(id: 205492937423978496)
15 Jun 2020 00:54

Oh sweet
Message permalink: 721890345297903658
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
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Oh sweet
Message permalink: 721890345297903658
Dont spread it around, dont want it blowing up
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looks like the coupon doesn't work even for the keymod one
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may have been single use
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Idk, they were passing em out at a training event a while back
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I havent used it
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Ahh okay. Probably expired then. Usually those will last a month or so
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So, if I have a rifle length gas system, can I use a heavy carbine length buffer
Message permalink: 721895415586357369
Buffer weight is a bandaid for overgassed systems. Proper gassing depends on a few factors such as gas port size, barrel length, and gas system length. The two ways to properly fix the issue is to either have a properly sized gas port, or a quality adjustable gas block. Either one should be paired with a standard weight buffer.
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@Potatoes O'Reilly bcm gunfighter
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if i had to guess its the mod 3
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i really like mine its really grippy and the egros are great
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opening the door on it is a 2 handed job tho its really stiff
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none of my lgs carry anything bcm
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but what can you do
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ya most lgs dont carry bcm wich is a bummer
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but any more they are never even in stock so what can a guy do
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ya they normally still dont which sucks
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I've got one with a bcm mod 3 grip on it. The grip angle is slightly more vertical than the magpul moe grip. The top part is slightly skinnier but it has more of a palm swell than the moe. The moe is blockier feeling while the mod 3 is a bit more rounded, and not quite as long from the butt to muzzle direction. The moe has a grippier texture but the mod 3 is more ergonomic.
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The mod3 also has a swinging door with a removable rubber insert while the moe just has a removable bottom. The mod3 has a shelf that extends over the trigger guard to keep your finger from rubbing against the gap between a normal grip and the trigger guard
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Overall I'd say I prefer the bcm as it's more conducive to squared off shooting as the grip is even more vertical than the magpul, and a good bit more ergonomic. It's also slightly heavier though, and not nearly as grippy. Your hand won't slip off of either, but I'd say the magpul lends itself better to gloved shooting than the bcm
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Magpul is basically the new a2 grip. It does its job well with no frills, and most people who shoot on a two way range and have a choice pick it because it's what everyone else uses
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Can't go wrong with one but you may find ones you like better
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Grips are an area up entirely to user, the only rules to go by are a straighter grip is more comfortable in a squared off stance and a more angled one makes a bladed stance easier
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As a meaty boi myself I find an A2 grip horrendously narrow
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If the magpul moe feels too small for you, the bcm mod3 will definitely feel too small. Not as thin as a2, but slightly smaller than the moe
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As far as I know not many companies make a good thicc grip
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Grab all the other pieces of an AR.
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And you can always bubba it up with some grip tape or something.
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Or something else. Maybe you can even carve out a big fat wood one, ha ha.
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Academy sports carries magpul products. They're probably out of stock, but you can try to see how well it fits your hand if they have it.
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Basically everything gun related is sold out around me
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>tfw I got briefly excited at a pawn shop with a Ruger AR pistol >it was chambered in .350 Legend
Message permalink: 721914837067890698
Good thing you missed it then, ruger ar's are garbo
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I mean, I'm still debating on whether or not to run up a Sig Rattler build or if I should locate some alternative.
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Ruger makes okay rimfire and precision rifles but their ar's are bad and their centerfire pistols are horrible
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They make some pretty decent rimfire competition pistols though
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Gotcha. Can you elaborate on why they're bad?
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Poor quality. They break during classes very often
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Personal experience as a user or an instructor?
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Or a fellow student?
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Watching at least one ruger, Taurus, and Springfield fail at every class I've attended if there's a decent number of people. Usually it's fixable but sometimes it's not. When it's a revolver, they're usually shit out of luck.
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*when your Taurus revolver jams and you can't open the cylinder because there's a case lodged in it* What? Impossible, revolvers can't jam!
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I've heard plenty about Taurus, but not much about Ruger or Springfield.
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At least in terms of guns consistently failing.
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Like, sure, Springfield's a cuck and whatnot, but still.
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I'm pretty sure Taurus makes their guns for the market of their home country
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that being something you can probably get a few bullets out of before having to dump it in the local body of water
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for a good price
Message permalink: 721917083213889586
Good to go: Glock H&K Sig CZ M&P Walther Probably a few others I'm missing depending on the model
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I'm hearing nice things about one of their semi-autos, but that's about it.
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And I can't tell if it's the usual "I fired three magazines in one year, I'm an expert now" kinda guys, or if it's legit.
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Taurus makes cheap guns that brazilian gangsters can do a hit with before throwing it away
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Also gotta remember that you can't trust "gun guys" and gun store clerks. They might be a decent shot but they've never studied firearms or gotten their guns in dirt, mud, or sand.
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bro i shoot in desert dirt
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*"I love my Springfield XD that I carry in a SERPA. 69,000 rounds without a single failure. Haven't even cleaned it."*
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shits gets in fucking every thing
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If anyone says "works for me," run
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imagine thinking that any roller delayed blowback guns would be good every day guns
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hold up they are nice actions
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oh they're sexy guns
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hell ya they are
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dirty af tho
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they also tend to be complex guns
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yes they are
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but for the most pary reliable too
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and if one of the little pieces breaks during any time you can't get it fixed you have a club
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I think the mp5 is a sexy gun, just not something I would want to have as my every day carry
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that is a large af carry bud
Message permalink: 721918515631620196
Used to have a ptr91. It was pretty fun. Actually very simple to disassemble and wouldn't quit, but it's also a 1.5 moa 308 and weighs 9 pounds so...
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its bad on that point alone
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not as in a carry in this setting
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i have a ptr91 and i love it
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i a am going to take it on a hog hunt corona permitting in florida next year
Message permalink: 721918742510174258
but like those people who say they would use it as their only gun during some sort of engagement or survival situation
Message permalink: 721918755764174849
It would be serviceable. Not optimal but not obsolescent, as long as you've got the manual of arms down.
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it's better then nothing
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It's a lot better than nothing, that's for sure.
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but honestly if I was forced to have one gun I would choose a direct blowback
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Now surviving with just a bolt action is pretty iffy
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the roller delay blowback is pretty solid
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bolt action is solid but slow af it really depends on how you are going to survive
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Depending on the situation I'd either pick a good ar15, or a glock and a good kydex holster if you're not allowed to just tote a rifle around
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I'm sure some people would still go into battle with a garbage rod
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I mean mosin
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they would maybe fire once before getting slotted, but A for effort
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They're basically obsolete except for very specific situations, in which case they're precision long range guns. Mosins aren't sniper rifles, they fire about minute of ups truck
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i have a p80 and an ar pistol i would use
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infantry bolt actions only are effective if you're in a fireing line with them
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so obsolete
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oh, and only if your enemy is doing the same
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Yeah lol
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Firing line, meet CAS
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Bolt-action is better than nothing... but to compare it with any modern semi-auto rifle, you'd have to be a tard.
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the power of the mosin came from there being endless waves of russians on a battle field weilding them
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