(id: 701205727355600917)
13 May 2020 19:11

That’s crazy though
Message permalink: 710207681335656448
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That’s crazy though
Message permalink: 710207681335656448
The only decent concealable ones I know of are the spiritus covert and ferro slickster. Might be able to make the jpc work but idk. Also all of those are "concealable" as in, you could probably hide them under a coat. They make more concealable armor but you're gonna be confined to soft stuff like iiia
Message permalink: 710208244194214041
Okay yeah, I was thinking that stuff. And I'm talking something that I can wear slick under a coat. And throw a chest rig or velcro mag pouches on if needed.
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My ferroro chest rig micro is pretty small. Fits three mags and I could conceal it under a sweatshirt with ease
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I can get pics for you if you want when I get home
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the overt and covert from spiritus are really about the same size. The only noticeable difference is that the overt has a little molle on the top half
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I have a photo I think
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And the overt has a zipper for their packs
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yeah though you can mix and match front and back plate bags
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Oh you talking plate carriers?
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I remember finding another covert PC like 2 weeks ago, but can't remember the name.
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And yes.
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mags may stick out a bit. The lower profile attachment is a plackard, and there's also a chest rig that can be mounted on it if you want an admin pouch
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That's a rig though, not a PC
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You may be able to just pass for a fat person with the pc on and a bomber jacket over top during the fall and winter
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I mean, I'll also get a rig to throw over my carrier.
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I have a dedicated PC with pouches and everything. But I also want something slick that I can wear for like PSDs
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Apparently Shellback makes their own concealable carrier too.
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I think I might get the Slickster when I come back.
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I still need a medkit and better plates. Normally have a qor iceplate on there but it's not attached at the moment. Anything I don't need immediate access to goes in the haley flatpack molled to the back
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Also I tie down the cables but I had it disassembled
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I think I'll be going with an ifak from dark angel medical, and probably some hesco special threat plates once my tax returns finally come in
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Might as well run a SMERSH instead of that, it's got more mag pouches and a bigger space for an IFAK
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I'd stick TQs and Bandages in the Hand Grenade and cleaning kit pouches as well
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make some little spicy russian throwing bottles 😛
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jk if you make them self igniting like you should, you don't want them strapped to your kit
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Just keep them in brown paper bags. Cops can't see alcohol if it's wrapped up like that.
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coulda sworn there was an episode of the simpsons when homer put a bottle of liquor in a bag and chief wiggum was like, wait where'd it go?
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Tax stamp 😂😂😂
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That shit is insane
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I can’t even imagine some of the PTSD them veterans must have from those tunnels
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That’s crazy
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That's cool
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Anybody got reccomendations for a MLOK flashlight with a pressure pad for ak. (Ars apparently wont work preszure pads)
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Surefire scoutlight series
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Every once in a while I remember this when I see a post. Use the discount code REEE for discounts at PHLster Dark Star Gear HolsterCo LLC. Dark Angel Medical, LLC and Big Tex Outdoors
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I'm looking at getting an ifak and a new holster so I'm definitely using it
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First poor build
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What 🤔
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Theyre offset irons 😒 came with it, why not
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Offset is fine
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that sight placement though
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I couldn't get it further back lol trust me I tried, ill have to get different offset rails to be able to scoot it back like 2 inches
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It should be the first thing in front of the charging handle, at the very first pic slot
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Brush there's no room, had to attach it to the M-Lok
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It's basically useless there. Either make room, or don't have it at all. Later on when you can afford it, good flip magnifier design leaves enough room for a flip up backup sight, such as the larue flip mount
Message permalink: 710325549486047367
Not all that great on that red dot anyway
Message permalink: 710325977460375553
Totally acceptable to not have backups if the magnifier doesn't leave room, but sticking it there anyway just makes you look bad, and shouldn't be relied on when mounted there anyway. Red dot's okayish, I mean they're surprisingly durable if that's what you can afford. Has inrange's stamp of approval at least.
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Nothing wrong with the dot, just not really made for a magnifier
Message permalink: 710326617083347075
@EDDSkitz works well, lines up and seems to do what its designed to
Message permalink: 710326896419668205
Pulled the trigger on my DMR build, all except the barrel. No idea when Faxon is getting their 20" back in stock but I'm not compromising on that
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20" Gunner's Profile?
Message permalink: 710342269143744602
"Heavy flame fluted" they call it
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Good for a dmr or for vibe checking steel plates
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@pathenryv2 thats the idea. Also looking to keep ammo interchangeable between it and my carbine. So xm855 for both
Message permalink: 710346671699132537
What's everyone's opinion on B.A.D. Levers? Worth using or no?
Message permalink: 710348451463954432
I don't have experience using them, which is why I ask.
Message permalink: 710348794893434921
BAD Levers are bad, the idea of using a finger in the trigger guard to drop the bolt on a loaded mag is a ND waiting to happen
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@Cannibal1-1 utter nonsense. It needs to be trained with by people who aren't retarded. But calling bolt releases in trigger guards safety hazards is exactly why fat cops shoot themselves cleaning their glocks and think it's a design fault.
Message permalink: 710378537520988190
BAD levers may have actual mechanical problems but that is an operator deficiency
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Applying latteral pressure to a small stob inside the trigger guard infront of the trigger is just begging for a ND, especially when factoring in the sudden shift in mass as the bolt goes home
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Yes, experience with them can mitigate the risk as with anything but it is generally a good idea to keep none trigger related functions out of and slightly away from the trigger and trigger guard area
Message permalink: 710386307213557781
Yeah it makes you faster but I wouldn’t trust it on a duty rifle. Maybe if you’ve trained it exclusively
Message permalink: 710429718326804501
They cause extra wear on the bolt catch sear, leading to bolt catch failure, premature bolt drop, and a variety of other mechanical problems. They also actively cause nd's. People say they won't, then they nd in front of me at the range because their feelings can't override natural human clenching reflexes.
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Message permalink: 710463607980163163
I appreciate the information. Thanks guys
Message permalink: 710466238664409178
I know all of this.... yet I still want the CZ Bren 2 with a booth catch release in the trigger guard lol
Message permalink: 710466427290910821
Bad levers basically do the opposite. After a while, you no longer have a bolt catch at all.
Message permalink: 710471888249552949
Guys faster than you'll ever be use standard controls... practice is worth more than any novelty crap 🤷♂️
Message permalink: 710474106952351905
If you want to increase the ease of use of your rifle, I suggest the geissele maritime bolt catch. It's much easier to hit without adding bullshit to break off in your fire control group
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Tactical drug rug hoodie are a thing
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Just needed to say, that I hate BAD levers. I'm not worried about dropping a mag or NDing, I just think they're dumb, they get it the way and another thing to get snagged on.
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Marketed to range operators
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I've never seen how a BAD lever can cause excessive wear on the BCG or anything else. Training issues though, I can vouch for that one.
Message permalink: 710520065648230441
Question to my armor lads; looking to get a new vest, and i want something that is comfortable to train in (physically, not just range) Whats everyone running? pros/cons? im about 5'11" 215lbs for reference
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Minimal style or full coverage?
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@EDDSkitz id prefer full coverage.. im honestly thinking about getting another IOTV for cheap just for this purpose
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I'm partial to crye and first spear stuff... CPC is nice e because of the support structure
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But sounds like you're not trying to spend on a nice carrier?
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Another spot where im torn; when i do get another nice carrier, id rather it only be for training days at the range and stuff, not necessarily the vest im wearing to go on a long run or roll around in the sand with
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I mean, you wanna train in what you plan on fighting in... a good carrier will take the abuse
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@EDDSkitz you mentioned crye, do you run a JPC?
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Actually I'm due for an upgrade, running an old TAG full coverage carrier. I dont like the JPC. I was looking at the first spear AAC, but they have been out of stock for a few months. Probably because they just got a military contract and are running production for that. I've tried both the AAC and the crye CPC, I like both.
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The JPC is a minimalist carrier though
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im gonna poke at all the Crye gear again now
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sooo many places are working with a 2 month lead time for new orders now
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They are super top notch stuff if you have the cash... the only reason I was looking and waiting on the AAC is the buckles. Would've spent my trump bucks on it, but decided to wait and see if they came back in stock. Replaced my RMA plates with some level IV hoplite plates instead.
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Thinking of a 10/22 as my first gun when I get state side, not really done much shooting except clays and a 22 would be cheap to learn the fundamentals right?
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Where you coming from?
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