(id: 775188213958574101)
27 Jan 2021 01:47
I just hope we arent being subverted or tricked
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a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
I just hope we arent being subverted or tricked
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Its the subverters that are getting subverted this time
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The point is we need to hold all the gamestop shares and bankrupt the assholes
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If people sell gamestop and move money into amc it weakens us
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But we have crossed thresholds
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What happens on Friday again?
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People keep mentioning Friday as an important day
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Is that when Melvin Capital is predicted to just fold and sell everything?
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Just trust me bro
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Thats when they go bankrupt and have to buy all the shares
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Margin called or whatever
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You don't have to move on friday, just add other stuff to BB
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Amc does look good people are motivated
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I just hope its organic
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This is a new era beginning
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Oh I donβt think its organic at this point lol
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Maybe if it keeps growing in a month it might be
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The age of the J is over
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Yeah fuck amc im not touching it
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Why is that
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We have a 65 inch LG oled, we are never going to the movies again
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And it seems non organic
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The promotion on reddit from shill looking accounts
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Imagine not enjoying going to the movies
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"well I have a tv" yeah sounds gay
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Jaden has spoken
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I'd go if the theater was open
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I'm going to watch Kong rape Godzilla in theaters
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Movie theaters are still epic
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I just watched goodfellas, they did a showing. It was cozy
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"nah I'ma stay home and rent a movie for $25 and make microwave popcorn" oh so you're gay?
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kinda miss going to the movie theater with my brother
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But pumping and dumping corporations to bankruptcy is kinda fun
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I got a free amc stock so I'ma shill this again for any noobs that want it Join Robinhood with my link and we'll both get a free stock π€
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AMC is a go then
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When Gamestop hits $1000 I will send $100 to your PO box jaden
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I tried to get in today at $80 but fell asleep
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I got a stock for 240, gonna double my money soon
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Buy low sell high
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Buy high sell low
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Pinned a message.
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> Buy high sell low @tj the financial elite don't want you to know this
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Only thing I can add to finance
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BB is next
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I put a few thousand into BB I will literally never stop kekking if it doubles in value
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I really want a blackberry again
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We like the stock
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I'm unironically probably going to buy a blackberry once my smartphone dies
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One step closer to monke tech
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In this day and age security is important
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Encrypted comms
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The best security is no tech
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It would be really cool if dlive didn't steal my money
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Its probably already in Beijing
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If only we could pump and dump dlive
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Thx Jaden for the link
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We should steal their money
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the lemon heist
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it would be a great story to tell our grandchildren
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Yeah man its ok
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hey howd you get mine :/
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Yeah bro its legit
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Its just so the irs can find you when gamestop hits 1k
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its the stock market
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cant be an anon
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just trying to set up my robin
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dont lie on it could be legal trouble
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I'm not
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So melvin is bankrupt
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See that dip? Thats all of their assets being liquidated
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They held tons of alibaba
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My portfolio diversity:
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100% BB
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Use ten masks and you die from asphyxiation cant get covid then
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I heard that the GME stock is exploding
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Its going up a lot if thats what you mean yes
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I saw a similar news report and I was laughing so hard
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i didnt mean to put that in finance until now
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