(id: 704521165640827020)
28 Apr 2020 02:37
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Please read the pinned message and use the other channels for discussion.
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Welcome to the shitshow boys
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Sorry, asking for weapon help in another server but hi, I'm here..
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Welcome, all newcomers.
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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The aforementioned channels have information which you may find very useful.
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Please check into your state. Feel free to visit our channels for medical information/discussion, gear/gun information/discussion, etc.
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Sup börthers
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Where's my Illinois bois, sound off in the State channel and say hello
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What's up guys
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Holy shit I think I just found the Boogaloo anthem.
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What’s that?
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You ever heard that song "Who can it be now?" By Men At Work?
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Can we get a politics channel? Curious what angles everyone is coming from/what we want to achieve. Constitutionalist here!
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The beginning sounds like if the ATF was knocking at your door.
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I have actually been considering it but I have decided not to move foward with it. I think politics could cause tension and anger between people because of disagreements and I would rather not be the cause of that animosity right now.
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I think we all need to stand together as strong as possible with everything going on. If it calms down in the future I am definitely open to the idea though.
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That is a reasonable reason.
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I'm sorry if you guys disagree but it's just the way I feel as of now.
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It’s your decision to make.
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@[LA] Zoomer Medi/k/
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Listen to the beginning and tell me that's not the boogaloo anthem.
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Listen to the lyrics lmao.
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Welcome guys!
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Yeah, that’s a good reason! No problem. I thought it would be useful in case more people from popular groups could get funneled in. I see lots of people ready to boog through Molyneux, John Mark and others. But this is an awesome way to group and prepare. Thanks for setting this up!
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Absolutely man I'm just doing a public service tbh.
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Honestly, I agree that politics has no place in this movement. At least for now. Left wing and right wing still belong to the same overgrown bird
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Definitely true.
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Feel free to ask any questions in those channels and use information that may have been listed.
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Welcome all.
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Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
Message permalink: 704537342555324456
Feel free to ask any questions in those channels and use information that may have been listed.
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Welcome man
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Welcome guys! Feel free to explore the server and check into your local state, lots of good information throughout the channels!
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Feel free to browse the server and check in with your local state if you would like!
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Welcome guys! Please check in at your state channel! We have made numerous channels aimed at medical, armory, meal planning, coms, and of course memes.
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Welcome man
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Thanks man, there is already sooo much info out here, I’m digging it, ole zuck burg can suck my ass
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Glad to see you all! Feel free to explore the server and check out the channels. If you would like we have all of our state channels set up so feel free to check in with your locals.
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Sup guys
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This discord is on a different level, I like it
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