(id: 267136787397214208)
12 Jun 2020 18:06

@Sparrow Bro
Message permalink: 721062905730302012
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@Sparrow Bro
Message permalink: 721062905730302012
Message permalink: 721062932515127308
ACR is front heavy and has issues with reliability. But also a cool looking rifle.
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A 10.5” 5.56 scar with an ACR stock, I could see. That’s pretty much the only way to run one where an AR isn’t better in every way
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Yeah i just wanted to stir the pot with that comment, I'll take my moist nuget and black powder rifle over an ar
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The ARX 100 is...meh
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Black Powder flintlock > every modern rifle
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There’s a reason it dropped in price significantly
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Isn't the ARX the stupid fish looking rifle?
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grug club > boom boom fire spear
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No, that's the FS2000
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Yeah, kinda looks like an ACR somewhat
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The FS2000 is the Bullpup fish
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It’s like a melted fat acr
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Fish Rifle ^
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I mean it looks cool and if you can find one for $600 I’d say go for it
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t u n a r i f l e
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lOoKs aRe sUbJeCtIvE
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Italians are weird and aren’t very good with ergonomics
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or military action
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> Italians are weird @Jon Irenicus correct
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Italian ^
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If you’ve ever been in a lambo you’d know exactly why ergonomics aren’t considered in anything they design
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mechanically functional, asthetically distinct, it's all there
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"sir, but what about the ergo?"
Message permalink: 721064227103834265
"what's that?"
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"Fuck em"
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*wind power for braking at highspeeds*
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"Ay Tone, lookit these wise guys ova ere complainin' about their "erganomics" or sum dumb shit!"
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@«grëžgöv» that's new york Italians different Wacoal
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I know
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i'm just making a goof
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Does anyone else shoot long range?
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not well
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Would you interested in improving?
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Im here to help
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I think the few times I tried it I didn't do so well because I didn't zero the optic for myself
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Yeah that might be a small problem
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it was somebody else's rile
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I was better with irons on the other rifle I used that day
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got some good hits at 100 yards with a 30-30
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not so much luck with a 30-06 with an optic
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Nice, ive been trying to find a use for my knowledge on long range shooting. Not too many people seem interested....
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I always like to collect new information
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plus long range is something I'm interested in
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Do you have a rifle/caliber in mind for going long range?
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generally I prefer some 30 caliber rifle
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That’s because most of what people imagine happening, long range would be a very niche application, and it’s pretty damn expensive if you want to do it right
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Would coated rounds in pmags resist water damage well enough for long term vehicle storage?
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Yes. But might force optic
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Is worth the cost sink fallacy
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Yes @Azmuth
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Ive got a couple of out of the way cubbies on the truck but its humid always down here
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@Crye Salesman i have rifles to share. And with some training i think most people could ring steel at 800+
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Well I was just saying that’s why there isn’t a ton of interest in this community
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Thats fair, but even your standard ar can probably do 600. And its not hard to learn some basic breathing control to improve your accuracy
Message permalink: 721067124847804437
I dont imagine training and outfitting people to be "snipers" i just want to help improve people's accuracy and shot placement
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Teach them to make shots count
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Any tips for longer range are greatly appreciated. Furthest I've reached out was around 400 yards. Had to get rid of my old rifle but recently bought a savage axis 308.
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I've got an Aero 10 for deer and hog hunting
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never really got into distance shooting much
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90% of long range shooting is learning control of yourself. Learning to control your breathing will significantly improve your accuracy
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If you need specific info for a rifle or ammo im always happy to try and help with that as well
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@[OK] Loki your savage axis should be good to 800 with a decent optic. The onmy issue i see with thos rifle is the recoil lug placement
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I’d love to do some long range shooting but my longest shot in my backyard is 200 yards
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@[MI] LawlessHawk I would be more than happy with 600. Not alot of places around here to shoot further. What optic would you recommend.
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@TacticalBeard *laughs in 22,000,000 acres of BLM land*
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Id suggest leupold or nikon. They both have a lifetime warranty and are both good glass. Anything around 4Ă—12 or 6Ă—18 would easily get you to 800
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Where you at in hawk im down by port Huron
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South of battle creek
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If you want to do a range day id be more than happy to bring some rifles around
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Pretty sure Nikon doesn’t make scopes anymore 🤔
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Yea I think they stopped pretty recently
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Theyre website still has 150 different optic choices for sale?
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Fuck me, i guess your right
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Probably just selling there stock. Or maybe they reversed the decision. I might have to make the drive out that way one day, there a good long range range out by you ?
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Yea theres a few
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I can call and reserve us a stall at the range if we want to do a range day. Shouldnt be an issue
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Theres a 500 meter range about 45 mins south of me. If you're interested in something like that lets set it up
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My truck caught on fire so I need to buy a new one before I can make any trips lol. But definitely sounds fun
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Any ranges near you? I could make the drive
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Not that I’ve looked into I’ve always just shot at my house
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There’s a few a couple guys at work go to I might check out since his retro AR build and my AK should be done around the same time
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Bought this in 2015 and in the last two months finally outfitted it.......can't wait to finally shoot my PEW clack clack PEW clack clack PEW
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I love InRangeTV's mud tests.
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Roast my frankengu@
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