Acadian Adventurer
(id: 280732608223248385)
16 Jun 2020 19:55

Message permalink: 722539845997690920
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Grand pow-wow. Divisive content subject to deletion.
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Will the India China thing lead to US involvement if it escalates
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Y’all don’t keep your phone in a lunch box faraday cage ?
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Tune in next week to find out!@Thatotherguy
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I had a buddy who lived in a Faraday cage. He bought a house from a hardcore prepped who had a shit ton of money
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The house was 6 inch concrete, and shielded as a Faraday cage
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And was designed to be defensible with chokepoints and the like, and hidden gunholes from some rooms to other rooms
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It was so awesome
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I'm jelly
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But my friend wasn't like us
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He didnt even own a gun manufactured after 1900 I believe
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The world is descending into chaos
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So is ur mum
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Yes we all know this
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Sorry, had to be sure we all knew
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The world has been in chaos for a while
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It comes and goes
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Ur mum comes and goes
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Based mom jokes
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No, I think chaos has become a perpetual state at this point, just fluctuating levels of chaos
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Yeah, she's 100% right
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I don't know why thougj
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What's changed?
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Also, whoever keeps slowmode on, may a tick bite you by your ballsack
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I'm not worried.
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"Everybody's gotta die sometime, Red."
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Whenever the world finally hits that tipping point and loses its shit I'm ready. I popped out the womb with a couple screws loose and chaos isnt anything new to me.
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to be human is to live in chaos
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True enough
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Praise Khorne?
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a comfortable society is an anomaly
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and one that can end at any time
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The coming chaos doesn't worry me
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What worries me is the gray area before hamd
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yeah. not knowing is the worst part
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Where if we respond too quickly to any amount of chaos during that grey area we get thrown in jail, and all of these supplies we've gathered get confiscated
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And not even your mother can help me at that point
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I'm not going to jail, will never do that again. I dont speak for yall but whenever I choose that diplomacy has run out and I make that choice I'm either winning or going to whoever dead folks go.
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Until then we use as much diplomacy as we can to further our agenda and help wake people up.
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I hope chaos never comes, you see I really like Air conditioning during the summer
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Heat is optional during the winter
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Plus id miss Gasoline
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I don't hope for chaos either
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but I'm not blind to human nature
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we build and destroy equally
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Finally got my iPhone fixed so now I can text y’all from anywhere
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humans have been fighting since the humans have been here. the current state of the world is, mathematically speaking, an anomaly
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and can end at any time
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War, war never changes
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ever since grug saw ungo, grug and ungo no like eachother
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demaclub want to take grug assault throw grug say come and steal grug want yabadabadoo
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no trug on grug
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Grug say send men who no marry, and come with many rock
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Wish someone was here I could simp for 😪
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Ask and you shall recieve
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You have both the lovely Seron, and myself to Simp for @Sam SimpChester
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I shall tell the world of how cute y’all are 😘
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I am the anti simp. **BEGONE SIMPS**
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It smell like simp in here
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I cry every time 😢
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Goofy is that LEGO yoda at his child support hearing?
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Eyyyyyyy war lord Chaz is giving ppl free ARs in the Seattle zone
Message permalink: 722566190546944005
Whhhat? No way, hahaha.
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Hearing Rumors that Hell's Angels and Mongols plan on going in on July 4th, don't know the validity of it, but still.
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I heard that last night... Worth the price of a plane ticket for a free AR IMO
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Grain of salt it’s from Tim pool so idk how old the story is but there’s a video of him handing out guns lol ALL HAIL RAZ WARLORD RIDE SHINY AND CHROME
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Buddy told me they were handing them out to peeps that don't even know how to use them and were holding them by the mags and shit LoL
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I am so excited... I know these guys are the bad guys. But to see a Raider Camp become a thing makes me giddy and laugh.
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And I can't wait for it all to fall apart.
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Can't wait to see Boot Lickers and Commies destroy each other
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It’s like a car accident. You can’t help but to watch them.
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> Hearing Rumors that Hell's Angels and Mongols plan on going in on July 4th, don't know the validity of it, but still. @Sparrow They hashed their history out?
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I think they're just setting it aside to kick commie ass for a little bit. Then they'll probably go back to fighting eachother.
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Ok. I was worried. That's a sign of the apocalypse ya know
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I'm serious. Those two MC's will NEVER end Shit between them for long.
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Not after lauflin
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Vote Acadian for President. I will make slowmode illegal
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And light mode
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Prime time slot boiis
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Acadian I could take slow mode off for you
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But I won’t
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Boom! And yo mama @Acadian Adventurer
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Seems Idaho seeks to expand its borders
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