infighting and legalities
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*due to
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They have CERT all over the place good.program to look into its free training by part of FEMA
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You guys made flyers i can post around my city before memorial day
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one of the biggest things i see against immigration is that statistically a lot of them vote democrat
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to which i say, yes no shit
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the democrats want to help them live better lives and don't treat them like animals
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the GOP is the polar fucking opposite
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of course they're going to vote blue
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GOP needs to adapt or it's going to die
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it's not a cultural thing, they don't know what the fuck a democrat is
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they do know that if they vote for X person that person will try to help them live a better life
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one group wants to help you, the other wants to kick you out and thinks you're scum
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which one you gonna go with
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You guys think they're voting? No no no, the DNC does that for them, just like all the dead people who "vote" 😂😂
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im talking legal as well
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So am I, sadly
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a lot of legal immigrants vote and they vote blue and it doesn't surprise me in the slightest for the reasons mentioned above
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they dont need to play shady shit to make the immigrants vote blue
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the GOP makes it easy enough
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So this is where y’all are
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Agreed. And a large portion of there voting block is sadly the people who have no idea whats going on politically and they just hear the same talking points from 50 years ago. Democrats are for the working man and Republicans are evil
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i mean
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its not really from 50 years ago
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democrats *are* fucking evil, don't get me wrong
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So are Republicans
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but aside from the mass-immigration and gun policies, they are for more far the working man than the GOP imo
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let me be clear, both parties are fucking awful
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i'm not really for either
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Both parties are failures, agreed
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I do like vermin supreme
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but objectively, democrats are much more common-man friendly then republicans. republicans are far more billionaire-and-mega-corporation friendly
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related: the stimulus package was a fucking joke
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it was nice for me because im a single dude but for families that have mortgages, utilities, car payments, food bills for everyone...
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that one guy uhh
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vic dibetto or something
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put out a really *really* good video on it
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let me find it rq
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ignore him giving his camera a shower, his message is really solid
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Its all a circle jerk anyways. For one group or another, against one thing or another, politicians are a class and thats the real problem. We were never meant to have people serving in office for 20 plus years. It was meant to be a part time service done for a few years then they would retire.
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that is exactly the core problem
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career politics is fucking disgusting
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And the best way to make real change is to get term limits. That's the only way I see of convincing people the system can be saved. If that can't be accomplished, then none of the really big issues will ever be tackled
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Snowden brings up an interesting point how many of the intelligence committee heads bully the politicians into acting a certain way
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not surprising
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I mean all they have to do is point to JFK and remind them what happens when some pissant *President* goes against them
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FWD message from chat group
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Hey, who here is currently making PR moves or has a PR page already?
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I have a server developed for PR related activities.
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I will follow up todays post in original artwork with something about a more serious topic tomorrow. My goal is approach things in that let us laugh and still have a second of thought
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> I have a server developed for PR related activities. @[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/ Could I catch an invite?
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When doing community support actions perhaps we should have something to identify us as a group, like patches.
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Maybe I could slap together some basic tshirts saying something like "[redacted] community support" and sell them non-profit to anyone who wants to represent us doing charitable stuff? Idk.
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I’d rather keep [REDACTED] words off of it.
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Maybe Libertarian Community Support.
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Aren't we trying to sway public opinion of that word though?
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@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/
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This is true.
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I would still wait until we get a better rep.
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Anyone have that comic/meme with a gangster lookin black dude and a redneck with rifles walking together? I need it.
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its a drawing
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I know what you’re talking about but I can’t find it anywhere
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If we could get some people to support these guys it would help us astronomically.
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This one?
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I tend to throw people a little off guard when I start talking about liberty and such. My hair is down to my waist, and people will think I'm some left wing hippie. It usually shocks them a bit, and it's funny when they try to come back with some hasty gotcha like "what about something something minorities that's unrelated to the conversation" and I'll come back with, yeah I totally agree. As a pansexual guy with choctaw heritage, I'll be the first to stand up for something something minority and their right to defend themselves from oppressors.
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Since we take so long to meet each other we usually judge only on how people act
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I'd be down for helping draft some goodies like shirts, stickers, and whatnot. It really disarms people when they see liberty movement stuff mixed with certain socially non conservative ideas. Not crazy stuff, but things like "armed minorities are harder to oppress" and "gun rights are trans rights" It's much more difficult to paint someone as a racist redneck ammosexual when they're wearing blatantly anti racist material.
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