Crye Salesman
(id: 368359599889186818)
30 Apr 2020 03:01

You **WHAT**
Message permalink: 705252379657764904
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the sharing and discussion of weapons, armor, tactics, equipment, etc. Server #rules apply.
You **WHAT**
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God that’s dumb
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Glock! Perfection out of the box! But only after you add new barrel new trigger and replace all the springs and add lights and an optic 👌🏻👏🏻
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I had a surplus of 15 rd mags, and no G19... so I cut my 17 frame down to a 19 frame
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Glock: Good enough
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Stock internals, same upgrades I would make to any pistol, but ok
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Glock: The meh standard... it works though
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(as long as you don't get a broken extractor or recoil assembly out of the box)
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Steyr was good for my great great uncle. And it’s good for me
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It works
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Hella good
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Hella works
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My glock is cute. I even put an athletic tape wrap around the handle, makes it nice and comfy.
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Say all you want, I like it.
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of course there's something to be said about something that functions and is the most popular
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What’s your guy’s no fail score? (25 yard timed B8 from draw)
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endless holster choices, laser stippling from every guy down the street, best aftermarket and community support
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I really like the steyr I’ve played with
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I think Steyr is ugly. But I don't hate them
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My brother liked it as much as his p2k that he has
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In the realm of people who actually shoot, I'm mediocre at best with a pistol. Once I get full time with my IT job and get out of my second job, I'm going to set aside time to take some real classes.
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They’re essentially a Glock, so like 🤷♂️
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I've had plenty of training throughout my years. Hell, I taught people PMIs, hahaha.
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But, I could always use more!
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By my years, I only mean like...4, lmao
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I'm a relatively young guy.
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My dad, who was a professional instructor who taught classes to representatives with various agencies, taught me shooting from a young age, but had me start with pistols at 16 due to the danger. Unfortunately ammo prices were going up back then, so I don't have nearly as much experience with them. Now that I'm starting my career, I'm getting close to being able to set aside the time and money to actually get good with a pistol
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Everything growing up was the slow and steady type, focusing on taking as much time as I needed to hit every shot perfectly. Not as much speed training, he wasn't really a strong believer in it
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Bought my first pistol at 16 as well, but I wouldn't say I really started training until I was 18
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Rifle started at 3, and it's just more or less natural to me
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Damn, I started off with shotguns at 10. Except the time my grandpa let me shoot a little .38 pistol when I was like 6
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Went to pistol at 16, and bought my first rifle at 18
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Shot my first .22 at 4.
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.410 at 5
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Had a .243 since I was 6-7
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I've used a shotgun a handful of times, didn't really train with it much. I more or less treated it like a rifle that kicks harder. I think I was 13 when he had me shoot one. First shell was birdshot hanging from my side, then shouldered properly, then buckshot shouldered
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some drills on swapping ammo but not really extensively
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I haven't done much shotgun drills.
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I mainly stick to rifle and pistol.
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Could you help us in member chat for a sec?
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Message permalink: 705255784191230054
Roast my setup, running a USMC flak and battle belt with USMC issue surplus mag pouches I have a North American rescue IFAK pouch on the back total of 7 30 round mags 1 40 round mag on the Kalashnikov and 1 40 on the dump pouch ACH with a lil razzle dazzle and a pvs14
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Unable to roast, you look gtg
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able to roast, issued gear is wack
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Never was a fan of the mobility of the flak
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Yeah... mmm, I got nothing tbh. It's not a super gucci setup. But everything on it is proven and works well. Even if issued gear is 'wack'. there's a track record.
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Only issued thing you're missing is the crotch guard :peepoGiggles:
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Mostly concerned about double stacked mags on the front and wild carabiners. The KDH carrier is....fine
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I've known only two types of people to wear that shit.
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Old ass crusty E-7 medics.... and FNGs
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And Kenyan SAS goon
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Also there’s like no reason to rock that issued warbelt, they suck and you can just put all that shit on your belt
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Oh I just realized that battle belt, haha
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Lik a ghost recon type kit
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I mean it’s literally a 2 year outdated marine corps issue...almost like it fell off a truck somewhere
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I also have a JPC that's my go to for a less cumbersome loadout
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Knee pads maybe, more pouch, recommend cargos over Jean's, more mobility
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look again these are tactical Jean's 😉
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Ayy, more comfy
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**PSA** stop putting fucking cobra buckles where they don’t belong. Stop that! Bad!
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Makes me think of 60s cia/merc stereotypes
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Nice never seen tact Jean's up close, hows they feel mobility n flexibility wise
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They're awesome but the drawback is they use velcro for the pockets
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so noise discipline is out the door
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Fucking velcro
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But they have extra padding on the knees
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and space for knee pads from like crye or whatever your choice is
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:blobshruglonely: ruined with velcro
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I go hiking in them and have airlifted with a younger cousin with them
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very nice
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Is that a rasta hood,
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Drug rug gang
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I love seeing these minimalist kits. Ahhhh yes
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I need to take pics of my updated kit
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U could wear plate under n be incognito, n SHTF just pull off hood n go time
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Yeah it conceals under it almost perfectly
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Crye, what rig is that?
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And then I just throw my chest rig over it if things get spicy
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@Crye Salesman where is the buckle supposed to go?
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Pfft, of course the guy named Crye would have Crye gear
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@716tdi the belt buckle on the bottom?
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Yeah obvi @Sparrow 😂
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The cobra buckle
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Damn son. They want 300 for that?
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I mean, it's cool... but really?
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Hahaha. Flashback to 4 months ago when there were ~1000
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Oh, nvm. they are 500 normally now
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300 on sale..
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Fuck that, lmao
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