(id: 205492937423978496)
30 Apr 2020 21:25

old reliable. Dated but good
Message permalink: 705530198312878141
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old reliable. Dated but good
Message permalink: 705530198312878141
Message permalink: 705530204776431617
Haven't replaced my battery in my t1 in 5 years, on brightness 7 90% of the time.
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ACOG and offset rds is 💯
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I would NEVER spend over $750 for an optic. I’d rather die.
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:peepoGiggles: I got mine for $400
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with lpvo's, $750 is pretty cheap
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Not for me. I wouldn’t do it.
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@Deleted User my work rifle recently
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Get a decent red dot then, and later on if you want add a flip magnifier. Helps make you feel like you're not spending as much while still having a reliable opic
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Holy shit, you're running an A2 grip, hahaha. Figured you'd have upgraded that.
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It’s a work rifle
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That's fair I suppose. Contracting? Or security?
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Nothing wrong wkth a2 grip lol
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Wasn’t that worried about it tbh, I’m so used to the A2 grip at this point
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Its grippy too
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Military bruh
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they don't get a choice, I mean did you see the cheesegrater?
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Oh, well in that case. Yeah, okay. Surprised they would let you have your rifle in a POV
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Lol, that’s an uparmored van
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@American_AF go look up Kahles LPVOs and get back to me about optic prices 😂
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Ooooh, okay. Hahaha
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Why would someone put that buttstock on an AR?
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Come on mister humint, never used low vis DOS vics before? 😉 @Sparrow
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Because I like it
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@ViperSRT3g 🐍 dat poverty pony lower tho
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Can still snipe peeps at 500
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I’m aware of the prices. I’m not saying anything AGAINST that shit. I’m saying I would never spend over $750
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That’s just cause you’re dumb
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Hahaha @Crye Salesman we had normal vics, I dig the uparmored van though.
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Im just trying to find clear glass for around 400 lol
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1) irons require 3, but optics require 2, unless you don't have a specific target you're shooting at. And focal planes are not the only or even primary determining factor for speed 2) true of red dots, not optics in general. Even 1x prisms cause some inattentive people to get lost in the tube. Anything over 1x is absolutely more likely to compromise awareness of surroundings than irons. 3)size of the aiming point is not the only factor in precision. If you're using the whole front sight post to hit a man sized target at 500m, someone did you dirty in training. 4)fair-ish. Irons are still very usable in low light, but no light, absolutely correct. 5)in theory many optics work with NV. In practice, you have to have trained and specifically set up the whole rifle and NVG to work like that, and even then most will still prefer to run a peq. And all of that only applies to irons vs red dots. Throw in LPVOs and other magnified glass and it's a whole different speed vs precision ballgame. I'm not saying irons are better. I'm saying they have a place, especially in training.
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@ViperSRT3g 🐍 I have one my self, they are fine if they are in spec
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The vans where a bitch to work in and around in the cities, but the hilux’s and land cruisers where fun af
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Zeroed at the 36, confirmed at 100
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Omg, yes. I'll take a hilux any day.
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Just need to get out to a range to stretch its legs at 500
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I’ll be the first to tell you, I’m a dumb fuck. I’m not a long range shooter. Nor do I care to be
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Oh and Viper, I have no problem with the stock itself. I just thought it funny you were pairing that with only a 4x, hahaha
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I'm just sticking with what I'm familiar with
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@American_AF anyone who owns a rifle needs to be able to hit out to at least 200m.
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I have one of those myself, I use it on my 6.5 though
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Every high end optic I have I got in trades and side jobs I did.
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Oh I can hit 200m. That’s not long range.
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A beautiful beast, I do love a hilux. Bastards gave me a Ford Fiesta last place I was at XD
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If you have a service rifle you should be able to take supported, on demand head shots out to 300.
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You'd be surprised how many retards can't
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No shit, I'm more accurate at 300m than 50 during qual ranges, haha
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I’m all too aware. People are fucking retarded.
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Shooting should be the easy part tbh, that shit should be automatic until you start doing like long range movers with high wind
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Yep, hence why I practice reflexive. Say all you want, but getting on target and getting that muscle memory is important to me.
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Reflexive isn’t a thing
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Muscles don’t have memory
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😂 your trying too hard man.
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You're telling me you haven't practiced going from low to high ready to make sure you don't pull to harshly when going on target?
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Then again, most of the reflexive fire I do, was with my unit.
Message permalink: 705533790688378980
Shot process is shot process. There’s no fucking “reflex fire” bullshit, the world has learned since then. Mount the gun, acquire an acceptable sight solution and maintain it while pressing the trigger. Follow though with recoil control and sight tracking.
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Reflex fire is literally what they tell people they’re not taking the time to give real training to, sorry man.
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It’s just a figure of speech bud. You know this
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Words mean things
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Oh god, I know you've been around humint now
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I say that all the damn time
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In a literal sense. Yes
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Okay, yes you're right. But you know what I actually meant.
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I can’t believe how anal some of the Intel cats are about “words mean things”
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@Sparrow I went prairie dog hunting the other day and missed one at 75 yds for 3/4 shots and then dusted one at 500 😂 that was a bad day, but i feel you, my DMR is not meant less than 100 lol
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I say it as a joke half the time.
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But you ain’t gotta jump that hard.
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Well, I want to tell you that’s not how guns work @GorgeousGeorgeus but really what that means is you need to dial in a hand load cause you’re barrel is doing wired things probably
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Or switch ammo
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It was probably just his zero
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Could be too
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@Crye Salesman I think I was just having a weird day. I got a new trigger as well. I am normally 80%+ at all prairie rats within 300 yards, even in the wind.
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And text is hard to fucking interpret 😂 so I wasn’t trying to jump on your ass
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You gotta buy me dinner first
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@GorgeousGeorgeus be lying if I said it never happened to me 🤷🏻♂️
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And ammo was definitely a thing, I was shooting shitty milsurp crap at the close one and switched to my hornady vmax
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There it is
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I definitely played a part😂 we all have weird days.
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Pfft, what you mean? Milsurp is obviously high quality. They would never give our boys shitty ammo
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I mean, mk262 and m118lr are fine by me 🤷🏻♂️
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We all have our off days.
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@Crye Salesman in my door kicker gun I’m less particular. Shooting a 1.5 lb rat at 300+ yards in the wind I’m a little more discerning.
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Yeah, I'll run anything through my doorkicker. I'm going to be close enough to where it doesn't matter.
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I have 855A1 in it right now
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My concern with my entry gun is intermediate barrier defeat
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Yeah, the dot on my holo is 2moa so 2-5 moa is ok for me with my 12.5”
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Yep, 2moa dot inside of 100 meters is plenty good for me.
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Oh, yeah @Sparrow I will concede your point about the total sight post MOA not mattering. But RDS only use 1 focal plane if you’re doing it right
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Yeah, I used to lolipop my red dots. Now I don't give a shit. I only use the dot, good enough.
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Now let's talk budget optics... Because I'm very curious on this. I have a mix of decent and shit optics. But are there any exceptions to the rule, that a say, $80 RDS can actually be good? Obviously, it might not be as durable as an Aimpoint or similar companies. But say the Bushnell TRS-25, for the guys who can't afford 300-600, does it work?
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If any of you have personal experience with that sort of thing, of course.
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I think it’s fairly well established what optics are reliable
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