(id: 470383814544326666)
01 Jun 2020 13:41

855A1 is technically AP, as are black tip though 🤷♂️
Message permalink: 717009956083335220
a project by Left Coast Right Watch News
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855A1 is technically AP, as are black tip though 🤷♂️
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Of course their definition of ap is fucked so there's a few rounds you can't buy anyway even though they're not armor piercing, like m855a1
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I can get A1... the issue is if the distributor found out my guy was selling them to me they would dump him
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You wanna talk about dumb, limiting class lasers to civilians
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Because of a1's construction, it fits their definition of ap. It's just a lead free, higher pressure m855 for the most part. Penetrates barriers better and gets better ballistics out of short barrels, but destroys barrels fast
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Yeah, that's why I keep mine in the ammo can.
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Eventually I need to pick up some more good ammo but for now I just have green tip in my pc because it's the cheapest barrier blind stuff there is
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I'm less concerned with penetrating armor and more with objects like cars and walls... people with good armor is actually rare by the numbers.
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Look at all these riots, how many have you seen in PC?
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The only people in pc's who aren't police are busy providing medical aid or washing graffiti off of stuff
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Or protecting businesses
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That's why I'm leaning towards special threat plates. Anyone who has anything hotter than 5.56 is probably not going to shoot me.
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Granted I don't plan on putting myself in a scenario where I'd get shot at but
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Yeah, luckily so far the rioters haven't been shooting much
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Even the cops don't carry anything special, and they mostly run short barrels
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I'm glad to be in Oklahoma, away from major cities right now. There's talk of riots moving into the suburbs
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I'm in Delaware, it came to the suburbs yesterday morning
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I'm actually in a rural area south of the main cities and we had cops sitting in the center square if town and 15-20 at the local Walmart
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Both malls in the state got hit
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And groups were just driving around to random shopping centers looting.
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People like to talk about fuck around and find out, but if I'm at work, there's Jack shit I can do about rioters breaking into my house
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I took off work today
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Eventually when I have my career going and a house that I own, I wanna fortify it. Long screws in the strike plates, shatter proof windows, security system, the works
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The best thing with windows is the film... cheap enough to do on rentals, and works good
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I'm living in an older house right now while I take class. It's mostly built like a rock but the windows are old. Like, wood on wood sliding windows with single panes. Built around the 50s or so
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The film is basically window tint...
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Everything around here is older farmhouse style, even in town
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How much does this stuff typically run?
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Luckily my place has had upgraded windows installed.
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I'll have to keep that in mind when I get my own place. I'll only be living at my current place until around December at the latest. I'll definitely want to get double pane windows too. My parents got some and it cut their electricity bill by a massive chunk
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Yeah, they definitely make a difference
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I started thinking about shatterproof windows right after lemp happened. Supposedly they threw a flash through his window
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Shutters that can be closed and locked from the inside
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That film will stop that, not on single pane stuff, too easy to just take the whole window out
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But newer vinyl windows for sure
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My parents used to have shutters. They attract wasp nests like crazy
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I mean on the inside
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Not on the outside of the house
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They've been sold out if stuff for a while now though
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Same with first spear
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Early bird gets the worm
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I have friends in HK due to some things I do... don't believe the mainstream media about them... they are the equivalent of antifa. They say "democracy" but antifa also says they want "freedom" too... only their flavor
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I have a hard time believing the HK protesters that don’t want anything to do with communist China are somehow communist ANTIFA
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I do bet there’s a shit load of government spies that start shit on purpose to justify more force from the Chinese government
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What do you do for work?
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Do you need mags and medical or is it just for emergency protection?
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And budget ^
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Hey does anybody have that pic of the AR manufacturer tiers
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There any good looking carriers in Black Multi for 11x14 plates? 🤔
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Both have problems but it's a good place to start
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I'd typically say if you want a serviceable rifle, go bcm or solgw. If you want good but don't want to build, go knights, radian, lmt. I personally only custom build mine
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The second image has major problems but the creator knows hodge exists so there's that
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I'd say ask @Crye Salesman They know way more about this stuff than I do
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Cross machine and tool could probably go up one and stag could go up one or two. I would trust stag over ruger and sw as far as primaries go
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@Confused my fucking guy ty
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Wilson should be A imo but that’s because I’m shilling for Arkansas. They get an F for uppity-ness though
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I would probably rank rock river arms around the same as aero. Also PSA should be bottom tier With anderson.
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I've seen both anderson and psa. Anderson is worse
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I know, hard to be worse than psa
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Fair enough
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Wheres diamonback on that?
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I figured lmao
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J got one pretty cheap but I have about 1000 rounds through it and have no issues and awesome groups
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Glad it’s working for you
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where would triarc and zev be on that list :thinkRoll:
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Thats the thing they dont have good qc just because 1 out of 500k wors means next to nothing
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Also tbe bottom of your mag well is flat
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It should have 0 flat points and be chamfered to help with reloads
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My anderson is the same way
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They are not just as good
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Views on 6.8 for the boog? I bought a stag arms ar-15 in 6.8 SPC. Is it good or am I fucked?
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Stag arms, Oof. 6.8 is fine, you just can’t share ammo with the homies
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hey crye where would triarc and zev be on that list in your opinion?
Message permalink: 717192531971932220
Triarc is either the top tier, or one below that, depending how you like to rank these things. Zev would probably be one below then as far as zev complete guns, but it should be noted they are an OEM manufacture for other high-tier brands, like Hodge
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Zev's forged receivers seem about as good as forged can get. No wobble and has a hole drilled for wedge lock rails with anti rotation pins
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I've got my eye on the billet noveske receivers though. They look good but not edgy like some other billet receivers
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Checkmate NVG users, I don't need an IR illuminator
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let me just mortgage my house
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so i can afford these
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Those aren't even a super high end set either, and they are used
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😩 💦
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jesus fuck
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Here is the mega budget version of a Fused ENVG
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Budget my ass
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god thats sexy though
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hey guys
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if anyone wants affordable armor that isn't steel and is NIJ certified
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https://rmadefense.com/product/level-iv-hard-armor-plate-model-1155/ these are $126 shipped per plate with code BOONIEHATTIP (10% off)
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@marcuspinson if you want a helmet
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Galvion Viper is good at a budget
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https://www.galvion.com/products/viper-a3-high-cut-helmet only $380
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@marcuspinson well they're 10x12's. You can get the smaller sizes in the Level III+ plates
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