(id: 203155559354990592)
28 Jan 2021 21:23
Tom whats ur bb avg cost@Tom
Message permalink: 804461777227743264
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
Tom whats ur bb avg cost@Tom
Message permalink: 804461777227743264
I bought 1000 at 10 bucks
Message permalink: 804463381977366579
Any good takes on NCTY?
Message permalink: 804466227522306048
We back up on gme
Message permalink: 804466342552010753
^ someone follows Autism Central on Tele
Message permalink: 804470184210989066
My absolutely based QD position
Message permalink: 804472011975819324
When is that supposed to boom?
Message permalink: 804472188664021033
Message permalink: 804472734640766986
Lol what
Message permalink: 804472778735484939
tfw someone just posts random Chinese stocks
Message permalink: 804472806452363285
"QD the next Gamestop" lmao
Message permalink: 804473159196737586
Robinhood got margin called you think
Message permalink: 804473263731900436
Robinhood email says tomorrow they will allow all trades
Message permalink: 804473621271543818
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Dogecoin thoughts?
Message permalink: 804473982505975838
Message permalink: 804474010188382232
Message permalink: 804474568923938846
I already have $10 worth, it's trending up
Message permalink: 804474655578390529
Message permalink: 804474688154632222
I’ve got a hot stack. What stock is primo?
Message permalink: 804474789799395368
Buy low sell high
Message permalink: 804475444996472852
Message permalink: 804475557664129064
Yeah bad advice don't listen to him
Message permalink: 804475789239123978
What's the best platform for crypto rn
Message permalink: 804476345400688680
Buy high sell low
Message permalink: 804479026751733790
Or just Hold forever
Message permalink: 804479165306896445
I'm talking about Binance or Coinbase which one is better
Message permalink: 804479340968411187
Coinbase sucks dunno about Binance tho
Message permalink: 804479476258832394
Can we meme dogecoin to be mainstream like bitcoin fellas?
Message permalink: 804479745005453325
Worth a shot
Message permalink: 804479919970189322
Bro I wish
Message permalink: 804479923430752266
Get on it Reddit spergs
Message permalink: 804479944775172106
It's already all over /biz/
Message permalink: 804479994809679914
Should make it’s way to wall street bets soon then
Message permalink: 804480083175145472
Memetic warfare at it's finest
Message permalink: 804480217796182086
So many tourist fags from reddit on /biz/
Message permalink: 804480255720292452
Legit saw one poster link a reddit thread
Message permalink: 804480299190059038
Thinking about putting in some bitcoin and dogecoin when gme finally sells
Message permalink: 804480338574704730
That's the future
Message permalink: 804480408670306334
People are gonna be begging for Crypto when this is over
Message permalink: 804480489695608873
Message permalink: 804480591328182353
Feds are gonna be all over this lmfao
Message permalink: 804480670800937022
Message permalink: 804480693853093930
They're gonna label us "economic terrorists" or some garbage
Message permalink: 804480744776400916
75% in bitcoin, 15% dogecoin, 10% BB will probably be my ratio
Message permalink: 804480780142510090
After gme is done
Message permalink: 804480830994120714
Still thinking about it tho, not an advisor
Message permalink: 804481153640955914
dogecoin is too difficult to buy for significant short-term momentum... you guys cant even hold gme for more than a few days...
Message permalink: 804481167020523534
I will eternally shill Bitcoin. Fiat is fake and gay.
Message permalink: 804484633760366644
Wasn't Patrick little a fed
Message permalink: 804485578665230366
Most likely but Nehlen is confirmed
Message permalink: 804485653940666379
Fed or nut job
Message permalink: 804486890035478583
Dogebros.. hold the dog..
Message permalink: 804488381932634132
They got to cover a lot of losses today
Message permalink: 804489128741568623
With the bs prices
Message permalink: 804489141898706957
everyone should be promoting gme and holding.... stop with the dogo. This is like your one chance to fuck them over and your like nawwww lets buy this dog coin
Message permalink: 804489986497970208
reddit likes dogsss durrrrr
Message permalink: 804490075169751110
anyone who's promoting dogo is just a retard who thinks they missed gme
Message permalink: 804490822748995614
Sucks I can’t buy more GME
Message permalink: 804490841481543740
yeh lol
Message permalink: 804490983857324072
although most people who bought in bought in when it was sub-$100, right? Its gonna have to crash way more for them to lose money lmao
Message permalink: 804491140954325023
they literally just had to stop trading gme because it's a threat to the system... and now you think it's a good time to promote dogecoin... what a grift
Message permalink: 804492051172950016
small money minded
Message permalink: 804492217984614420
so true
Message permalink: 804492468162789407
I know why robinhood cucked today
Message permalink: 804493863661862952
600 million credit line
Message permalink: 804493886121705533
Too many people buying gamestop with “instant deposit”
Message permalink: 804493946012696617
Tomorrow they will have their funds roll in through ach and they will stay afloat
Message permalink: 804494109443096626
Expect lots of people buying gamestop because they like the stock ok?
Message permalink: 804494179199483935
elites want to feel in charge
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they are losing their grip on their power which is why they are freaking out making phone calls fratically trying to stop their money from leaking
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Message permalink: 804495012443979817
Robin hood has 600 million
Message permalink: 804495037576511499
200 mil is probably what they use normally
Message permalink: 804495070585421895
So 400 mil available right
Message permalink: 804495106945712139
@InfluentialGroyper "expect lots of people buying gamestop because they like the stock ok?" you think Gamestop is worth as much as it rn?
Message permalink: 804495127375642635
Divide that by one million autists
Message permalink: 804495139888168960
$400 buy in for 1 million people.
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Message permalink: 804495207806271518
That's a good point
Message permalink: 804495255701160016
Out of money. It takes them 24-72 hours to clear that cash
Message permalink: 804495291793014794
@InfluentialGroyper I diagnose you with sex
Message permalink: 804495407396028486
Anyone wanting to buy will need to do so early in the day tomorrow before their line of credit runs out
Message permalink: 804495472118464592
I think big whales just caught on to that hence this price movement after market
Message permalink: 804495610962640957
Thanks doctor
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Message permalink: 804495790734049281
This is you right?
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doctor sex
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doctor sex
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doctor sex
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Would the whales be using Robinhood tho
Message permalink: 804497691119714305
Whales are trading after hours right now
Message permalink: 804498607172091925
Covering shorts maybe
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Message permalink: 804498690797993984
GME over 300 again
Message permalink: 804499313748344882
We're all gonna make it
Message permalink: 804499333998182410
doctor sex bonus edition
Message permalink: 804499396469194772
Beyond any financial gains we will make, if you make it through to the end you will have certified Dick & Balls of steel
Message permalink: 804500663886282753
Reminder that these stupid fucks at Citadel doubled down at $350 last time
Message permalink: 804502685067640842