(id: 704450073865748711)
12 Jun 2020 14:54

@AppalachianTerminus good to know, thanks
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
For the discussion of medicine in general, and related topics.
@AppalachianTerminus good to know, thanks
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so what should you do if you have someone with pneumothorax and dont have access to a hospital? that is definitely important right now since a lot of people have been using cars as weapons to injure protesters.
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Im gonna do some research and post it here
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Needle decompression initially, with a 3 way valve on the catheter to vent and seal later as necessary.
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You could also do a thoracotamy with a drain but that's field surgery level stuff
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End care is actual surgery in a real surgical suite
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I was an AEMT in Maine for 6 years. Our protocols are managed by the state agency Maine EMS. The have an app that has the most recent protocols for all EMS providers in the state, and it's updated regularly. For both Apple and Android
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You'll need to know how to actually do the things in the protocol book, but it's a good place to start to learn what you need to learn
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Also very good reference for what drugs to use for what illness etc
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I'm just CNA level trained so I didnt get to learn too much about trauma
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Fine a local basic emt course and take it. Usually a couple hundred bucks and a very good way to start learning
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I can go to a free EMT class through my school actually
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I've got a "vocational" school through my HS that has a program you can attend for free.
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please god stop with the tampon shit
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tampons are made to stop blood over time
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not a gushing wound
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thats up there with "a belt can work as a tourniquet" fuddery
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it's better than nothing
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A lot of protesters have tampons, not a lot of them have gauze or clotting agent.
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It's actually not better than nothing
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It absorbs blood, making the wound seem much less severe than it actually is
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I found something for Pneumothorax
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I guess my teacher is wrong about the tampon thing then
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If you have access to an emt class take it asap
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I've never used a spear device but NAR is pretty high speed they know what they're doing
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I do, I'll talk to my high school counselor about it. (yes im still in hs...)
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the one thing that I did get about field trauma from my CNA teacher was how to bandage a wound and how to stabilize their head, since we were being taught how to help old people. I may not be able to do the class though, since I have an autoimmune condition which can fuck up certain things like joint mobility.
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I'd talk to the instructor of the course about it
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Take the course but don't do the testing to get certified. The knowledge is still good to have
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I might be able to do an online class as well.
Message permalink: 721024361733029949 this guy has a bunch of medical knowledge for the field.
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and, thing about quikclot, especially powder IIRC
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it can and will kill you if you use it wrong
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is it actually detrimental? i thought it was just completely useless
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The reason a tampon is not an effective hemorrhage control device is it doesn't expand as it absorbs blood and doesn't absorb enough blood to be effective
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@Bender it is useless but it can kill someone in the form of misguided confidence that it worked
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fair point
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Wound packing gauze can also be detrimental as well in a few points but most are long term. Sepsis for instance if the area around the wound is not clean, also by expanding it can cut circulating to major blood vessels which can diminish or cease perfusion to a distal extremity.
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At the end of the day in trauma bleeding first and fore most then worry about any other injuries. Also a point to make that was drilled in my head by my EMT instructor. You don't get points for a perfectly packaged dead person. It doesn't have to look pretty but it DOES have to work
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and be right
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Never use any equipment you've never been trained on. If you aren't properly trained to render aide you can very well cause more harm then good. That's a video of a dude who gets domed by a rubber bullet and collapsed looked like he had a skull fracture but there was alot the bystanders did that could have absolutely been detrimental to his outcome in the trauma center
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your thoughts on keeping equipment in your ifak that you can't use? i've always been told that an IFAK is for a medic to use on you, so i keep a needle decomp in there even though i have no idea how to use it. i will *never* touch it but i figure having it in there can't be that bad right
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i said the same thing on the boojiebastards medic page a week ago and the admin got a gigantic stick up his ass and made a post blasting me to the whole page
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@Bender i mean that's not a wrong assertion but any TC3 class will tell you that your IFAK is for you to use. Think of it like this, Your wounded, and pinned, medic can't get to you safely, your bleeding out on your X. Are you going to wait for him to maybe have an opening, or try to stabilize your stuff and get off the X
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So everyone is different, I'm a civilian EMT-B with some knowledge of ALS interventions, never been a combat medic though. So for me i always believe in staying in your scope of practice. If your not trained on it don't use it, but to keep something that someone else is trained on in your kit is not wrong either
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fair point
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what do you guys think of Xstat? the syringe filled with expanding sponges for gunshots.
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yeah i mean i figured it's the size of a pen, there's nothing else i can put in that space that's critical enough to warrant keeping the decomp out and someone might be able to save my life with it some day, so what's the harm
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@W E A R E E L M O i haven't seen enough of it to be for or against it but i have heard it is effective.
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living 3 and a half hours from the closest big town sucks, it's a fucking ordeal to go get training
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Big thing with IFAKS/PFAKS keep it accessible to both arms. Don't rely on someone else getting to you that could be the difference between life and death for you. Your femoral artery can bleed you dry in 3 minutes. Shock sets in at any the 1 min-1.5 min mark at that, once Shock sets in your chance of survival diminish substantially
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personal first aid kit
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whats the difference between that and an ifak
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@Bender many fd's offer cpr, stop the bleed courses, if there's a vollunteer ambulance squad they can offer you training and experience on their dime. You'll learn an awesome amount on a bus
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I dont think there is one.
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@Bender from what i understand is just wording
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there's a fire department here but i dont think they offer courses
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i think it's made up entirely of volunteers, im not sure
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NPS makes shit weird man
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I started as a volly now i work for the largest hospital system in NY as an EMT as well as work in the FDNY system through my agency as a Volluntary Participant Service
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I put a thing up I'll repost it in a bit on what to keep in an ifak vs what to keep in a working/trauma bag.
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I would by one tq to use as a trainer only. Practice applying it to your self. Various limbs. Get it right then run a drill and apply it fast, time your self. Unstand how it's applied, and how it will feel. It's gonna hurt, it'll leave a bruise of done right. Keep tightening until you cannot palpate/feel a distal pulse anymore
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cant tourniquets do damage
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also, can a CAT be refolded and put away for a second use?
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i'd hate to drop $25 for every drill i do
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@Bender knock off one's yes. NAR CATs have been documented to have little to know deficit after use for a long as 12 hours. For training purposes yes. But i wouldn't rely on one after it's been used for real world applications
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But two, use one only for training, the other goes in your bag. They stay functional for pretty much years but they're not made to be used to actually save a life more than once
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They can stretch and lose efficiency. And a lot of uses will eventually weaken the strap stitching
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So yes use the trainer one 1000 times until you break the thing it don't matter
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Also TQs do damage when they're too narrow. The CAT and SOFT W are both 1.5 inch wide and have been proven to not cause permanent damage for up to like 10 hours of placement
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@AppalachianTerminus that's the big one i forgot to mention thanks for that
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Don't fucking every buy or use a RATS TQ. The only thing a rats is good for is to say "hey look how stupid this is"
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@AppalachianTerminus I've never even heard of that before lmao
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If I found out youre using one un-ironically, when you go to sleep, I'm gonna be under your bed
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Google them it's fucking tragic
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Brooooo lmfaooooo
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The fack even is that
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It's some elastic strap with like a figure 9 ring for a climbing harness and some bullshit
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Just fucking pure aids
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Dude i wouldn't trust that for shit
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oh yeah, something that's important to remember as well is the interactions between common drugs and certain foods.
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@W E A R E E L M O to a degree yes
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But that's getting into advanced medicine, which you really shouldn't be doing while in direct combat
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A great app that I used and still use all the time for drugs is Epocrates
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like grapefruit and statins, tylenol and alcohol, etc.
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It's free for most of it, the payed app is more doctor shit but it's a great app fucking loaded with info
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@AppalachianTerminus mobilepdr is good to, free AND tells compatibility issues between drugs
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Epocrates does as well
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@AppalachianTerminus didn't know that i gave both, use them after work with drugs people tell me they're on
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I used it all the time
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